What would you do




Because she has always been curious of how people would react when she dies


Sela has always thought of pessimistic things of how people would react when she dies. Not that she’s suicidal. She’s just merely confused.


If I die, would they miss me?

Would they even spare a tear?

Would they even care?


She was on the couch watching TV her best friend beside her.


“Hey” she said, her fist deep down the bowl of popcorn, eyes settled on the tv across the room, not minding to give a glance to Sehun who was intently watching The River.


“Hmm” was all she got as a response


She hesitated at first, her fist closing and opening on the bowl of popcorn, but then she has been always curious


“What would you do if I die” She mumbled as she chewed on her popcorn.


Sela felt Sehun froze for a second before she felt a pinch by her hip.


“Shut up Sela, stop talking nonsense” Sehun interjected as he playfully push her by the shoulder. Attempting a chuckle that only appeared as a broken choke.


Sela turned to Sehun, who had his eyes into this perfect crescent moon


“You did not answer me”


Sehun scoffed and rolled his eyes “You will not die”


Sela chuckled “Of course I would, everybody will”


“But not now” Sehun said as he gazed back at the TV, not into complete concentration as to what was happening on the show anymore.


“But what if?” he heard her reason


Sehun ran a hand to his brown locks and looked at Sela “Why? Are you sick?” he asked, quite pissed as to why the hell is she asking these things.


Sela shook her head “but what i-“


Sehun cleared his throat; he’s just not into the mood to argue with Sela because of death, not in the mood. “Sela, just shut up okay we’re watching.”


Because the moment she asked the question he felt like the world will end when he thought even just for a second that Sela won’t be there beside him. “Just shut up” he mumbled again.





And so Sela did not ask any further and concluded one thing


Sehun won’t miss me when I die






Sela sat on her bed, looking out on her window watching the unchanging color of the dark sky. She heaved a sigh and lie down.


During dinner she asked her parents what would they do if she dies and they just laughed at her and her hair saying Sela, what are you talking about? You’re too young to be thinking about those things


So maybe, her parents don’t care if she dies as well.




Apart of thinking of people’s reaction when she dies, she’s quite curious as to how does it feel like dying. Would it really be that scary? Or would it give you a feel of freedom? Besides she has always been a good person so she thinks she’ll end up in heaven.


“I hope I get to see those angels too” she mumbled as she rolled on her side and clutch her sheets to her chest.


It’s just sad that the people I love won’t even care if I die was her last thoughts for the night.






Sela has always been that healthy girl, the one to always stop look and listen before she crosses the road, she always ask for good guidance and safe trip before she steps out of her house.






Sehun was on his laptop checking new game consoles when he received the phone call.



“Sehun-“ Sela’s mother cried on the phone and without even saying anything else. Sehun abandoned his room and he ran off to his car to Sela’s house.


Because Sela’s mother never cried, not in front of him, not at all, she never cried, the last time Sehun heard her choke on her words was when Sela’s grandfather died.


“What the hell Sela” Sehun hissed as he steps on the gas pedal, unnoticed droplets of tears down on his cheek.


“What the hell” Sehun mumbled as he drove fast to her house.


“You better be alive” Sehun mumbled, and he didn’t even noticed that he was sobbing, tears continuously falling, because he has this wicked feeling on his chest.


This best-friend-kind-of-thing-connection telling him what awaits him is not good news.


Not good news at all.





And his assumption was confirmed when his phone rang and it was Sela’s father telling him that






Sehun not at home, please, to the hospital






It was not really a wish or a bucket list, but she just maybe wanted to feel that emotion, you know, the feeling of death eating you up and all you want to do is scream out for help and hold onto that little hope of the grim reaper not being successful. Again, Sela’s not suicidal, she’s just quite curious, she just wants to know how it feels like.


You know


It’s like that confusion of how feels like, and so you want to try it, not because you really want but you’re just merely confused as to how does it feels.


She did not expect it


That the answers to her questions are right in front of her face. Because right in front of her is an incoming bus that she failed to notice






Meeting death


For one it hurts



It’s scary



And she wished she never wonders how it feels


Because the feeling of meeting death is not fun at all.








“Sela” was what Sehun was only able to mumble after Sela’s mother explained to him through broken sobs what happened and how “Now she’s in the ER, they’re trying to recover her”







Sehun sat beside Sela’s bed and watched her carefully, as her chest heaved up and down up and down. He watched as she inhales through the medical mask, her oxygen, her life support around her.


He had her hand wrapped around his protectively, from time to time brushing his lips on her knuckles muttering What the hell Sela


Sehun wants to hug her, to cradle her in his arms and scold her for being Too anxious of knowing how I feel when you die






It had been an entire agonizing week before Sehun felt pressure on his hands. He looked up and found Sela staring at him.


“Hey” Sela said, her voice hoarse, her hand intertwined with Sehun’s firm ones.


“Hmm” was all she got as a response


There was silence before she asked



“What did you do when I died?”




Sehun chuckled and buried his head on the crook of her neck. He can’t help but smile knowing that his beloved best friend is now conscious.



 “I cried, I couldn’t sleep, and I just” he mumbled “I just died along with you I guess”


Sehun turned to Sela and smiled “Please don’t die again”


“Because next time you do I don’t know if I could control myself not to follow you”


Sela scoffed and rolled her eyes “Shut up Sehun, stop talking nonsense”


“But I love you”


Sela chuckled again “Just shut up, okay”


And so Sehun did not talk any further and just brushed his lips on her cheek.


“I love you really” he mumbled.





“Yeah I know, and I love you too






A/N Crappy I know, I'm sorry, I just asdfgsfjsdja



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Chapter 2: /crying blood/
crazyexotic #2
Chapter 1: speechless..
Chapter 1: Omg are they in heaven now or... btw this is really good aaaaa ToT thehun's so sweet
Chapter 1: Are they together now?