The Boy Who Stole My Heart





Jessica was a very quiet girl. She had no friends in school becasue she was from South Korea. She moved to America from South Korea when she was a kid and learned english. No one else speaks Korean but her and this one boy Taemin but she doesnt care about him) and she is lonely. People make fun of her and make fun of her and says that she is from North Korean


Luhan moved to America recentley, does not speak english ut speaks fluently in Mandarin and Korean. H eis very bubbly when you get to know him. Very open and willing to make friends. New to Jessica's school.


Taemin had a crush on Jessica for thelongest period of time but never had teh courage to tell here. He is afraid that if people know he likes Jessica they will start bullying him too. Jessica thinks he is rude, but Taemin just wants to fit in. He completeley fogot about South Korea, the language, thh culture, everything.He focuses on being popular and Jessica doesnt like that baout him, forgetting his home.



POSTER CREDIT TO: XOXO GRAPHICS SHOP Thankyou for the poster it's beautiful.



Hey guys! So my old story i deleted it, because it was H.O.R.R.O.B.I.L.E with a capital HORRIBILE. LOL. ok so this one is new. 100% though of this idea. I hope you enjoy it and this is basically my dreams put into a fanfaction. Only if dreams came true~ Ahh I wish. I hope you subscribe, leave happy comments and enjoy this story. I'm putting my 900000000000.99 % (ah who am I kidding I'm putting my 100000000000% in this story) That means I'm gonna actually write it down before I type it, actually edit my mistakes, stick with one conept, (lol, i'm messed up, and yeah) AND! I do not know how to upload pictures for this story so if you can leae it down on the comments that would be great. Gamsamhapneeda. ^-^ Your favourite author,



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exoshiningkisses #1
Wow cool story exoshiningkisses