Part 2


Baekhyun cheeks start flushing red, he was so embarrassed! Chanyeol noticing his redden cheeks, drew closer and place his knee at the edge of Baekhyun's bed. Baekhyun was dyiing inside, he couldn't get the words out of his throat. He brung the bed sheets closer against his face, but Chanyeol threw the covers away. Baekhyun yelp when Chanyeol's palm made contact with his forehead.

" don't have a temperature..." Chanyeol murmurs, he thinks I'm sick? Baekhyun almost bursts into a fit of laughter until Chanyeol began tilting his chin. Beakhyun made contact with Chanyeol's brown orbs. And again his feles his heart is about to stop. 

"Mr Byun your-" the nurse froze, holding a tray of seems to be Baekhyun's lunch. Baekhyun's reflexes came in, without hesistation he kicks Chanyeol off the bed. Then yanking the sheets closer to him. He refuse to look directly at the nurse.

"Y-You saw nothing!" Baekhyun stuttered through the sheets, head burying deeper into the pillows. The nurse nods and she places the tray on the bedside table next him. She stares at Chanyeol while doing so. 

"Who are you?" 

Chanyeol scratches his head and dusts off the dirt off his pants. "Baekhyun's friend, Park Chanyeol." Chanyeol shook hands with the nurse, who look back at Baekhyun and Chanyeol, smiling. 

"Sorry If I interrupted..." the nurse bowed her head down, quickly apologising before she close the door. Chanyeol got up from his feet a bit exasperated but nontheless still smiling. Baekhyun stared at Chanyeol oddly, then something clicked in his mind. 

"Chanyeol, you dont mind taking me somewhere do you?" Baekhyun eyes lit up as he said, he was excited to leave the confines of the hospital room. He only needed a little persuading to do. Chanyeol thought long and hard, but he was strangely was attracted to the boy.


"Really? You will?!?! Take to Jinju!" Baekhyun flung onto Chanyeol's arms hugging him tightly. Chanyeol was taken aback and was getting hotter. He wanted to push Baekhyun away, however he just couldn't, so he wrap his arms arms round Baekhyun. Baekhyun puilled away first and tip-toed to the bed side table next to him. He glanced down at the plate of food infront and turned to Chanyeol, who was staring intently at the plate. Baekhyun laughed before suggesting that he should eat too! 

After finishing the meal, Chanyeol stared at the jar of paper stars. "Why do have those?"

"What? Stars?" Baekhyun turned round as he was eating a cupcake, "I make them to pass time and..." he didn't know if he should be telling this a stranger until...

"You don't have to tell me y'know... But if you want to share, I'll kept it a secret." 

Baekhyun looked down at his cupcake, "It's a wish." 

"A wish?"

"Yeah, I heard if you make tons of these it'll come true..." Baekhyun almost regretted what he said, Chanyeol probably thinks he's an idiot now. "Whoa that's cool!" Chanyeol grnned, he's famous smile radiating all over. Baekhyun beamed and happily carried on biting into his chocolate cupcake.

"Hey... Chanyeol... does this mean you're my friend now?" Baekhyun hid his face from embarrassment, he wasn't anti-social or anything its just he wasn't allowed to go outside. Doctors say that it might decrease his lifespan; but Baekhyun didn't care about that now he knew the truth clear and it hurts so bad. He choked on the cupcake and Chanyeol immediately started patting his back hard. 

"Are you okay? Yeah of course your my friend Baek!" hearing those words made Baekhyun happy. He actually has someone who cares for him right? Or was he just being selfish and using Chanyeol for his selfish needs. He bit his lip he had this feeling of guilt inside, he didn't know whether which was worse this or his heart stopping at random times. He wanted to change, a friend is someone you can trust right? 

"T-Thanks..." Baekhyun mumbled, he look up at Chanyeol. Thinking he came to a conclusion that he can trust this boy. 

"I'M LATE!" Chanyeol screamed, almost flipping a table "Baek, I have to go! I'll pick you up after I finish school!" Baekhyun wanted to grab his hand and tell me to stay a bit longer but he was being selfish again. He watch as the boy jump outside the window,, down the trees. He saw the last lock of hair disappearing from his sights. He was looking forward for tomorrow. But his heart started hurting when Chanyeol disappeared. He whispered to himself.

"I'll hope I'll make it for tomorrow..." he drank his medicine and threw the covers above his head. A little hole was between his covers and he could see his jar of stars - twinkling. He began counting as he couln't sleep, scared if he doesn't wake up tomorrow.


A/N: I'm bacccck guys! Sorry for the hiatus! Hehehe was busy watching dramas and anime! :P So what do think about this chapter!? ^^ 



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Chapter 3: Poor Kai! My Kaibaek feels! (T^T)
But at least Baek is happy ♡
Chapter 2: Waa!! They're finally become friends!! :)
Chapter 1: This seems interesting. Update soon kay? :3
Chapter 1: soo cute!!!!
ArianaMaddi #5
I like this idea, update soon, neh? ^^