Letting You Know

But I Love You

But I love You

Chapter Fifteen

Young Bae was scared.

As he drove Ji Yong away from the Choi household, he could see the instant sadness that settled in his son’s eyes. Besides the fact that things had to end between both nekos, what really worried him right now was the fact that Ji Yong could be in danger.

He didn’t know whether to tell Seungri or not, but hiding things never seemed to be a good idea. He was going to have to tell him, so Seungri could help him protect Ji Yong.

He was going to have to admit the one and only secret he kept from Seungri—and that was that he was still doing research. He was still in it, learning more, and experimenting—and Seungri was going to get mad at him for it.

It had been a while now, and time was not on their side. It was running out. Hee Chul was very aware that Seung Hyun and his parents were gone and he had immediately reported it. For that he had gotten slapped, and told to find him, but on the meanwhile, secure Ji Yong so that they wouldn’t lose both Neko’s. They were the only two Neko’s in the whole world that actually had parents, and had led practically normal lives.

All other neko’s and other beings spliced with other animal DNA had been surrogated into the machines, donated in eggs and . People had been generous, wanting money for it. So to Seon Woong, Ji Yong and Seung Hyun were currently the most important, behavioral and reproduction wise.

A revolution of integration in what he already predicted was the changes human race.

This brings us to the current time and place—The Kwon Residence.  

Daesung and Hyun Seung knocked on the door, waiting for a response. None came for a while, and for a moment, they thought that they were not going to receive an answer. But they kept knocking, for the sake of their brother Hee Chul, hoping for someone to open the door at least. “We should go,” Daesung said after fifteen minutes of trying, shoving both his hands in his pockets while looking around himself in distain.

It was a cold cloudy day, and he’d rather not be outside.

“Chill, I’m sure Ji Yong is here, I mean where else would he be?” Hyun Seung asked, knocking the door again. Daesung shrugged his shoulders, having no answer. It was amazing how little they knew about Ji Yong, but then again, the Neko was a very private person. It was difficult to even become his friend, and even then, it felt like they were kept at a length from getting to know him.

“I wouldn’t know, for being our friend, we don’t know much about Ji Yong,” Daesung sighed. Hyun Seung nodded his head, but it didn’t keep him from knocking on the door again.

Finally, the door opened, and Ji Yong, in pajamas greeted them with a forlorn look on his face. Probably the only stylish thing on the blond was that beanie of his, and the odd necklace that hung around his neck. “Hey Ji Yong,” both greeted, “Dude, we’ve been calling and texting you forever and you never answer! So we decided to come and stalk you,” Hyun Seung said, throwing in a slight wink.

“Go away,” Ji Yong muttered; about to close the door, but Daesung stopped him by placing his foot at the bottom. Ji Yong nearly growled. 

“Are you okay Ji?” Daesung asked, concern lacing his voice as he tried to push the door open further.

“I’m peachy,” Ji Yong gritted his teeth, “Back off,”

“Someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed,” Hyun Seung muttered, and shoved the door in completely by force, making Ji Yong stumble back.

“Hey!” The blond Neko protested, but Daesung threw him a smile and started to maneuver him inside as well. Ji Yong found himself tensing when Daesung’s hands touched his shoulders. He immediately moved away from him, feeling the hairs in the back of his neck stand on end, a sort of warning but to what? Ji Yong narrowed his eyes. “What do you two want anyways?”

“Like we said, we were worried when you didn’t respond back to our Texts and calls,” Daesung said. “We sent you several that said that we would come over if you didn’t answer. Guess you didn’t see any of them,”

Ji Yong shook his head. “I had to look away from my phone; I was expecting different texts and calls.”

“Is that your way of saying that you don’t love us Ji Yong?” Hyun Seung asked as he took a very welcomed seat on the couch. Ji Yong, being the territorial creature that he was, nearly growled at how liberal both Daesung and Hyun Seung were being. He had not invited them to anything!

“Who were you expecting?” Daesung decided to ask when he noticed that Ji Yong was just going to glare at them.

“My boyfriend,” Ji Yong muttered, “My future husband, my partner in crime, my other half, my one true love,” then he stopped, “And whatever other bull people come up with for their soul mates,” he then frowned. “What do you guys want?”

Hyun Seung and Daesung were looking at him with wide eyes. “You had a boyfriend!!” they cried, the shocked looks surprising Ji Yong a bit.

“Yeah…” Ji Yong didn’t like the ‘had’ part.

“But…” Daesung looked slightly crushed. Hyun Seung patted his brother on the back, being very gentle with him. Ji Yong walked around to the separate one person couch and sat down. He wasn’t sure how to take their reactions.

“What’s wrong?” he asked when he saw Daesung nearly in tears. Hyun Seung shot him a glare.

“Don’t act like you don’t know!” he hissed. Ji Yong stiffened, his ears hidden under his beanie nearly popping up to attention.

“Know what?” he asked, feeling utterly confused.

“Daesung has a crush on you” Hyun Seung indignantly said.

“Hyun Seung no!!” Daesung cried, trying to stop his brother when he realized what he was going to say. But it was too late, the words were said. Both men turned to look at Ji Yong. The blond was looking at them with a quizzical look on his face, one that told him that he didn’t believe what they were saying. “Umm…Ji Yong?” Daesung tried but the blond remained silent.

“Yeah?” the blond asked, slightly tilting his head.


“Forget it, I don’t care.” Ji Yong said waving his hand off.

Daesung felt his eyes water, “You don’t care.” He choked on his words. Hyun Seung nearly rolled his eyes at his brother’s acting skills.

Ji Yong noted the carelessness of his words and then sighed, rubbing his hands over his lap as he tried to think of how to make things better. “Look Daesung, I don’t want to hurt you…but”

“But you are going to hurt him,” Hyun Seung bitterly said. Ji Yong had never seen him like that before, and nodded his head.

“It’s not like I mean to hurt him. Getting crushes can be tough because in the end they crush you if you are not careful with your own feelings and…then they consume you,” Both Hyun Seung and Daesung could see the pain in Ji Yong’s eyes. He was hurting as well. Daesung got to his feet and approached Ji Yong.

“I understand that you don’t want to hurt me because although I feel one way you feel another…and you had your boyfriend who you say you are no longer together,” Daesung sighed, “No matter what, when you have feelings for another you can always expect a form of pain, ne,”

Ji Yong nodded his head, and got up, trying to erase the look of sadness from his face.  “Do you guys want something to drink or maybe eat?” he asked. Somehow talking about feelings had made him hungry.

“Some water would be fine,” Hyun Seung said.

“For me as well,” Daesung took a seat beside his brother, smiling up at Ji Yong even more.

Ji Yong nodded and dashed towards the kitchen. As soon as he was gone, both brothers turned to each other. “That was something,” Hyun Seung whispered lowly, in case Ji Yong was still within hearing range. There was no doubt that the neko was, but if he was distracted with other thoughts then maybe he would pick up on what was said.

“Well, I had to play on his feelings, otherwise he’d just completely shove us away,” Daesung coldly whispered, before crossing his arms. “I thought we agreed you would have the pitiful crush,”

“As if, I got a reputation with the ladies to keep,”

Both glared at each other and started to softly argue about the lack of love life that they had.

Ji Yong on the other hand was too busy munching on the large bowl of tuna that his papa had left for him. After his Dad had admitted what he had been doing behind his papa’s back, let’s just say things didn’t stay fun in their house. His papa was ignoring his dad and making large amounts of food, not talking to either one of them.

His dad said that his Papa was going through a thinking and weight the options period, but Ji Yong just wished both his parents would get along. It was already pathetic that he was sulking about and mourning the loss of Seung Hyun, even though he hoped that his mate would return. He knew that Seung Hyun would come back to him. But it was just that doubt-- that pesky hopelessness that made him feel down.

Snatching himself some milk he drank a full cup before grabbing two cool water bottles and headed back to the living room where Hyun Seung was patting Daesung’s back. Oh, and now this. The fact that he had someone else that had a crush on him—something that would otherwise be bothersome, Ji Yong couldn’t help but to think that they were lying.

The way that his hairs all stood on point alerted him of something. He didn’t want to be near Daesung and Hyun Seung. It wasn’t that same feeling of wanting to avoid a friend, it was more of a feeling of I need to get away and fast. “Here you are,” he said, handing them each a bottle.

“Thanks Ji Yong,” Daesung smiled brightly. Ji Yong nodded his head and went to sit down.

“So, tell us about your ex-boyfriend,” Hyun Seung eagerly started, making Daesung look at him with disdain, “Where is he at, why did you break up? What’s his name?” Hyun Seung asked without pause, “How come we never met him,”

“I rather not talk about that right now,” Ji Yong said, glaring slightly at Hyun Seung.

“Why not, obviously it’s bugging you.” Hyun Seung snapped his fingers as he realized something, “Bet he dumped you,” Ji Yong’s eyes widened in complete hurt.

“Hyun Seung!” Daesung hissed, pushing his brother slightly. “Stop asking stupid questions!”

“I’m sorry, I just wanted to know. I’m sorry if I said something bad Ji Yong,” he apologized. Ji Yong shook his head.

“Nothing wrong,” he said, his hand unconsciously reaching for the pendant that was hanging from his necklace. The pendant was odd, shaped like a bullet with small multiple purple jewels. Hyun Seung tried to think what it could be, why was Ji Yong holding it so meaningfully? His eyes narrowed briefly on it before he looked at Ji Yong again, offering an apologetic look.

“Why don’t we help take your mind away from your pain?” Daesung asked, his voice kind. “We can go out and have some really good friend fun,”

Ji Yong pursed his lips, thinking back to the time when he hung out with Seung Hyun and all the people that surrounded him. Seung Hyun had cool friends and family—and being with him getting to know everyone was so much fun. “No,” he muttered.

“Then why don’t we hang here with you and do the girly thing, eat ice cream, watch some sad drama?” Hyun Seung offered.

“Too late, Papa already did that with me,” Ji Yong said. Both Hyun Seung and Daesung gave Ji Yong worried looks.

“Then how about,”

“I don’t want to do anything,” Ji Yong huffed, “I mean, sorry but really, I’m feeling down and just want to be by myself. I don’t mean to be this horrible, but it’s hard to try and be pleasant when I feel down,”

“That’s understandable,” Hyun Seung said, but Daesung could tell that he was running out of patience in the fact that they were not able to lure Ji Yong out. They might have to take matters in their own hands and force Ji Yong, maybe knock him out. Just as the thought entered his mind, the door opened and Young Bae was walking into the house.

The man looked tired, and pissed off.

Ji Yong jumped to his feet. “Uh, maybe you guys should leave,” he said when his father walked towards the kitchen, shooting the other two a nasty glare.

Hyun Seung and Daesung numbly nodded their heads. “Sure, we’ll see you later then?” Daesung asked as he followed Ji Yong to the door. Ji Yong nodded his head, and opened the door.

“Sure,” he said.

“See you Ji Yong,” Hyun Seung said.

As soon as they were gone Ji Yong returned back to the living room to find his father there. “I thought I told you not to let anyone in,”

“Sorry dad, but it’s just Daesung and Hyun Seung…”

“We can’t trust them. We can’t trust anyone…maybe Dong Wook has the right idea,” Young Bae said. Ji Yong watched his father with saddened eyes. “We should pack up and move without telling anyone where we are going,”

“Will running away really keep us safe? Somehow they found us,”

Young Bae nodded in agreement, but he needed to believe that they could escape. He was just so stressed and concerned about his family’s safety that right now just about any thought ran through his head. It was the reason he couldn’t even work straight, and had been sent home early. “Be careful who your friends are Ji Yong. Dong Wook didn’t take Seung Hyun away from you for the reason to be cruel, but he’s well known and his son had been threatened. He loves his son and would do anything to protect him, as I would do anything to protect you. If they knew or followed Seung Hyun around more, they would have exposed you as well.”

“Whoever exposed Seung Hyun could find me as well then,” Ji Yong said, and then looked at his father, taking a seat beside him. “Dad, how can I tell what kind of danger I am in if you won’t even tell me about what we are hiding from?”

“Your dad will get mad if I tell you,” Young Bae murmured, letting himself relax a little.

“Papa is already mad at you,” Ji Yong pointed out.

“You’re right,” Young Bae sighed. Maybe it was better if Ji Yong knew what was going on. It would be better than his son having to be blind to everything. He knew the past might have come back to haunt him, so he was sort of prepared. He just wished Ji Yong was older, and stronger. God help him, but he was getting old and his son’s complete biology had changed- even his aging process. “Well it all started with President Yang…”

“Oh, wait,” Ji Yong got to his feet.

“What…where are you going?” Young Bae glared.

“Milk and cookies dad, I bet this will be a long story,”

Young Bae sighed. “You’re right, it’s long. Get me one of those sandwiches your papa prepared and a soda.”

Out of all the places in the world, Seung Hyun had not expected his father to bring them to America. Seung Hyun was amazed at how different, yet similar it felt here—wherever here in this city place and time was. Seung Hyun walked towards the balcony, munching on some meat. The view of the large garden and the pool was amazing. There was no doubt that his father could afford a lot given that he had all that money he saved from being a scientist, and then from their company.

But even though all this felt like some great adventure, Seung Hyun’s mind couldn’t help but go back to Ji Yong. It was nearly a nagging constant thing in the back of his mind that would make him feel frustrated and irritated with everyone around him.

He had not mean to, but he had snapped at several people already—and they had been nothing but nice. He had nearly bared his teeth at several that had tried to offer their hands in a nice greeting of handshake. That was why his parents had forbidden him from leaving the house or talk to anyone else. Not that it mattered, but Seung Hyun hated that buzzing of irritation that seemed to prickled through his brain and skin.

It wasn’t like him.

The only thing that he felt like concentrating on was going back home to Ji Yong. As far as he knew, everyone he knew, friends and family had remained back in Neo Seoul. He had heard his dad speaking with Siwon on the phone about keeping an eye on Hee Chul in case he went after Ji Yong and that just helped to make Seung Hyun that more uneasy. If anyone should be protecting Ji Yong, it should be him.

Even if it was nice to be here, seeing a new sight, he wanted to share this with Ji Yong.

He had talked to Bom about his plan to go back, but she had ended up backstabbing him. She had told his parents and now his papers were taken from him. Seung Hyun couldn’t leave the legal way even if he wanted to. He was stuck and there was no one but himself that he could trust with his own thoughts of escaping.

Not that he could think of any at the moment.

Seung Hyun finished eating and sat down, sighing as he watched the clouds wash over the sky, his thought turning to the bigger issue at hand.

His father’s past.

He was not the only one contemplating their father’s past.

Ji Yong sat comfortably as his father took a bite from his sandwich and swallowed, patiently waiting on him to tell him the whole of the story. “I’m going to tell you everything, from start to end…around the time that your papa conceived you, so pay attention.” Young Bae said, “I won’t repeat myself.”

Ji Yong nodded his head.

“It all started with President Yang first taking office,” Young Bae closed his eyes, God, he could still hear the presiden't voice echoing in his head, that one day that every scientiest was called to hear his speech. 

“Genetic engineering and Synthetic organisms, I want to be able to manipulate the human genetic makeup. I want to be able to fuse people with animals and take it a step further by fusing them with technology, and create the future super human” President Yang continued. “Give me clones, DNA alternations; show me just what all of you can do so we can reach this goal! And I will let you have the money for any further studies you’d want to pursue on your own and without questions! This is the time to form a new ERA! A NEW BREED. THE HUMAN RACE WILL SUCCEED”

“For this, I need all of you to agree!” President Yang persisted.”Together we can accomplish this and be legends!”

In his stead, and broadened goal, he now wanted to create a whole new human race.

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Chapter 23: Hey I caught up with this one too!! Now I'll just wait for new updates ;) !! It's truly intense how everything is in action!! and God who is Haru? I wish GD &TOP will have some times to catch their breath and enjoy their "retrouvailles" (could not find the right word in English sorry) but it seems that they'll have to end all this before they can. I wonder also what was the past relationships between Seon Doing and TOP new allies?? So finally you let me panting over cliffhanger after all those action scenes and with more questions than answers!! So I hope I would be able to read more soon!
PS while reading I had the crazy thought that the new humanity than SeonWoong was dreaming of or the speacy that GTOP would create when they would have kittens could have been the one of "We're meant to be"!!! Lol
danamon28 #2
so happy to see this fic get updated again
Hijiji #3
I will start reading this story right now and I'm so excited ???
Chapter 22: Seunghyun run. Get there fast. Your boi needs you!!
danamon28 #5
Chapter 22: Finally the cousins meet again.
Ughhh so on edge..
Hoping the new dominant behind Ji is who i expected
Thank you authornim..pls keep on updating..cant wait
Chapter 21: Wow! I just found your story and have been reading it all day. Wow wow wow. It’s freaking brilliant! The world you have created is so clear in my mind. And I’m on the edge of my seat about what will happen next. Thank you so much!
danamon28 #7
Chapter 21: Omg cant believe my eyes... yesss u update this
Thank you.. and fighting !!!
yuki_no_ #8
Chapter 21: OMG an update!
lucydod #9
Chapter 19: OMG you're killing me!!!! D; I'll try and be patient but it's so hard when this IS SO GOOD! *o*
Chapter 19: God you just made the tension grew up! !! Where in hell is TOP?!? It would be gid if he decided to make an apparence now... because female neko are killing fancy crazy and GD (&his cousins as well) could use the help ....
I still have some suspicion about Tablo true intentions toward papaYG ...
hehehe god initiative Bom!! Texting back Heechul ㅋㅋㅋ