Ch.6: Krystal's Gluttony and Wicked Temper

Rapacious and Avaricious



Habitual greed or excess in eating



Evil or morally wrong



No one’s POV

“GET, away from me.” Krystal warns sternly and pushes Sehun’s face away when he tries to do another ‘accidental’ kiss. She continues walking while waving her hand in his face motioning for him to get lost and continues to drag her feet to the dining room.


“Good morning beautiful!” She scowls at Kai who is in front of her with an overly friendly smile and a red sweat shirt on. Her scowl grows bigger as she stares at his sweater. “Strawberry punch? It’s your favorite!” he says and holds a glass of it in front of her face. She looks at the bright red liquid and contorts her face in disgust.

“Get that out of my face.” She mumbles angrily. He stops smiling and furrows his brows.

“But… it’s your favorite.” He says clearly confused. She doesn’t say anything else and hits the glass causing it to spill all over him.

“What the hell?!” he yells in shock.

“I told you to get it out of my face and you didn’t!! Now off !” she yells with a cracked voice and groans her way to the kitchen leaving Kai heaving and pissed off.


“Kyungsoo~!” she whines as soon as she sees him.

“What’s wrong?” he asks and rubs her back.

“It’s that time.”

He giggles in understanding.

“Ice cream?” he asks. She nods and smiles slightly.


“What the ?” Kai says in shock from seeing her 180 personality change. “Why is she so nice to them and not us?”

“Because they don’t piss her off?” Chanyeol says while trying to hold in his laughter from the scene he just witnessed.

“I think it’s her bipolar disorder going full blown.” he grumbles angrily and walks over to Chanyeol. “Strawberry punch is her favorite damn it!” He yells in his face as if that proves his entire theory and stomps off to the bathroom.

“Thank the universe you’re an idiot cause if you were smart you would know you have a better chance than us at winning.” He mumbles to himself and shakes his head disapprovingly at his distancing figure. He sighs deeply and tsks while saying, “Stupid, he’s just stupid.” And walks away.




“She’s been nothing but a pain in my today… and just look at that! She’s been eating all ing day!” Kai whispers in anger as the three of them observe from behind the wall as Krystal eats away while watching movies. “And look!” He yells and points at the bruise just below his eye. “She threw the remote at my beautiful face!” He complains and cusses under his breath. They roll their eyes at him.

“Don’t pretend like you don’t know why she’s pissed off at you Kai… well… pissed off more than usual.” Sehun says.

“What?” Kai asks confused. Sehun shakes his head in disbelief and mumbles idiot. “I piss her off all the time but today… today is just…”

“I agree she is a bit testier today.” Chanyeol says and Kai gives an, I told you so, expression. “It still makes sense why she’s acting this way towards you Kai…” Kai glares at him. “but to us… we’ve done nothing and she’s a bit more pissy. I wonder what’s wrong with her.” Chanyeol asks.

“She’s become a ing lunatic that’s what!” Kai hisses. “Well… more than usual.”

“Hmmm… Maybe she’s just hungry. You’re overreacting Kai.” Sehun says while rolling his eyes.

“Oh really?”


“Then go in there and try to sit next to her.”

“Fine!” he scoffingly chuckles. “We all know you’re the only one she’s pissed off at.” He mumbles and walks towards her.

“He’s a goner.” Kai whispers and Chanyeol nods in agreement.


Sehun comes back looking like he just saw a ghost.

“I think she just burned a hole in my soul… that glare was no joke….” He shivers and collapses because of his shaking legs.

“Told you.” Kai says.

“She is still treating you more harshly though… she isn’t violent with us.” Chanyeol mumbles and Sehun weakly nods.

“Whatever!” Kai yells and walks away.

“What are you guys doing?” Kyungsoo asks when he sees them peeking into the room. They instantly straighten and clear their throats.

“Nothing.” Chanyeol says and they both quickly follow Kai. Kyungsoo watches them leave then enters the room.



“Do you still have cramps?”

“Yeah, and those idiots keep bothering me. Especially Kai.” She says and making sure to say Kai bitterly. Kyungsoo smiles knowingly.

“Why? Because he grabbed that girl’s s?”

“No, why would I care?” She says with a scoff. “He just knows all the ways to get on every single one of my nerves.” She sighs. He smiles again and hands her a pill bottle.

“Take these and go take a nap.”

“Thanks.” She takes the bottle and drags herself to her room.





“Chanyeol give me that girl’s number.” Kai orders and shakes his hand impatiently.

“What?” Chanyeol stares at him like he’s an idiot.

“Give. Me. That. Girls. Number.”

“What girl?”

“The one from yesterday!” Kai yells impatiently.

“You’re already on thin ice man, I wouldn’t do that.” Chanyeol says with a smirk.

“What the are you talking about? Just give me the damn number!” Kai yells. Chanyeol laughs mockingly and hands him the card she threw at him the other day. “Thank you.” he says sarcastically and starts dialing the number while mumbling, “What the does ice have to do with anything?”


“Hello?” Sulli answers.


“Something’s wrong with her! She’s acting all kinds of weird!”

“You are seriously calling her for that?” Chanyeol asks while looking at him like he’s an idiot.

“Shut up!” Kai yells back.


“Umm… Who is this?” Sulli breaks the argument in confusion.


“Oh the idiot…” she mumbles and he furrows his brows. “What is she doing?” she asks as if she didn’t just insult him.

“She’s eating a lot and dressing like a bum and she practically bites our heads off just for being in the same room as her!” Kai complains.

“She’s on her period.” She responds like it was the most obvious thing in the world.

“What?” he asks feeling slightly embarrassed. She sighs through the receiver.

“I got to go. I don’t have time to talk to you idiots. Unless…. Is Suho there?” She asks, her tone suddenly changing into a soft one.

“I don’t know.” Kai says in a dazed tone still thinking about the period thing.

“Fine.” She says back in her normal tone and hangs up.


“Period?” he mumbles again and slowly puts his phone back in his pocket.

“Ahhh.” Chanyeol says slowly while nodding his head.

“What?” Kai asks in confusion.

“She’s probably one of those that have painful periods and stuff with major mood swings. Better steer clear of her for a few days… I do not want to be caught in-between all of that.” Chanyeol says with a shiver and walks away.

Kai watches him walk away and thinks about the situation to himself.

“Is she in pain?” He wonders with a slightly worried expression.



He decides to go to her room and check. Before entering he mentally prepares himself to get beaten up.

He slowly opens the door and peaks in.

“Hey Krystal?” he says cautiously and closes the door behind him. She stirs in her bed and he freezes. He takes a deep breath and continues towards her sleeping figure. He slowly grabs a foot stole and sits down next to her bed.

“Krystal?” He once again calls her name while squinting. He was expecting something to be thrown at his face.

“Kyungsoo?” She mumbles and lifts her head. She squints her eyes and moves her hair out of her face. “Oh… It’s Kai. Stupid Kai! HAHAHA!” She starts giggling out of nowhere and he looks at her like she’s nuts.

“Are you ok?” He asks cautiously. She suddenly stops laughing. He starts to feel awkward and shifts in his seat. Suddenly she grabs her stuffed bear.

“Hey look bear! It’s Kai Kai!” She starts laughing again while he blushes from being called Kai Kai. “He’s likes ies!” She yells and starts laughing more. “He grabs whenever there, they’re there!”

“Did you drink?” Kai asks not understanding her behavior.

“I took the pills, pain pills see?” She mumbles and grabs the pill bottle. “It make pain cramps go bye bye! They make dizzy me too.”

“Yeah, I can see that.” He says and laughs a bit because she looked really cute like this.

“Het, hey teddy. Kai Kai is ert. You just can’t trust the Kai Kai. When there’s a girl there’s a Kai Kai to grab her s.” She mumbles and grabs her own which causes him to blush and look away.

“T-that was an accident I didn’t mean to grab her s I tripped.” He says with a red face.

“Kai Kai is clumsy, bear! Oh? I like dat. I shall call Kai Kai clumsy bear from now on! Hi clumsy bear!” She starts waving with a smile. “Oh? I like dat? HAHA! I like dat! I like dat! I-I-I-I-I-I I like dat!” She starts singing and flailing her arms everywhere.  She accidentally touches his arm and stops. “Oh?! Clumsy bear is warm!” She smiles and grabs his arm firmly which causes him to blush even more. “I cuddle with clumsy bear now!” she says and suddenly starts pulling him.

“W-what are you doing?!” He asks panicked.

“I’m cold so shall cuddle with warm clumsy bear.” She keeps pulling him until he is in the bed and immediately she lays her head on his chest and wraps her arms around him with a smile. “So so so warm~!” she sings and snuggles closer while his heart races and his face reddens deeply.

“K-Krystal.” He mumbles not really sure what to do.

“Warm clumsy bear has heart pounding! It goes bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum~!” she sings in a fast pace in sync with the rhythm of his heart. “I like this warm clumsy bear.” She mumbles and starts to quiet and calm down.

Kai just lays there frozen with his eyes wide open. He didn’t know what to do. He was sure that as soon as she came back to her senses she would rip him a new one… but he didn’t really want to get up. He liked how she was hugging and laying on him. Also even if he wanted to get up he didn’t think she would let him go.

“Y-you are not allowed to take those pills in front of anyone else.” He says after a few minutes.

“Ok, I shall listen to clumsy bear because clumsy bear Kai Kai is my favorite.”

Immediately his fast heart beat grows faster. Being called her favorite was the last thing he ever expected her to say.

He starts petting her head and smiles like an idiot. He didn’t care what was going to happen to him later. He decided to just enjoy the moment.





Kai jerks awake and see’s Krystal backed up against the wall. He goes wide eyed when remembering that he was in her bed and immediately scurries out of it.

“Now h-h-hold on, y-you made me!” He says nervously while fearing for his life.

“Made you?! I made you get into my bed?! ARE YOU ING NUTS?!” She screams and throws her pillows at him.

“You were all ed up on those pain killers and you kept calling me Kai Kai and Clumsy Bear!”


“You kept grabbing and cuddling all over me saying I was your favorite.” He explains and uncontrollably lets a smile slip.

“YOU’RE ING NUTS!” She yells and throws more things at him. “GET OUT!” She screams and he quickly does so.

As soon as the door closes, she face palms and screams in embarrassment into her hands.

“You’re supposed to lock the door when you take those pills you idiot!” She mumbles to herself and hits her head a few times. “I can’t believe I called him Kai Kai!” She whines and rolls around in her bed in embarrassment. “Favorite?!” She scoffs loudly. “MYGOD!!!” She yells and continues to roll around in embarrassment. 





           To be continued…                                                                                               




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Chapter 7: update soon please~~
Emi_changiraffe #2
Chapter 7: Update soon please :(
passibleo #3
Chapter 7: update sooooooooon :C
Chapter 7: FINALY LIKE FRICKIN FINALY YOU UPDATE HAHA! Nice one author-nim! You just told us if you had hard times, we would understand and cheer you on. Don't just disappear like that :(
Jenniangelia #5
Chapter 7: finally u update the story!
kaistal is so cute when bickering aaaaaaa
krystal just admit that u have feeling for kai >.<
can't wait for next chap, update soon :))
kamjongin24 #6
Chapter 7: update soon please..,
Chapter 7: Hahahahaha.. this ia seriously funny.
and can we see the soft side of krystal to the idiots (specifically kai)? :p
Chapter 7: omg it's an update and I want to cry. I just re-read it just now.
exostal #9
Chapter 6: Yeay yeay kaistal kaistal whoot whoooot update soon!
Chapter 6: asdfghjkl the kai kai part is sooo cute :3