Math 'Help'

Math 'Help'


  It's noon, right after lunch, and here you are in math class staring at the most attractive person you've ever seen. Which really doesn't help you with math, like, at all. You would do anything to get help from anyone though! Because let's face it, math just isn't your thing, even when you do pay attention.trans.gif

     "Alright class! I am going to pair you up for this group assignment! You will have one week to finish it!" you tuned out the teacher and stared at Luhan from across the room, he payed no mind to you as he waited to find who his partner would be. And as much as you wished, it wouldn't be you. "___and Luhan, please get together to start planning."" you froze as you watched Luhan walk to your desk. "You ready?" he asked, flashing his perfect smile. "Y-yea totally!" you said in a nervous - yet too excited - voice. Luhan chuckled before taking a seat next to you. "Let's get this one then, but because we don't have much tie left in class-" he took out a slib of paper an wrote something on it before handing it to you "-here's my number, text me your address and we can get started after school alright?" he then went back to his seat to grab his things, you stared after him as he left the room. You glanced down at the paper and smiled brightly to yourself. Even his hand writing is perfect. 

     You gathered your own things and quickly walked out of the room to start for the front gates. Even though everyone else had classes, it was your lunch hour an you usually never left campus. Mainly because it was something that was not allowed, but you didn't care. Once you reached the gates you looked around, once you saw the close was clear you walked out an headed down the sidewalk to the nearest convenience store. It didn't take you very long to reach it, simply because it was only a mile from the school. You walked in and greeted the man behind the counter before going to the drinks. I wonder what flavor he likes? you thought as you looked at the milk through the glass. Wait! I have his number, I can just ask him! quickly, you pulled out your phone and the sheet of paper with his number on it, you dialed the number into your phone an sent him a text.

Hey what type of milk do you like? This is ___ by the way.

Banana, why?

I'm at the store on the corner, thanks! 

     You grabbed the banana milk, payed for it, and practically ran back to the school. One more class period, and I get to be with Luhan. You smiled as you walked into your English class.


     You and Luhan were sitting in your room working on the math assignment. As Luhan set down his bag and took a seat on the floor, you grabbed the bag and held it in front of his face. He blinked a few times before looking up, "What's that?" he asked - reaching for the bag. You shrugged an pulled out its contents - which was Luhan's banana milk and your chocolate milk. This seemed to surprise Luhan even more as he gratefully took his milk, "When did you get this stuff ___?" he opened his milk and was taking a sip. "During my lunch hour." you shrugged. Luhan's eyes went wide, but you payed no attention as you reached for your bag to pull out what you were supposed to be working on. "You went off school grounds?" he asked in a hushed whisper, which you didn't understand, no one else was home except the two of you. You ignored his question and went on to the math in front of you, "So we need to create a math equation, an easier way to solve surface area, percentages, or graphs." you explained as you pointed to the directions. "Oh, well that's easy, let's do it!" Luhan grabbed a sheet of paper and started to write down numbers that made you head start to hurt.


     "How do you not get this ___? It's super easy! And it's due tomorrow, you can do it!" Luhan - attempted - encouraged you, but you could only groan and curse the paper in front of you on the desk. "Do I can't Luhan! It's so hard, math is so hard! I give up, on everything!" Luhan blinked a few times before turning you around in the chair, he kneeled and made you look at him by grabbing your chin. "Am I something you're going to give up on?" with that, he closed the distance between your lips and planted a soft kiss on your lips. You could feel your face flush, but gave in just as quickly as you tensed up. You relaxed and put your hands on his waist while his hands were cupping your face. It seemed too soon when he pulled away, his face was tinted pink and he had a slight smirk on his face. "So, are you going to give up?" he cocked his head - still smiling. You smiled and pressed your lips to his again quickly. You pulled away and grabbed your pencil. "Let's get this stuff done. I want to do something else, something fun, later." Luhan winked and hovered over you as you finished the math problems.

     "Thanks for all your help." you blushed as you put your things away into your bag. Luhan made you look at him again, a smile planted on his beautiful face.

"Now, where were we?"


I know it's super short :P Sorry about that haha I just kinda wanted to write this little thing....maybe at some point I'll make it longer (No promises though) :)

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Chapter 1: this is not the end.. right??

I want more.. pls
Chapter 1: Ayiiiii, this fic's soooooooooooooooooooooooo cute awww keke