Kaisoo [Part 1]


Kyungsoo stepped out of the bathroom. The cool night breeze entered through the open window, embracing him. His hair was dripping wet and he was except for the towel that hung loosely around his waist. He ran a hand through his hair and let out a contended sigh. Suddenly, the room darkened noticably. Kyungsoo looked up in alarm. There next to the window, a man stood silently. 

"Wh-who are you?" Kyungsoo stuttered, still struggling to grasp how the intruder had entered his room.

The silhouette shifted slightly, his face hidden by the dark shadows  the engulfed him. With his tall figure forbiding the moonlight the enter, the room was pitch black. 

"What do you want?" Kyungsoo asked.

The figure took a step forward. The bright light immediately rushed in, lighting the room up instantly. Kyungsoo gasped in shock at the familiar face standing in front of him.

"Kai?" Kyungsoo asked warily. "What are you doing here?"

Kai pretended not to hear his question. He started walking forward slowly, each step somehow seeming so menacing. Kyungsoo gulped. Strangely, fear gripped him. He had no reason to be afraid of his favourite dongsaeng. He carefully took a step backward as Kai approached him.

"Kai... What are you... Why are you... Wh-wh" Kyungsoo faltered, visibly flustured.

Kai was only less that 3 steps away. Kyungsoo stumbled backwards, trying to stay away from Kai. But Kai moved forward, pushing Kyungsoo against the closet. Kyungsoo's rubbed against the hard, wooden closet. He tried to move away but Kai pressed his body against him, trapping him in between the closet and Kai. Kyungsoo squirmed uncomfortably as Kai's hot breathe came in contact with his skin. He struggled, trying to get away but Kai was surprisingly strong.

Suddenly, Kai lifted his hand and gently carressed Kyungsoo's face. Then, he lifted Kyungsoo's chin and leaned in. Kyungsoo's eyes widen as Kai started kissing him passionately. He desperately tried to pull away but it only resulted in Kai pushing in even deeper. Kai nibbled gently on his bottom lip, begging for entry. Kyungsoo refused. But stubbornness does not work on Kai. He reached up and tugged on Kyungsoo's hair, causing him to gasp loudly. Kai quickly slipped his tongue into Kyungsoo's mouth.

His tongue worked expertly, exploring every nook and cranny of Kyungsoo's mouth. Kyungsoo let out a soft whimper as Kai pulled him closer. It was so soft, barely audible. But with his lips pressed onto Kyungsoo's, Kai could feel ever vibration he produced. Kyungsoo sowly gave in and stopped struggling, allowing Kai to kiss him freely. Kai took great advantage of the situation, moving his lips along with Kyungsoo, taking in every bit of his mouth.

Kai continued the kiss for a while more, before finally pulling away for air. Kyungsoo stood there, gripping the edges of the closet, panting for air. Kai leaned in once more and planted a quick kiss on his forehead, before pulling the door open and disappearing into outside world.

~To be continued~

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Chapter 9: totally liked this!! =]

though I definitely a ChanSoo shipper... Kaisoo is pretty good too =] lol
Chapter 8: whoooaaaa Kai is soooo mysterious....
Chapter 7: chhhyeahhh!!! =]
Chapter 5: Luhan knows what he's doing heheh
Chapter 4: wooooooooohoooooo
Chapter 3: wooooow =] Hoya and Dongwoo hehehe =]
Chapter 2: ahhhh tricked lol it's alright.. our imaginations were running wild because of what you posted lol =]
Chapter 1: wooooooooow =] Myungsoo is all riled up because of the fan service... eccckkk lol =]