Out of The Darkness


I think it was a fated meeting between you and me. I couldn’t help to reminiscing those day when we first met, dear you.


It was a cold night. There’s no snow but the freeze seeping through your flesh. Strangely, this guy kept walking on the pavement with no destination, enjoying the darkness of night. He was about to see the sky when suddenly a girl fell onto him. Yes. Fell from the sky.

“OUUCH!!” “KYAAA!!” They both screamed in unison. This is my fault! I should have calculate where should I land!—the girl thought. She quickly got up and about to help him when she awed at his face.

“Ouch! The hell are you doing?! How come you fell..” he stopped talking and swallowed the words he wanted to say and realized the strange thing in it.

“H..how could you fell.. from the sky? Or were you fell from a tree..”

But there was no tree nearby..

“I do fell from the sky. I am.. a fairy from heaven.”

After he heard that, his mouth was opened and then he slapped his own face to prove that was a dream but unfortunately, it wasn’t.

“Are you kidding me? Alright just forget about it. Go back to your home kid..”

“I told you I don’t have a house since I just came from heaven!”

He could only give a disbelief stare and soon leaving her. She thought it was hopeless to get a help from him and ended up sulking on the bench. When Yoseob looked back to see her, his deepest heart told him not to leave her. Does she really have nowhere to leave? Is she really a fairy?—he thought. He stopped walking and then stepped back. They both were staring at each other for a while before finally he reached her.  He held out his hand towards her while rolling his eyes. The girl’s face got brightened up and finally grabbed his hand. She never thought this guy would have a warm hand.

“Your hand is warm” her plainness flattered him a bit. How come she said that easily?

“I put them on my pocket. You should do that too.”

“I don’t have any..”

“Alright..” he grabbed her hand and out them on his pocket. Both of their blushing face faced each other for a while and then walked again. He’s really something, she thought.


-Chorong’s POV-

We stepped into his apartment. I was surprised how neat it is. The fluffy sofa welcomed me as I enter the living room. I couldn’t forget the warmth, the scent... Why do I care about it anyway?

He sat on a sofa and gestured me to sit in front of him. He put his serious face now as I am a criminal that was caught by the cop.

“Your name..?”

“Chorong. Park Chorong in human’s world.”

“Ok, Chorong. My name is Yoseob. Listen, I’ll only let you stay here for a day only. Only tonight!”

“Eee? Then how will I live tomorrow?” I mumbled, or I may be I should say I pleaded on him.

“Do you really have no acquaintance on earth?” I shook my head frustrated. Of course I don’t have any since I was jailed there. I began to put my puppy eyes on him and I could see him thinking very hard. Then he let out another words, “Ah.. I’ll ask my friend then. I hope she can accept you.”

I couldn’t handle my happiness and so I jumped to him and hugged him. But then I was dazed. I never felt this kind of feeling before. It’s just an ordinary hug, but why I don’t want to loose my grip on him. I stopped when he pushed me lightly.

“Uhh.. mm.. So, can you tell me about yourself?” he blushed a bit and cleared what he had said. “A fairy I mean..”

“Well.. as you see, we’re not that different at all, right? The thing is, we have a special power. Our power is light.” I held out my hand and focusing my mind on it. After a while, it glowed. He couldn’t hide his surprised face while looking at my hand.

“Fairy’s power is light, meanwhile our enemy is Darkness. Their power has grown recently that’s why I ran away here to escape from them.” His serious face was shown up once again. But I could see his pitying look a bit.

“It must be though for you.” He patted my head. I don’t know why I like the way he did that. My heartbeat kept racing faster and faster. “You better go to sleep now. You can use my bed for now, I’ll sleep here.”

“Ah no! Let me sleep here. I’m the one who visit this house right?”

“No. You sleep inside. Or I’ll drag you there.”

“Okay okay I’ll sleep inside. But, is it okay?” He passed through me without responding a thing. He then back with a pillow and a blanket. I slowly walked to his room and my foot stopped. “Good night” was spat out as I turned back and shyly went into the room.



-Your POV-

 “So Eunji, this is Chorong. And Chorong, this is Eunji”

She waved at Chorong with friendly manner. For fairy Chorong, she was afraid with human a bit because she never interacted with them but after seeing Eunji, she felt like she will get along with her.

“Seobie oppa, is she an orphan or something? How do you find her?”

“Haha no! She’s my cousin. Well, I could say a relative.” He laughed a bit to escape from the awkward situation.

“Ah I see. She can’t live with you right? Let me handle this.” She showed her trustworthy face as if she’s reliable enough.

“Thank you very much Eunji. I don’t know how would I pay..”

“Shh! I’m happy to help!”

“Thanks again. And Chorong, be good with her.” He gave a worrying face, hoping the girl would never show her different side and

She nodded at him and then stared each other for a while. This is it, she has to say good bye with the kind guy even though she didn’t like it. He patted and ruffled her hair before saying good bye and leaving her.




After having fun talk with and got the information about Yoseob’s work place from Eunji, Chorong sneaked into his office. But she was scolded and kicked out so she couldn’t help but waiting outside the building. It was quite long until the guy appeared with a shocked expression, as she expected.

“What are you doing here?!”

“I want to see you, is that wrong?” she pouted.

“How about Eunji?”

“She’s very nice! She even letting me went here right?” The innocent girl grinned widely. “Err..can you please accompany me practicing? I have to hide my power so you’re the only one who knew it. And I want you to help me improving my ligh...” he shut hurriedly while looking around to make sure no one has heard it.

“Okay okay I understand! Stop talking about it in public!” he patted her head. Chorong found it soothing how he treated her up until now.

“Yes sir!” she saluted to him.

“..and I really want to walk with you again, that’s why...” she smiled shyly. They walked together with pink blush painted on both of their cheeks.




Days have passed as both of them grew their feeling towards each other bigger and bigger. Even though they didn’t tell it, even though they knew the boundary, their heart couldn’t hold it anymore. Chorong always wait for him at the same place and both of them having a fun dinner every night.

One day, Yoseob couldn’t find her at the usual spot where she always waits for him. This is obviously strange. He called Eunji and she said Chorong has left to do what she always does, waiting for him.

Did I do something wrong? Or something is happening to you? Chorong, where are you?

When he about to rush to some other places, a girl suddenly grabbed his arm. That girl examined him from head to toe then sniffed his scent. She then yelled, “I smell Chorong unnie! Where is she now?” To find someone who knows Chorong is indeed strange. He questioned her.

“I’m Namjoo, her sister. I was from..”

“You’re one of heaven’s rulers?”

“How do you know? Ah if Chorong had told you about heaven then..you must know this,” her tears dropped little by little. “The Darkness.. is seeking for her.. Please! Bring her back! I don’t want her to sacrifice herself to stop this war..”

“…I understand. Let me handle this,” he said then without hesitation. His feet moved by themselves to the  place where they always practice together. But there’s no one. The frustrated man fell to the ground. Tears were running on his cheek. He has just realized that he never want to be separated with her, ever.

“Where are you Chorong?” he cried. Suddenly, something appeared next to him. It glowed, and the glow was getting bigger and bigger. He stepped in and found out Chorong in front of him, with a wet cheek that was passed by tears.


-Chorong’s POV-

I was practicing alone at the usual place when something strange happened. Suddenly grey clouds came and that place became dark. But the dark wasn’t a usual one. It was very dark that I could see nothing. When I tried to grow a lit, I saw it. The Darkness.

I tried to run away but it was useless. There’s no other way but to fight. It isn’t easy at all as the darkness surrounded me. The lit couldn’t hold any longer. I think it’s time for me to leave. I have a sister anyway, and I know she could manage it to be a queen. Yes, the Darkness only wants my blood after all. But.. no! I don’t want to leave this world! I want to be with him!! Yes him! And also Eunji. I have to survive. Yoseob, please help me!

Suddenly a bright light shining in front of me, and someone appeared from it. I couldn’t hold my tears anymore. He is here. He rushed to me and hugged me tight.

“Hey, don’t ever think to give yourself as a sacrifice. Your families need you. Their lives are in your hand. Don’t ever think to leave them. Besides, I don’t want you to be disappeared from my life. I need you Chorong.”

Something burnt my heart. It then gave me a power, a very powerful one. How can I forget about it? Fairy’s power comes from their beloved one. Those powers will be in its best phase when we love someone and when we want to protect our precious ones. I’m really grateful to have such family, to meet Eunji, and to be with you, Yoseob.

A blinding light seeped out from our interlaced hand. It was very powerful that in a minute the Darkness disappeared, I guess forever. For a moment, we were floating in the light, gazing each other. He brushed my hair and kissed me on my forehead. “I love you,” he whispered. The light disappeared and we were back to practicing place. There is no word coming from us, or I think we don’t need one. We walked back to face our reality, our destiny.

“Found ya, you two!” a girl yelled on us. I knew she might do this, right Eunji?

“Sorry to make you worried.. It’s kinda complicated,” Yoseob explained when he was still holding my hand. Eunji found it out and then smiled.

“Well I guess you guys have to treat me after making me worried,” we all laughed.




Hey unnie, I guess you have your own life now. We need you to lead us but it is useless right? He is your power. You need him to keep walking through.
As a fairy, I envied you for those powers you two have. I will show you that I will be a powerful queen, just like everyone expected it from you. I wished nothing than your happiness.



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Rolz0103 #1
Chapter 1: Hey! I'm a huge fan of both Chorong and Yoseob and i ship the both of them together too! This is the only story of the both of them where their a couple, thanks for the fic! Really enjoyed it! :)