
Twins (Editing)


Annyeong~ It haven't been long have it? A week or two I believe? I dunno, I completely forgot. I know I said this a lot, but school is just a lot of work. I shouldn't even be doing this chapter right now but here I am, editing a chapter of my stories like I don't have anything better to do like say my arts assignment or even my debate competition which is oh, I almost forgot, is in three freaking days!!! *Sigh* Oh gawd... I'm soo stressed out... Oh well, we only live once so screw things. But anyway, getting back to this chapter, I only changed a bit here and there. I can't really think properly in my situation. I just joined my debate team two days ago, on Thursday and we're already going for competition this Tuesday. And to make matters worse, I'm the third speaker.... Oh gawd... I'm only doing these stuffs to release some stress and I'll completely be busy next week and the week after. I got the competition, exams all coming at me. I'm gooing to dieeee...

Enough rambling, see ya guys later in about three weeks. 


"Ah, so you're Kwangmin. Youngmin's younger twin" said the black haired doe eye to the said boy and his friend. All the while he's sitting on the cold, hard floor of the corridor leading to the cafeteria with his shirt totally drenched with juice. The doe eye boy was just walking around, searching for a particular red head for a few minutes until he wandered to the corridor he's in. He wasn't really looking where he's going, instead he was looking at his phone with the intent of calling the red head but his intent fall short as the other two wasn't looking where they heading. When two sides that are not looking in front of them met, they collided. And unfortunately, on one of the side, someone is holding a bottle of juice so the rest, are rather self explanatory. 

The doe eye boy's word seems to have quite an impact on Kwangmin as the said boy suddenly tense up at the mention of his older twin while Kwangmin's slightly shorter companion look confused.

The doe eye boy just flashes a smile at Kwangmin’s slightly shorter friend. "Annyeong~ you’re, Minwoo right?" question the doe eye boy, with a smile still carved in his lips. 

"Oh, how did you know?" replied the said boy, getting more and more surprised. First they bumped into this random guy who somehow knows a lot about Kwangmin and now this guy even knows his name?! Who the heck is this kid?

The said kid can’t but to slightly giggle at the question, this was all too good and fun.

"Well, who know" said the boy playfully with a smile too innocent to match his tone.

"Fine" pout Minwoo adorably. "But what's your name? It seems that you know our name, somehow, but none of us know you, or at least I don’t. Do you know him Kwangmin?'' continue the boy before he nudge the said boy slightly, snapping Kwangmin from his stupor.

"Y-yeah, what's your name?" Kwangmin stutters a bit, slightly startled from the slight nudge from his newly made and found friend.

The boy let out a small chuckle before proceeding to introducing himself, "Ah right, how rude of me. I'm-" but his introduction is halted by the sound of a group of people heading toward them. "Channie hyung~" screamed call out the doe eye.

It all happen in a flash, one second the doe eye boy was on the cold and hard floor alone, the next, he practically throw himself to a red head who effectively stop him by flicking his forehead to prevent himself from getting his shirt wet.

"Hyung~" pout the boy as he continuously rub on the slightly reddish spot in the middle of his forehead.

"Your shirt are wet Kyungsoo" justify the red head from the questioning gaze of the said boy even though the idea of being hugged sounds quite appealing to him. "And I have somewhere to go later remember?" said the boy, holding Kyungsoo's hand to prevent him from rubbing his forehead. "Babo, you're going to make it even redder" continue him.

"Who's fault is it again, Chanhee hyung?" pouted Kyungsoo, crossing his arms in front of his chest childishly.

"Yours and yours alone" answered Chanhee, earning an even more powerful adorable pout from Kyungsoo. "I have matters to attend to after this and I won't be there in time if I go back the house and change" justify Chanhee. Kyungsoo didn't seem to care as he flails his hand around and continue talking to Chanhee. The red head just let out a small laugh as he ruffles Kyungsoo's hair at the latter's childish antics.

Chanhee decided to take notes of his surrounding, noticing that most of the guys there are pretty much dumbfounded except for one certain new student who's all tense and stiff. Minwoo, noticing that Chanhee is looking at their direction, immediately began apologizing about Kyungsoo's condition.

"But-" Minwoo still can't shake the guilty feeling off him. He's so nervous that he didn't notice the fact that Chanhee just call him by his name and he didn't hear Kyungsoo telling the red head about him earlier.

"No but Minwoo, it's nothing. Like I said, I've foresee-n this and came prepared" cut Chanhee, handing over his bag to Kyungsoo who was quick to open it.

"Hyung, how did you get my shirt actually?" asked Kyungsoo, his eyes and face are filled with confusion and wonder and pointless awe.

"I just said that I've foresee this" explain Chanhee. “And what’s with the stupid question? I mean, you stole my closet remember?”

"You never wore half of the clothes you have in the closet anyway" justify Kyungsoo.

“Yea, yea whatever, we can talk all about this later but anyway, now that I've found you, let's go. I got stuff to do and you're going to Kai's house later remember?"

"What?!" Kyungsoo take a look at his watch, "Oh god, I'm late. Come on, let's go" Kyungsoo dragged Chanhee away.

"You're just meeting Kai but you're freaking out while I who's late for a meeting and will probably get chew by those old geezers, is not" stated Chanhee, earning a handful of Kyungsoo. "Aye aye, see you guys later" said the red head as he willingly allow himself be dragged away.

"What the heck did just happen?" asked one of the boys that came with Chanhee and a certain honey blonde boy who's all too familiar to Kwangmin. "Who the heck is that kid? He got Chanhee hyung all wrapped around his finger and practically at his mercy. I've never seen Chanhee hyung act like that to anyone. EVER, periods” continue the boy, excessively abusing the emphasized EVER.

"Other than Youngmin?" a yet another boy comes into the scene and asked.

And the first boy answered with a simple, "Duh, obviously".

Donghyun just sigh are his two younger friend's action but decided to not say anything, instead, he just look at the two new transfer students that's been quiet ever since they arrived there. Youngmin in the other hand is just trying his hardest to not burst to laughter as Jeongmin's and Hyunseong's assumptions are getting more and more ridiculous. But when they come to the conclusion of Chanhee and Kyungsoo are together, he just lost it and burst to laughter till tears form in the corner of his eyes.

"Youngmin-ah, you're alright?" asked Donghyun but the said boy can't even reply as he was laughing so hard.

After about a minute of Youngmin's sudden laughter and the weird look from everyone else there to him, he finally regains his composure. Noticing the slightly judgmental look from the others, Youngmin clear his throats as he wipes the tears that form on the corner of his eyes. 

"Okay, okay, I'm fine" said the blonde, "First of all, Chanhee hyung and Kyungsoo hyung are anything BUT 'together' "explain Youngmin, complete with the air quote on the word together.

"Oh and how exactly do you know that? It's not like you know them, well you do know Chanhee but I don't think-wait, you know that kid's name so you do know that kid don't you?"?"

"Of course I do" simply answered Youngmin. "It would be ridiculous if I don't know Chanhee's brother now would it"

"It would actually, considering the amount of time you spend with him -Wait what? His brother?"

"Yup, Chanhee was adopted by the Do's, Kyungsoo's family when he was little. So yeah, Kyungsoo and Chanhee are family which is why it's impossible for the two of them to be together Jeongmin, Hyungseong hyung" further explained Youngmin. 

"I never know that. Do you know that Donghyun hyung?"

​"No... I sort of know that he's close to the Do's but I don't know that he's their son, Jeongmin." answered Donghyun. "Youngmin, is Kyungsoo…"


"So I was right..." said Donghyun to himself

"Kyungsoo is what?" asked Jeongmin, feeling slightly irritated that he's being left out.

"Kyungsoo is the dean's son" answer Youngmin in Donghyun’s stead. "But no one except me and Chanhee and Kyungsoo and obviously the dean himself know that, so how did you figure it out?''

"I've entered the dean's office before and I saw a couple photos of Kyungsoo in there"

"Ah... That make sense I guess" conclude Youngmin, bringing his phone out to check the new text. "I don’t like this..." mumble the blonde moment after he read it. But he decided to follow it anyway, since well, you only live once right and he knows better to do as the redhead say or suffer the wrath of the redhead. "Anyway, Chanhee hyung said something about we should go somewhere and get comfy as we get to know each other since we'll need it for whatever thing that he have planned ahead of us"

"Yes he did Hyungseong hyung, and all of you should knows better to follow his order" "Oh and Minwoo" Youngmin suddenly call out for Minwoo who's super nervous and stiff for unknown reason. "He said that you and him should get together to talk about something" YOUNGMIN pass the red head's message on. "Enough of this, let's go to the stuco room. I still got some work to do"

"Yeah, I need to sit down a bit and process the information" agreed Jeongmin.

Youngmin did a motion with his finger for Kwangmin and Minwoo to follow them. And follow them Kwangmin did, he follow the student council's member lead which soon led to an accident that slowly but surely mark the beginning of their story.





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Chapter 12: I understand what you're going through. My bestfriend used to do that before we became friends. She used to fall in depression a lot and ,believe it or not, me and friends helped her to stop. I know you'll think none of your friends would ever dare to do what we did to my bestfriend, but WHO KNOWS? Maybe there's someone between your "friends" who is really nice and maybe he/she is willing to support you and not to judge you.

Always remember, you'll always have someone who has your back. Always protecting you, always supporting you, always helping you... If none of your friends want, then you have your family and you have us.

Author-nim, we are willing to listen to you and support you. We are here to support you, no matter what your decisions are. And whenever you need someone to talk to, WE ARE HERE FOR YOU. Please take care <3
PinkHolic0205 #2
Chapter 10: TT_TT I have been waiting for so longggg for the next chapter ;~; But It's ok, Author-nim hwaiting !! Hope u'll comeback soon. I love ur fic :x Goodluck to you ♥
I read this fic before sleep, so I have a dream similar to this fic HAHAHA!!!!
I want to read relationship among twins more, please~~
because it seem so fast that they have step in to brother.
You don't understand something? Could you tell me what you don't understand? Maybe I can elaborate it better for you XD
sheelalim #5
Chapter 9: Woah I don't really understand this story but it's quite cool. Update soon please!