That Tune

That Tune




With caution and despair, Ken gently laid his fingers onto the pearl, white keys. As soon as he felt the familiar feel of the piano, a tear escaped his eye. A sudden jolt of emotion coursed through him at that point. However, he carefully began playing a soft tune. A simple, sweet and familiar tune that brought even more tears to Ken's eyes.




“Leo! No! Don't go!”


“You can't leave me here all alone!”


Ken yelled this to the sky, who was crying. Little droplets of water mixing with his own tears as his frustration and anger got the best of him. Leo, his only friend that he tried so hard to make... left. Away from Ken. Away from their friendship.




Ken kept playing that sweet tune as his tears fell more and more with the sudden recollection of that memory. The tune was causing an even greater hole in his heart because this was Leo’s song. Leo wrote it. He remembered the exact reaction on Leo’s face once the melody was finally finished. He had worn one of his rare smiles that day.




A small ‘yes!’ could be heard from the corner of the practice room, where the piano was situated. Ken shot up at the voice. He knew exactly who it was. He quickly went over to the piano.


“So, are you done with the tune, Leo? Is that what’s got you all excited?” Ken asked with curiosity. Leo nodded with a tight smile on his face.


“Let me hear it! Let hear it!” Ken pleaded childishly. Leo chuckled, which surprised Ken, and nodded once again.


It was relaxed and melodic, yet gloomy and wistful. Ken was all wide eyes throughout the entire piece. He was absolutely captivated.


When Leo finished playing and looked up at Ken to see his reaction, he smiled even wider. Ken had his eyes wide open and jaw agape.  


“Did you like it?” Leo asked in a quiet voice.




“Are you kidding me? That was amazing!” Ken almost yelled. “Could you please teach it to me?” He pouted at Leo with puppy dog eyes.


Leo nodded with a smile after some thought.




Ken smiled through his tears at the pleasant memories floating through his mind. Although Leo didn’t really seem to show much emotion, deep down he really did care for him. Ken knew it. That’s why the tears wouldn’t stop.


Ken had spent days, weeks and months perfecting that tune Leo wrote. He wanted it to be a part of him. Something both of them could keep forever.


He continued playing that same tune. The melody that held all emotions for Ken. He became unaware of everything but the piano and himself. He ignored the tears pouring from his eyes, and became one with the music.


Then he froze, hands left in mid air and eyes opened wide. He turned around and standing at the door was none other than-


“L-Leo..” Ken said breathlessly. “Wait.. But I thought you were.. How did you..” Ken was all kinds of emotional, confused and surprised.


“I couldn’t..” was all Leo responded.


After some silence Leo said, “You were playing it. That tune.”


Ken replied with a small, “Yeah..” and hung his head low.


“I’m sorry.. I’m really, really sorry,” Leo said quietly, regretting his decision he had made to leave.


Ken looked up at Leo and smiled a bitter smile. “Then why did you? Why did you leave?”


“I didn’t want to.. I had to..” Leo mumbled. “I had to get away for awhile.. from all this moving from house to house, meeting different people and staying with them every two months, even though you always came with me and we’ve always had each other.. I think I just needed some space.”


“You could have told me.. You could’ve at least left a note.. Anything..” Ken said with less bitterness “You can’t just leave me here for a whole week without so much as a goodbye..”


Leo quickly went over to Ken and embraced him. “I know, and I’m sorry.. I’m really, really sorry..”



Ken nodded against Leo’s shoulder. They broke apart from their embrace and smiled at each other, the atmosphere finally releasing itself of its tension.


“Leo..” Ken said and Leo replied, “Yeah?”


Ken pointed to the piano with his head. Leo smiled and nodded.


They both took a seat on the stool in front of the piano and laid both of their hands on the keys in front of them. They started playing that tune. Together.


It was perfect.



Once they finished, Ken leaned up and kissed Leo's cheek. "Don't ever leave me like that again.." He said and rested his head on Leo's shoulder.




Leo laid his head on top of Ken's and mumbled, "I won't.. Ever.."




That's when everything was perfectly in tune.


So how was it? xD It was about 805 words so not that long :P I really love them these days omg.. ;; Well I hope you liked it! Oh and just fyi the italics in the story are either memories or flashbacks~ ^^ Just in case you didn't understand that! :) Please comment and subscribe! <3 It's much appreciated! :D


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Chapter 1: Very well written very well written
Chapter 1: Wow I love it it was very well written
Chapter 1: Ok this has got to be one of the cutest things I have ever read. There's not a lot of Keo fics floating around so I'm glad when I come across one. This was so sweet and short and to the point and I loved it so much. I almost cried at the beginning because I thought Leo had died and character death ALWAYS makes me cry. But yeah, there were tears of happiness at the end. <3<3<3
beRight_back #4
Chapter 1: Wow ;O; it was so asdjfklasdjf <3
I can't express myself... But I can't... ;w;
Waah! I think that Leo was dead ;w; I cry a little :c <3
I just love it ;u; <3 thanks!!!<3
Chapter 1: short but you managed to express ken's feelings for leo and his sadness when he left without telling him.
Mah feels for Keo... I just can't... ;;_;;
In the beginning, it distracted me. I thought that Leo left Ken by the meaning of deceased or something. I shed my tears even before reaching to the fifth paragraph lmao
It was great author-nim! Great work! ;;_;;
Chapter 1: My heart ;-; I thought Leo died then I started crying then Leo came and I was LEO YOU'RE NOT DEAD PRAISE THE LORD and then I was ok. Lol very cute and sad and sweet :D 
Chapter 1: awwwwwww :DDDD
pearlymind #10
Chapter 1: This was so good ,i really like it <3
Thank you :)