Between My Love and My Friend [Chapter 1]



Title               : Between my love and my friend


Main cast       : Bae Suzy


                          Yang Yoseob


                          Choi Minho


                          Lee Ji Eun


Genre             :  Romance, friendship


Length           : Chapter






I have fallen in love


But, in the otherside, I don’t want to hurt anyone


Should I kill this fellings?


Although it is hurt, very hurt..










       Suzy had just entered  the door,  she immediately threw her body on the couch. Then , she turn on the tv. Her maid was mopping the floor shaking her head seeing the behavior of the master's daughter.

"Have you eating?" asked the maid

"I haven’t" replied Suzy

"If not, you should eat first "

"I don’t want to"

"Why? If disease recurrence, later mistress and master will be worried "

"It's okay, they won’t notice me"

Suzy took a purse that’s beside her, then she goes to her room which is on the 2nd floor. She close the door with a grunt. It’s very clear that she is upset.

Arriving at her room, she put his bag on the desk, and sit down on the bed. She holds the bracelet she is wearing. It’s pink colored  bracelet with the words "friendship" in the middle. Suzy remember when she bought the bracelet at a souvenir shop with Jieun.



"Jieun. This seems like a nice bracelet, how about this one instead? "Said Suzy

"Nice. Ok, but is there a blue colored? "

"I do not know, I just find the pink colored. Wait a minute, I'll ask the shopkeeper over there"  Suzy said, pointing to a middle-aged woman who was tidying the shelves of souvenir

"Excuse me, is there any bracelet like this with blue colored?”

"Hmm ... wait a minute" said the shopkeeper, then went into a room, which seems like a storage room

    A few minutes later

"this.. the blue one is available"

"thank you"

"Yes, you’re welcome"

     Jieun then took the two bracelets which are in the Suzy’s hand. She wanted  to pay it to the cashier. However, Suzy suddenly held her hand, to hold Ji Eun away.

" Jieun, let me pay it"

"No, Suzy you've bought too many souvenirs for me. Now it's my turn "said Ji Eun

"But, you also have too often buy me a meal. Let me, please "


"Thank you" Suzy said as she gave a cheery smile.

End Flashback


Suzy put off bracelet she is  wearing, then put it in a box. Her  heart is destroyed now, remembered how jieun jokingly with yoseob. Suzy and Jieun have been friends so long, they started meeting back since they first entered the Seoul Art High School. Yes, once Suzy and Ji Eun were childhood friends, but Jieun should follow his parents who moved to Busan because of work affairs. And since school, Suzy started liking Yoseob. Although they were not in the same class at the first grade, but Suzy always pay attention for Yoseob from afar, because that's all that she could do. Although  she is one of the influential girl,  she did not dare to approach Yoseob. Suzy always tell all about Yoseob with Jieun, as well as Ji Eun. Ji Eun love Wooyoung, the chairman of the football extracurricular.

When Suzy and Ji Eun sat in 1st class they always sit together. But, when they are entering the 2nd grade, their seats are regulated by teacher  Kang. Their seats once set every 2 weeks. Even so, they still tried to remain seated  chairs again. But not at this moment, Suzy  sitting in front, while Jieun sitting in the back, in the corner of the classroom. What's more, Yoseob in front of  Jieun. Every day, Jieun and Yoseob increasingly familiar. She doesn’t wonder what makes Jieun change until she rarely spoke with Suzy.

Jieun knows all about Suzy. And vice versa. They both like twins, they are also often along the way, many people who are jealous of their friendship. One of the things that Jieun is known about Suzy, Suzy likes Yoseob since they entered the Seoul Art High School.

Suzy moved from her bed and went to the bathroom. She wants to eliminate all problem. Hoping to forget everything that happened.


    Today is Saturday, then all activities in school only lasts until 10 am. Suzy decided to go with Amber, Jiyeon, Jiyoung and go to the Mall.

"Suzy, will Jieun join us?" Said Jiyeon

"Ng .. Jieun? She said that he has a family affair "Suzy replied lie. She does not know what she should answer.

"I wonder .. these days you rarely seen out together. Did you have problem? "Said Amber. Jiyeon and Jiyoung also asked same thing.

"No .. me and Jieun are fine. Does anything look strange? "Said Suzy lie again. She often try to talk with Jieun, but Jieun ignored her.

Suzy, Amber, Jiyeon, Jiyoung go to the Mall and using a car driven by a chauffeur Amber.


          Arriving at the mall, they directly looking restaurant to fill their empty stomachs, because they have not had breakfast since this morning.

"Jiyoung, where is your favorite restaurant ever you tell me?" Said Jiyeon on Ji Young

"Just follow me" said Jiyoung short

Jiyoung took them to a restaurant which is located near the game zone. They choose where to sit in the corner of the room. Suzy still silent, she think for a moment, she feel that she ever visits this restaurant before. She tried to remember back as she look around. Her gaze stopped when she saw a girl and boy who sit facing each other.


~ To Be Continued ~

comment juseyo ^^


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Seems Interesting! keep writing author-nim!! Would you mind checking out my fanfic? sorry for advertising :DD
owowo.. I like it;) hm, Jieun unni ah, u are bad friend! Suzyyy<3