
Jung Daehyun's Surprise Event

[A/N: Sentences highlighted are their thoughts]

Youngjae's P.O.V


I glanced at him and gave him a playful nudge.


Daehyun looked up to me with his eye smile but it didn’t last long. He quickly looked back down at his phone. 


Tch. On his phone again. Seriously, who is he texting?! It’s my birthday yet he’s not even paying any attention to me! I tried to look over but he put the phone out of my reach. 


All day my Daedae has done nothing but be on that damned phone. Argh. That phone is so lucky to have all of his attention. Is it bad that I feel jealous of a phone? I tapped my foot and pouted.


I looked around our living room for something else to do since he is oh so obviously pre-occupied with that stupid phone of his. 


Jongup and Zelo were in the middle of an intense dance off on Just Dance, Yongguk hyung had his face almost glued to the other T.V screen totally concentrated on the romantic-comedy he was watching. Stupid electronics, what’s so good about you?! And  I have no idea where Himchan hyung is. Most probably in his bedroom or in the bathroom practising his aegyo in front of the mirror. Eck. His aegyo. It gives me the shivers, bleh!


I sighed and headed to the kitchen. Maybe I can grab his attention with a slice of cheesecake mwahahaha!



Daehyun's P.O.V


I sighed in relief as soon as Youngjae finally went out of the room. Finally, I can properly text Himchan hyung my plans without having his cute face trying to look over to read all the time!


I blew on my bangs, tired from pretending to ignore Youngjae all day and planning his party at the same time. I know it doesn’t sound like much to you but seriously, you do not know how hard it is to resist him when his cute face filled with baby fat is always up near mine!


But yes, that’s right. Today I am planning a surprise party for my one and only Yeobo! And everything is according to plan, he doesn’t suspect a thing. I think. Hopefully. The bad thing is that I think he is really annoyed with me right now and I hate it when my Yeobo is mad at me!


Anyways, back to my plan. I opened the Notes app on my phone and stared at my step by step plan.


Jung Daehyun’s amazing birthday surprise plan for his Yeobo <33

Step 1: Clean out back room (Put all the mess in Jongup and Zelo’s room. They probably won’t notice anyways because their room is always a mess and the extra mess will just blend in. If they do notice, treat them to ice cream)

Step 2: Buy decorations (Make sure everything is yellow!!)

Step 3: Ask one of the members to set up the room (Bribe them if you must!)

Step 4: Ignore Youngjae all day no matter what, even if he does aegyo or gives you cheesecake!

Step 5: Make sure members who are not setting up the room is not acting suspicious.

Step 6: Somehow take Youngjae into the back room


I smiled as I ticked off Steps 1 - 4. Yesterday while the others were at their schedules I emptied out the back room of our dorm and bought yellow balloons and streamers and confetti. As for the member setting up the room, well, as you have guessed it was Himchan hyung.


As you saw earlier, I thought that I would have to bribe the members to help me out but it turns out that I didn’t since Himchan hyung volunteered straight away saying that as the omma of the group he was entitled to prepare this event for free.


Yeah, right. I bet he’s gonna go back on his word and ask me for something in return later or take credit of planning the event all by himself. I would just like to clarify that IT WAS I, JUNG DAEHYUN, WHO PLANNED THIS SURPRISE EVENT OK?! So don’t let that babo hyung fool you.


Anyways, let’s go back to more important matters. I looked at the members to see if they were successfully following Step 5 of my plan.


I looked at the maknaes and almost face palmed myself. Aish! Out of all the things you chose to do to pretend to act normal, you choose to play Just Dance?! Seriously?! 


“YAH! Jongup, Zelo!” I whisper-shouted. “What the hell are you doing?!”


They paused the game and looked at me with innocent faces.


“What are you talking about hyung? You said to act normal so we are.” Zelo said with a confused look on his face.


“Yeah hyung. We normally dance don’t we? So that’s exactly what we’re doing. I don’t understand why you find it weird hyung.”

Aish. Of course Jongup would back him up. These two are always in everything together. And that included being annoyingly dense and innocent. 


“Yes but you normally dance to hip hop music not to-” I craned my neck to look at the TV screen.”-Selena Gomez’s Love You Like A Love Song!”




They both stood there for a while, dumbfounded. I smirked at them. I think they have finally realised their mistake.


After a few seconds of just standing and staring at me Jongup finally turned around and switched the T.V and Wii off then he and Zelo sat stiffly on the couch next to me.


“Is this um.. ‘normal’ enough hyung?” they asked innocently.

“Aish, never mind! Just go back to playing!”

Aish these kids! What am I gonna do with these two?!


I looked to the side to check on Yongguk hyung  to see that his face was still right in front of the T.V intently watching his romantic-comedy. Aaaah, now this is what I call normal. Yes everyone, the strong, tough Bang Leader is in love with romantic-comedies. 


Whatever you heard about him liking war movies and war stuffs on Ta-Dah! It’s B.A.P! are all lies for his image. Bang Leader is actually a big softy, believe me.


I checked the time on my phone. Hmm. That chubby yeobo of mine has been gone for a while. I wonder what he’s up to.


I’m pretty sure he was headed for the kitchen which was, thankfully, on the opposite side of the back room.


Maybe he was eating?

Good, he needs to be as distracted and out of the way as much as possible. I wonder how long it’s gonna take Himchan hyung to set up, he’s been at this for almost 4 hours already!




Ah, perfect timing. I unlocked my phone and read the text message from Himchan hyung.



From: Channie hyung

To: Cheesecake Lover



i’m finally redy! kekeke

Get ur Yeobo ovr here wen u can~



I grinned and clapped my hands together. Zelo, Jongup and Yongguk immediately turned their heads towards me.


“Everyone, time to commence Step 6!”




May 21 2013, 9:57pm Australian ST

Aaaaand that was the first chapter ^^

One last one and then it's done :D

How is it? Is it good? Boring? Lame? Please tell me xD


Have a good night/day/afternoon, wherever you are in the world :D

- kirakinz

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Chapter 2: haha that is adorable and i love the gif! haha daejae so cute!
Chapter 2: XD daehyun legitly cannot resist youngjae's cute cheeks~~ XD himchannie is funny hehee
Chapter 2: Kekekeke I wonder where you got 'I can smell his name?' *wiggles eyebows* Kekekeke good job unni!
Chapter 1: Kayaaaaa!!!!!ommo!!! It soo cute!! XD *spaz*
Ohh Himchanie oopa!*melt* ^.^ AWESOME STORY UNNI!!!
Chapter 2: congrats on your first fic! it was awesome! keep up with the good work and I hope to read more daejae from you. :D
Chapter 2: KYAAAA SO CUTE. I feel weird since its two boys but oh well, it has daehyun. I'm not saying i want daehyun gay. Dont think anything like that-.-
DaeJaeGyu #7
Chapter 2: Oooooh that was so Freakin sweet <3