The Spy

Conflict of Love

Taecyeon blinks his eyes as he enters the bright office of Mr. James, the head of the MI6 department. The older gentleman is on the phone when he enters and upon his arrival, Mr James whispers a few more commands into the phone before hanging up the call. "Ah, Taec. Take a seat. I have a mission for you."


"A mission, sir?" Taecyeon quickly takes his seat on one of the comfortable leather chairs in front of his boss' desk.


Mr James slides a folder over to him and nods his head. "We've got a call from Thailand this time. Apparently, a prince went missing. Nichkhun Buck Horjevkul." Taecyeon opens the folder up and begins to flip through the documents inside. Mr James continues to talk despite this. "It's been a week and the police there are clueless of his whereabout. So they call in Interpol."


"Then why are we handling this?"


"Interpol wants us on this case. No questions asked. That's why I call you in." Something about the way Mr James said it raises a slight suspicion in Taecyeon.


"Any leads on his sudden disappearance?"


"I can't say for sure. The royal family believes he was kidnapped. Possibly an inside job. Surveillance cameras caught a suspicious figure escaping the palace ground on the night of the incident. Your job is to find out why, how and where."


Taecyeon flips through a few more pages and finally finds the pictures taken from those surveillance cameras at the back of the folder. The figure is definitely male, with buffed shoulders and a lean build. But his face is hidden under a cap. His dressing is casual, a collared shirt paired with denim jeans and a pair of sneakers. He has a small bag on his back and he seems to know where he's going. 


"That's our 'victim', isn't it?" The big guy asks his boss. Mr James simply replies with a knowing look. Some things are not open for discussion, but Taecyeon gets the message clearly. The royal family wants to believe their son was kidnapped. But it's nothing more than a runaway-from-home case. "Isn't this too easy for me?" He chuckles softly. 


"That, I know. But we're shorthanded on agents right now. So right after you finish this little hide-and-seek game of yours and bring the spoilt prince back home, I need you on an immediate flight to Russia. International scale. It's the first on Interpol's priority list and I've signed you up for the mission. There's been evidence of major multi-billion investments into the creation of mass nuclear weapons. Apparently funded by America." This is a shock to Taecyeon and it sounds more exciting than babysitting a prince. But a mission is still a mission.


"Well, I'll end this fast." He says, indicating Nichkhun's case.


"Good luck, Agent." Mr James simply smiles back in return.


Sighing heavily, Taecyeon gets up from his seat, with the folder strapped neatly under his arms and bows to his boss, before leaving the office.




 "Taec!" A familair voice calls out to him the moment he steps out from Mr James' office. He swerves his head around to meet the caller.


Tiffany. The American-raised Korean vixen is standing before him in her usual lab coat, showing off her long legs with five-inches high stilettos. Her arms are crossed as usual and there's always a folder in her hands.  


"Hey." He greets her with his usual toothy smile. She smiles in return and says, "I've got new gadgets. Come check it out at the lab."


"It's only been a week since I saw you and you've already made new gadgets? Do you ever sleep?" Taecyeon teases her. She simply groans, rolling her eyes. They begin to walk over to the lab with Tiffany leading them. 


"I do. I'm still human, you know." She retorts without looking back at him. Taecyeon actually considers the possibility of that. Everytime he sees her, she is always so bubbly and cheerful. In fact, she rarely frowns unless he comes back with broken equipments and the only time she had gotten angry was when he returned from a mission in a badly damaged Rolls Royce. Forget damaged. The whole roof was torn off. The front passenger seat was gone and the engine was making odd noises. Anyone would have loved to murder Taec personally. A few people almost did actually They were mostly from the Gadget Department. 


"I somehow find that hard to believe. Anyway, how's life?"  He asks instead. She looks back at him this time with a shocked face. "Taec! It's only been a week. How much can my life change? I'm still a gadget scientist working for the MI6."


"Well, a lot can happen in a week. I mean, three days ago, I had ten guns pointing in my direction, and I thought, 'This is it', you know. My life could have ended three days back."


"But here you are." A small smile forms on her face as she closes the distance between them, eyes meeting with a warm intensity. Taecyeon always feels a little tingly inside whenever she looks at him like that. That 'I know you well' look. It feels like home really. He belongs in this department. 


"You know I love you right?" He mutters softly, causing her to blush.


"Like a sister? Definitely." She chuckles, giving his shoulder a light punch.


"Like a sister. Come here you!" He grabs her into his arms and gives her a bear hug. "Now, let's go see those gadgets. Do I get a car this time?"


"Even better." She grins in an evil way and Taecyeon somehow feels a twist in his guts. 




Ok Taecyeon has been working for MI6 since the age of 17, being chosen through his father's reputation as Boston's Chief Commander of the Police Force. But his job back then only revolves around desk work. It's all thanks to his well-built (and still growing) physcial appearance paired with his extroadinary observations skills that eventually landed him into field work. Now at 21, he is one of the top agents in MI6, having dealt with cases domestically and internationally in all forms. The missions that used to bring him joy are the ones involving high speed car chase and smoking hot babes. But after three years of daily field work, his desire for the fast and furious has gradually slowed down. Now, it's more of getting the job done fast and enjoying all the free time that's given to him. After all, for a top agent, death lurks around the corner more often than he expects. 


As of right now, Taecyeon is looking through the newly modified objects arranged before him while Tiffany explains what each item does.


"That's a voice-changing mint. It comes in peppermint and strawberry. I would prefer the strawberry." She remarks chirpily.


Taecyeon takes one mint and pops it into his mouth. "How do I sound now?" He asks in a girly voice, causing Tiffany to burst out laughing. "You sound like a little girl! But with a body like that...oh gosh~" She says, shaking her head. "That's the strawberry flavour. It makes you sound like a teenager. Or in your case...a child. The peppermint will give off a more mature feminine voice."


"I think I sound good. Mama~dada~" His voice comes out in a squeaky pitch, like a little girl just before she hits puberty. "What am I supposed to use this for?"


"I don't know. I guess when a kid gets scared of you, you can pop one strawberry in and strike a conversation." She says jokingly. He simply shrugs his shoulders in a chirpy way and picks up another gadget. "What does this do?"


"Oh, your voice! It's so distracting."


"Pay attention, Tiffany." He says with a serious face, but his voice simply spoils the effect. "Ignore me for a moment and explain this."


"These are X-ray lenses." Tiffany manages to explain, suppressing her laughter now. "You put them on like how you would wear contact lenses but---"


"It allows you to see through someone's clothes." Taecyeon finishes up the sentence for her. He suddenly feels excited about trying them on. Tiffany senses this excitement and quickly takes away the lenses from him. "Nuh uh! You can only use it during mission, ert."


"What makes you think I want to see beyond that sack you're wearing?" Taecyeon asks jokingly. She gives his shoulder a hard punch before moving on with the next item. "That's a laser device. It could slice through glass and any sort of metal except adamantium."


Taecyeon eyes her suspiciously. "Have you been up reading comics lately?"


"I'm human after all." She smirks at him. Taecyeon loves the way she uses her hands to flip back her long-flowing hair. It gives off a y feeling, but he slaps himself mentally when his train of thoughts brought him too far. She notices the conflict of his expressions and asks amusingly, "What are you thinking about, Taec?"


"Nothing." He lies, knowing that she would know he was lying. But there is nothing he could do about it. Their line of work involves the skill to lie.


"O~k....anyways, here are your suction gloves and exploding hairgel. You can use these gloves to climb up any sort of metal or glass surface. Sort of like...Spiderman? Yes, that's exactly it. You'll get to be Spiderman with these babies. And the exploding hairgel can destroy or damage anything it touches within a matter of seconds. So I advice that you use something else to handle it instead of your hands, unless you want to lose your fingers."


"Alright then." Around this time, his girly voice has disappear, back to his usual gruff self. "And you mention something about a car. In fact, better?"


"Well, Taec, here's what you'll be using for your next mission." A metal garage door opens up to reveal an old Buick, possibly a 1987 model by Taecyeon's observation. He frowns at it, thinking he's been fooled. "You said I'm getting a better car. I'm still not forgiven yet, am I?" He asks her, remembering what he did to the Rolls Royce.


"Well, I'm not sure about forgiveness. After all, all I did was stay up for three days and two nights straight to completethe modifications for the car. But I'm not the rightful owner." She retorts, faking a sweet smile at him. Taecyeon winces slightly at her words. "Anyway, this is a better car. I've modified it to reflect a cameleon. And you know cameleons can disguise themselves by changing colour. Well, this car can detect its surrounding and fade into it, rendering you invisible. But it won't help if someone accidentally bumps into it."


"That sounds cool. What else could it do?"


"Besides the invisibility, it has a turbo jet installed at the back, and the ability to heed your command. Say 'start'."


"Uh...start." The car suddenly turns on, revving itself up for the coming ride. "Whoa! It's like the Royce."


"That's because I've installed the voice recognition system from the Royce into this car. Here's the best part. If you end up destroying this car, I won't feel so bad. It's an old car anyway. It'll work wonders for your disguise. You wouldn't want people staring at you for the wrong reasons right?"


"You have a point there." Taecyeon admits, rolling his eyes at the triumph look on Tiffany's face. "Anyway, thanks for the hard work. I should get going now. I'm expected for another mission after I'm done with the prince."


"Good luck, Taec." She gives him a light hug and tells him to be careful, just like how they usually part ways. It leaves a sense of wanting to come back. Taecyeon returns her hug, gets in the car and drives off into the night.





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Chapter 24: Its been 4 years
ainto87 #2
Chapter 24: junhooooo :'(((((((( please dont kill him SOBS
Chapter 24: Poor Junho :(
I really do hope he will be ok and that he won't die!!

TaecWoo reunited once again! :D
mwslee #4
Chapter 23: I just find your story and already finished it! I just love it :)!! The way everybody is envolved with each other! The couple i love the most is Khunwoo offcourse! I really hope Woo can forgive him and can be together.. I know he had a past with taec but let's stay in the past. He can have a future with Minjun! And how about Chansung.. I totally love him, the way he cares for others.. I mean who would take just a stranger in.. I hope everything will work out between him and Junho.. Let him find Junho and help him through the cancer!

Thnx again for this story and i hope you will be updating this again! I will be looking forward to it!!
Just started this and all I can say is: TaecWoo > everything :p
Chapter 23: Yes! And the truth is out. Thank you Wooyoung for being who you are. You made this situation easier. And Chansung go on this search and find you man. Junho take the night off 'cuz God know you'll need it and thank you, thank you, thank you Junsu for taking the poor man in for the night. Even if he did try something your a trained officer and know how to protect yourself though I doubt that will happen. Please don't let Chansung find him hung over at Junho's place and misinterpret that. Well.. Anywho, can't wait for your next chapter to see what unfolds. :3
STupiem #7
Chapter 23: Chansung be strong ~<333
Chapter 23: Oh gosh, I hope Junho won't do anything he can regret later T.T update soon~ thanks~ chu~
hobuttlover #9
Chapter 23: yes, let's find nuneo!!!
Chapter 22: Seriously ... this is the most amazing complicated fiction I've read

From the very start it was awesome ★_★ how you put different stories and personalities for each one ★_★

and the best thing is that they all met through realistic way

I mean .. sometimes the author wants to connect the characters but finds a hard time to convince the reader .. especially if the characters are in different places

But you're amazing cuz they all met in a convenient way

I loved Minjun's character
It's absolutely amazing and he is soooo manly and work with the hottest man on earth ♥_♥
Khun is sooooo pure >< he is new to this world and suddenly meets the most beautiful poor man ever ♡♡♡♡♡
Junho is in love with the most sensitive guy Chansung ♡♡♡

I have to say ... I loved the action when Minjun and Taec were taking Wooyoung to the hospital and he then ran away
That was awesome

WooHo friendship is there ♥♥♥♥ which I love very much
I'm a WooHo shipper .. so as long as they appear together either lovers or friends I just love it

About the last chapter , Junbros meeting wasn't expectable !!!
I really didn't see that coming
Junho is in Munjun's ???
I'm sooooo existed to know what will happen ><

I can't wait for the update

And thank you thank you thank you for this fiction