Special pizza delivery, with love


Special pizza delivery, with love.

On every single saterday of the week our woo hee will order a pizza and that's quite alot for someone who doesn't even like pizza's at all. she always orders from a specifiec pizzaria and hopes that a certain someone will knock on her door. 

Because woo hee has a crush on the cute pizza boy, lee byung hun.
Park Woo Hee the regular customer.

Park woo hee is a quite shy and quiet girl who loves 
to read and paint. She has a bubbly and cute personality 
that guys will fall for easily but she's also really clumsy and
careless times to times. she lives with her bestfriend in a 
small apartment.
Lee Byung Hun  the delivery boy.

This handsome boy is byunghun, goes by the name Ljoe
Ljoe family isn't really rich, realizing the hardships of his 
parents, he often works after school to earn money. He's
currently working at the Angels Pizza paradise with his
friend, chunji.



Lee Chan Hee            Song Ah ri        
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Ljoe's best buddy                          Woo hee's best buddy.





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