Star Island Mansion - Summer Rose


Are you free from the end of May to the beginning of August?

Would you like the opportunity to win $100,000?

Then look no further, all you have to do is stay in the beautifully remodeled Star Island Mansion.

Star Island Mansion was originally completed on May 31st, 1913 by architect Jason Rose. 

Come join us on May 31st for our 100th anniversary and learn the history of the house and how you could be the winner of the grand prize. 



The flyer above was posted all over Seoul but unbeknownst to the people who were entered into the contest they were the only ones who could see the fylers. 


Hello Seoneun here and I'm back with another apply fic. I know I have others but right now I'm only going to be focusing on this one along with In Plain Sight. Also if you're in to apply fics don't be afraid to head over to my twins fic and apply for her super awesome new girl group in STRIPE.


Here are a few rules before I head over and make the application. 

1) No hating on other applicants/characters. Have a problem hit up my pm.

2) Please be original AND realistic. Unfortunately a purple unicorn is not an appropriate apply character. Never had a problem with this and hope to never have one.

3) Please subscribe to this story so you'll be able to see any updates, also if you subscribe please don't unsubscribe if you don't get picked. But I don't require you to subscribe. 

4) Any questions about anything don't be afraid to pm me, I don't bite just anyone ;)

5) Please either comment below when you are done with the application or please pm me. 

6) 5 applicants will be selected and I am not creating a character for this one.



Also a little sneak peak into what this story is: Once the 5 contestants have settled into the mansion they wake to find themselves no longer in the year 2013. Some might even say the mansion isn't even in the same dimension. The group of 5 will be lead through several puzzles and mysteries in the few months they are to be living in the house. If the group fails to complete their mission on time they may risk staying in this altered dimension a lot longer than they planned .




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I really like the fic!