Surprise Surprise

Solving Luhan

     I spun the top row over and over again, but no matter how hard I tried, or how close I got the thing just wouldn't WORK! I got the rubix cub last year for my birthday, and haven't beeen able to solve it, at all. People tell me to just look it up, but I'm too stubborn to do that. 

     I'm too smart to stoop to their level, and by 'their' I mean the people who DO know how to solve one. 

     I sighed and put the puzzle down on my desk before returning my attention to the teacher. Here I am sitting in math with nothing to do, even pretending to listen to the teacher isn't doing me any good. A sigh escaped my lips and my eyes drifted to the most beautiful boy in school, Luhan. He's perfect, everything about him is, the way his hair falls just perfectly on his eyebrows, how built he is, and everything else. I think I actually made a list, it's probably in my folder somewhere, but i'm not going to look for it right now, that would just be weird. I know that if I were attractive and saw someone like me looking at a list of things right about a person I'd be a little weirded out. 

     But that doesn't matter. I peeked over to him again, he was gazing out a window when the teacher called me making me break my gaze from him. 

     Luhan snapped his head in my direction before I could avert my gaze. I could feel my cheeks turn scarlet as I looked to the teacher. She was tapping her pen against her desk as she gave me a disapproving look. I slowly stood and walked to the board, my hand took ahold of the marker and froze. I could feel the stares and hear the snickers that my classmates let out. I groaned silently and tried my best to solve the problem. It took me until the bell rang to finish, and although I'm positive I did the problem wrong I don't are, I tried. and that's all that matters, right?

     Quickly, I rushed back to my desk and grabbed my bag before running out of the classroom and to the lunch area outside. I scouted out my tree over the crowd of people and made my way over. I started my way over when I felt something tackle me from behind. "Guess who it is!" she yelled into my ear. I grabbed her arm and pulled her off, she spun around until she was faing me, "Kim Gae Jay!" I yelled at her, she gave a me a pout before looking at the ground. "You don't like it when your sister shows up to surprise you at school? What kind of sister are you?" she smirked. She linked her arm with mine and started in the opposite direction of my usual spot. I  started to get nervous as we walked towards 'The Group', this group consisted of all the popular kids in school. And Luhan was a part of that group, I started flailing my arms in an attempt to get out of the tight grip my sister had on me. 

     She smirked before yelling, "Hey Lulu!" then, she left.

     She freaking left me! Not cool!

     I turned around and saw Luhan walking in my direction, my hands grew sweaty and I started to freak out. I tried to remind myself to breathe, but that didn't help and I felt light headed at th moment. I watched him as he made his way over, a look of confusion on his face, at the moment I really wanted to go and hide in a hole. But, I couldn't find myself to make my feet take me away, part of me though was okay with it. 

     Luhan walked up to me with his hands behind his back, I could already feel my cheeks starting to turn red, so I looked away. It wasn't until he clreaded his throat that I gave him my attention. And there, in his hand was my rubix cube, I smiled and reached for it, only to have him take it away. I pouted -something I almost never do- and reached for it again, and again he took it away from me. "Can I have that back please?" I asked with a stern look, a small smile crossed his face as he lowered the item to my height so I could take it from him. But when I reached for it one last time, his hand caught mine and the smile grew even bigger. My cheeks flushed bright red as he looked me over, I wanted to go and hide, really. Why would he want to look at me? Me?!

     I've never really been attractive and seeing him look at me was just downright uncomfortable. "I have a proposition for you." he smiled, his hand still making it hard for me to retrieve the small item. I sighed and tried to calm myself down, "Alright, what is it?" he smiled even more and looked out the corner of his eye, I tried to look too but whatever he was looking at was apparently gone. He cleared his throat and aught my attention again, I turned my head back, even though I was nervous I had to look cool infront of him. But I kind of messed that up already earlier, oh well. 

     He cocked his head, he smile went away and he was staring intently, I felt very small compared to him as I tried to pull my arm away again. "You have to help me with something, and you can't reject." his voice was stern, adn it made me want to melt. Honestly, it was just that pretty, even if it did scare me just a little.

     "Alright, spill it. I'm hungry and we don't have lunch forever." at that moment I wanted to mentally punch myself i the face, that didn't sound as confident and smart as I planned. Oh well  what have I got to loose?

     "You're funny. Let's meet at your place after school and we can continue from there, alright? See you around Jay." he let the rubix cube fall into my hand and he waved as he walked back to his table. I stood there frozen, well not really frozen, I didn't want to move because I knew that if I did I'd jump around and giggle like an idiot. And school was not the place to do that -I figured that out the first time he and I became partners for a project. Maybe that's why he looks at me like I'm mental?

     When he looked away I ran over to my tree and hid from his view, I couldn't have him see me like I was. All smiling like a nut and what not. I pulled out my phone and opened the unread message, I didn't even or hear my phone go off. 

Tao: Hey where are you? I though we were sneaking off today :P

Me: Sorry!!!!!! I got caught up with something, you'll never guess what it is!

Tao: Tell me when I get back alright?

Me: The bell is bout to ring, hurry your up

     I chuckled and put my phone back into my pocket, I grabbed my things and started for class, my stomache grumbling all the way there. When I entered the classroom though I found a small rice cake on my desk, I looked around but saw no one waiting for me to notice it, I didn't have any clue who gave it to me but I was more than happy to eat it. 

     "Enjoy." a voice rang, I paused and looked behind me, Luhan was sitting at his desk with a smirk. 

     He was being nice to me, and quite honestly, it kind of scared me.


Hi friends!! I'm sorry it took so long to update this chapter it's not even as good as it could be xP But anyways I hope you guys enjoy and maybe I'll have something else up tonight, you know, an apology for having not updating in such a long while!! If you like it then please subscribe and comments are always welcome!

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Chapter 1: omo! what's wrong with him? aigoo, I'm speechless ><
Aaaaaa. Update author-nim <33