



You know what?
It hurts to let you go.
Since we got to know each other, we got along extremely good, it was like we had known each other forever.
But it was only one year, right?
One year...that are 12 months, 365 days, 8760 hours, 525600 minutes...
Somehow it seems less and less the smaller the unit gets.
It is a fact, that a year actually isn't such a long time if you look at how long a person's life is.
A year is never enough time to get to know a person completely, to really know everything about him.
A bitter smile spreads on my lips.
I only noticed now that I've never been good when it comes to interpersonal relationships.
Quickly I thought to know my partner...
But somehow I seemed to be wrong more than once.
You know what?
I've never thought that it could take such a turn.
I didn't think that something inside me would change.
Expressing feelings was never my strong point and so it was that I was always and always waiting.
Maybe something would change?
But what glued us together was only friendship, at least from your side.
If there was more?
I don't know.
Everything I ever really wanted was to be with you.
I never found the strength to tell you.
I always ran from telling you how I felt.
Now, that you have him it's too late.
He destroyed everything.
How often did we fight because of him?
Why can't you understand? It pains me to see you with him.
He's not good for you.
He tears our friendship appart...
And you don't even care...
You know what?
I honestly ask myself if I ever meant something to you.
Or was this one year worth nothing?

Now, in this moment we stand in the rain on the street, together.
Again a fight.
Loud, you scream at me, your voice trembles.
It is your fault that everything was destroyed!“
I look up at you, look in your eyes burning with wrath.
What do you mean by that?
Our relationship with each other?
That wasn't me.
I love you.“
Quietly, deafened even more by the rain those three words seem to be so unneccessary.
Now, where it won't change anything, I can say it.
Funny, isn't it?
Just leave us alone. I never want to see you again.“
As you turn around and walk away through the rain, I feel how the pieces of my heart splatter on the ground into thousand of tiny pieces.
That's how much I mean to you?
As you walk through the rain I broke down.
Because I need you...

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