
Where Are We Going?


“Hey Jongin, let’s go on a road trip.”


There’s two suitcases packed messily in the trunk of the mid-sized car, two blankets in the back seat, folded and freshly clean, and two eager young men smiling beside the driver’s side door.

“You know,” Jongin says while leaning back onto the car’s metal body, his arms folded across his chest, “I thought you were joking when you suggested this road trip.”

“Nope, this has to happen,” Taemin replies. “Now move, I’m driving.”

“We’re going to die.”

Jongin is promptly shut up with a punch to the arm. “Shut up, I’m older than you, meaning I’ve had my license longer than you.”

Jongin rolls his eyes. Honestly, he doesn’t care which one of them drives. He walks around the front of the car and enters on the passenger’s side. Taemin’s already in the opposite seat and is starting the car. The engine starts, the loud noise booming through the silence of the two boys, and is followed by the loud music of some girl group’s newest single on the radio.

“Where to first?” Taemin asks with a gummy smile.

“Does it matter?”


Their first stop, it turns out, ends up being a run-down gas station. Taemin pries open his door and pulls the key out, the annoying beeping and flashing of the ‘low gas’ light stopping. After putting the nozzle into the car, he looks back into the open driver’s window and glares at his boyfriend. “I thought I told you to fill up last night before we went to bed!”

“I got distracted by you talking about whatever it was you were talking about, and decided we had enough gas. It’s not like you were complaining when you had your up m-” Taemin turns around and finishes paying for the gas, leaving Jongin talking to open air.


The next stop is the side of the road. Jongin screams at Taemin to stop the car, and Taemin compiles, albeit a little confused. The younger of the two snaps his safety belt off and leans over into the backseat. Taemin just stares, his boyfriend’s right in his face.

“Jongin, it’s not that I don’t love this view, but what are you even doing?”

“Shut up, hyung. This is serious business.” So shutting up, Taemin does.

A short few seconds later, Jongin returns to his sitting position. He’s waving his old Nikon with his right hand with a large grin. “I want to take pictures! There’s a big tree, and really pretty flowers, and your hair looks like it’s glowing in the sun, and I just really want to take pictures. I’m rambling, I’ll shut up…”

Taemin smiles and lets a small laugh escape. “Come on, let’s go take pictures then.


“This one is my favorite,” Jongin proclaims while they’re sitting in the backseat together, looking at the pictures they took on the small camera screen. Taemin looks at the screen some more and decides that it’s his favorite picture, too. Jongin is smiling, his eyes closed into tight crescents, and Taemin is looking at Jongin with an equally large smile. The sun is directly behind them and the rays are pushing out around them. “We look happy, and that’s good. Happy is good.”

“Yeah, happy is good.”


They stay overnight at a rest stop just outside of a small town. They have enough money for a hotel room, but they didn’t feel like driving into a city to find one. So after Taemin parks the car away from any other overnight guests, they both set the backseat up for sleeping. Jongin sets one of the blankets down over the car seats, knowing they’re far from clean. He lies down right then and there, knowing Taemin will join him regardless.

Taemin, who was at the vending machines grabbing snacks for them while this was happening, comes back to see his boyfriend stretched across the large backseat. He pulls the door open, letting Jongin’s feet hang from the car.

“Jongin.” He receives a mumble in response. “Oh, come on. You know there’s no room for me. Move your over.”

The tan boy rolls over enough so he’s on his side, leaving just enough room for Taemin to lie on his side as well. Taemin reaches for the blanket before stretching his legs over Jongin’s to make it in the car. Once he’s in, crouching over since he’s far too tall to stand in the car, he closes the door and locks up. He balances the second blanket on Jongin’s hip as he situates himself beside the other boy.

Jongin instantly wraps his arms around Taemin’s torso and pulls him closer.

“I’m cold, hyung.”

“It’s not even cold outside, you’re just a big baby” But, knowing he himself will start getting chilled later in the night, he unfolds the blanket and tosses it carelessly over them.

Jongin laughs softly before giving the older a whispered, “Better.” Taemin smiles slightly and scoots closer to Jongin. They lay like that, noses bumping and legs tangling together.

“Where do you want to go tomorrow?” Taemin asks into Jongin’s neck.

“Let’s go shopping somewhere. After breakfast, though.”

“Sounds good. Maybe we’ll find something good.”


Jongin snores while Taemin drools, the pool of saliva resting on Jongin’s sleeve. Through the windshield, the sun shines bright into Jongin’s closed eyes. He wakes with a groan and sits up, dropping Taemin on the car seats. “Hyung, it’s morning.” He shakes Taemin’s shoulder softly. “Wake up. I’m hungry.”

There’s a mumbled response that sounds like, “ten more minutes,” but Jongin isn’t going to survive that long. He shakes a little harder. “Wake up, damnit. I need protein and nutrition.”

“Shut it, you over-sized baby. There’s granola bars, eat those.”

“Those aren’t good enough. I want a sandwich.”

“Then drive yourself, God damnit.”

“Fine, I will. Just keep sleeping, princess.”

“You’re the princess…”


Jongin cranes his neck to look in the backseat. “We’re here, hyung. Now you have to wake up.”

Taemin nods tiredly and slowly sits up.

“McDonald’s? Really? They have the worst breakfast ever!”

Jongin smiles and stretches his legs out of the car, getting out. “Who cares, it’s food and that’s all I ask for.”

Taemin grumbles but gets out of the car anyway. He reaches for Jongin’s hand, and his boyfriend happily takes it.

Once inside the fast food joint, Jongin orders three sandwiches and a hash brown, along with a large coffee and a child’s sized chocolate milk. “What would you like, hyung?” He tugs on Taemin’s hand, who orders a simple sandwich with a hash brown and large coffee. They take their food after paying and find a seat in a back corner. It’s early, meaning the only other customers in the dining area are older men talking over newspapers and teenagers who are sleepy-eyed and rushing to get to their jobs.

Jongin practically swallows his sandwiches whole, while Taemin picks at his food and takes a few bites here and there.

“This food is so gross, Jongin.”

“I know, I know. But it’ll fill us up, right?”

Taemin reluctantly agrees and goes back to trying to stomach his food.

“So,” Jongin finishes his chocolate milk and reaches for his coffee, “I’m still up for shopping. You?” A nod. “Where to?”

“First mall we see off the highway.”



The mall is small and there aren’t many people around, but that doesn’t affect the two males. At first, Taemin had pulled Jongin to the closest photo booth and they took far too many pictures. All the photo strips were jammed (carefully, of course) into Taemin’s wallet. Most of the pictures were of Taemin pulling a strange face while Jongin laughs, though there were some nice ones.

The photo booth was far forgotten, however. They’re at a lingerie store, making a scene. Taemin is shoving a corset and garter set into Jongin’s face, along with a pair of lace, see-through .

“Jongin, try it on! You’ll look adorable!”

“There is no way this,” Jongin gestures to his entire body, “is going to fit in that.”

“But you’d look really hot!”

Jongin turns around, attempting to ignore the other. He’s looking at a rack full of baby dolls. “Taemin.”

“It’s just for fun!” There’s a pout on Taemin’s face, and Jongin knows it. “Jongie, please!”

“Maybe,” Jongin turns around with a smirk on his lips. “But you have to try something on in exchange.”

Taemin blinks. “What, like the same thing?”

The smirk gets wider. “Something better.” Jongin pulls out from behind him an open front, black baby doll, a set of black ruffle , and some thigh highs.

“Oh no. No no no, nuh-no, no. I am not wearing ruffles, Jongin!” Taemin backs up slightly, yet Jongin steps closer.

“Do you want me in that damned corset?”

“W-well, yeah, but I don’t want to wear ruffles.”

Jongin quirks his eyebrow, “You don’t want to make me happy, hyung?”

Taemin throws the lingerie he’s holding onto the ground. “Stop twisting my words around, you know I don’t mean it like that! I just wanted to get a good laugh out of today.”

The younger’s grin falls and he stares at his boyfriend. “Okay, okay. I’m sorry, but please don’t yell in public. That lady over there,” he points, “is already giving us a dirty look.”

Taemin frowns, but does what Jongin asks. “Fine. You go to the food court and buy us some lunch for the ride, I’ll put this stuff away and meet you there.”

“Sounds good,” Jongin smiles and pulls the shorter into a quick hug. “See you in a few, hyung!” He waves behind himself as he walks out of the bright store and towards the food court.

Taemin looks down; he and Jongin had both thrown the fancy lingerie down in fits of anger. He smirks. Maybe, just maybe, he could please himself and Jongin. They might have to eat ramen for a few weeks, but Taemin is okay with that. He picks up both discarded sets quickly and makes his way towards the cashier. His wallet feels lighter already.

“Hello, sir. Is this all for you today?”


Taemin stops at a candy shop before arriving at the food court. He buys one of almost everything, knowing both he and Jongin have a thing for sweets when angry. He also needs a way to hide the obviously pink bag he has, and hope the candy shop’s bags are large enough. He pays quickly, and luckily, the bag is just large enough to stash the other bag in. Taemin leaves the store with a smile and a wave to the cashier.

He sees Jongin right away. The tan boy is standing by the exit with two fast food joint bags and a large drink. He waves at Taemin as he sees him.

“Candy?” Jongin asks with a small smile.

Taemin nods, “Peace offering.”

They make it back to the car, and Jongin goes straight for his spot in the passenger’s seat. Taemin pops the trunk, hoping to hide the purchase he made earlier. He hides behind the large trunk top and hurriedly pulls the pink bag out and hides it behind his suitcase. He leaves the candy bag towards the front, though, so Jongin doesn’t suspect anything.

Pulling himself into the driver’s seat, Taemin grins widely at seeing Jongin stuffing his face. “Hungry much?”

Jongin nods and shoves a fry into Taemin’s mouth. “You’re welcome, hyung.”

Taemin grumbles a low, “Gee, thanks,” but smiles anyway.


Four days driving anywhere and everywhere, and the two men are tired of being in a car. Taemin’s legs cramp up at least once an hour from driving. Jongin gets antsy in the passenger seat and tries to entertain himself. Their backs hurt from sleeping in such a confined space each night. Fast food only goes so far when you’re trying to fill your empty stomachs.

“Hyung, I want to sleep in a real bed,” Jongin says that afternoon, just as they’ve passed a small city.

“I know, I know. We’ll stay at a hotel tonight, how’s that?” Taemin suggests, hoping the younger doesn’t want to head home already. That would ruin the fun!

Jongin nods. “I’m okay with that. But we have to share the bed, okay?” He pouts, just slightly and adjusts in his seat to face Taemin.


It’s just after nine when the two arrive at the next city and find a somewhat decent-yet-cheap hotel to stay at for the night. They find one, reasonably priced, with one large bed. Taemin lugs his suitcase in, since Jongin said he could wear the elder’s clothes for one night. And really, there was no point to them both bringing their luggage in. It was for one night, and they were basically the same size anyway.

Jongin’s first into the room; he throws his room key somewhere near the bedside table and jumps front first onto the lumpy bed. He laughs and rolls over to his back. He opens his eyes just in time to see Taemin walk through the door and shove the suitcase into a corner.

“Having fun there?” Taemin inquires with a small smile. He lies down beside Jongin.

“Well, yeah. Who doesn’t have fun in hotel rooms?” Jongin places his hand over Taemin’s face and laughs. “Now you can’t see!” Taemin hums in response, a grin stretched wide.

Jongin takes the lack of real response as a forfeit and moves his hand. They lay like that for a while, just enjoying each other’s company. It isn’t often they have time to just sit there and be together. Usually, Jongin is studying at the university’s library or in the dance studio working on choreography for class, while Taemin is off teaching at the dance studio down the street from their apartment. Most time spent together is when they get home, both of them late, and go straight to bed.

Taemin looks over at Jongin. His boyfriend’s eyes are closed and dark eyelashes fall on perfectly tanned skin. “Jongin,” he whispers. Jongin hums in reply, turning towards Taemin and opening his eyes. “I love you.”

Jongin smiles and leans forward to give Taemin a quick kiss. “I have a secret, hyung.” Taemin’s only reaction is a questioning look, signaling Jongin to continue. “I love you, too.”

“I know,” Taemin starts, “you tell me at least once a day.” Jongin nods into Taemin’s shoulder slightly, tiredness taking over his body. Taemin laughs softly and stands from his spot on the bed. He grabs two pairs of sweatpants from the suitcase and throws a pair at Jongin. “Come on, sleepy head. Let’s sleep.”


The next morning, the two take a quick shower together and change into clean clothes. Taemin stops at the front desk to leave the room keys and pay the bill while Jongin takes the suitcase to the car.

Jongin’s shut the trunk and taken his place in the front seat once Taemin arrives at the car. As soon as he’s in the driver’s seat, Jongin looks at him.

“Hyung, why is there a pink bag in the trunk?”


i hope you guys liked this failure lmfao
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Chapter 1: I think I'm gonna die of cuteness and fluff >w< this is adorable
matchy #2
Chapter 1: this is the cutest omg. :( jongin is the younger one but taemin's the one who acts brattier lol - which is... very canon, dies. but they're adorable and love each other aaaah great.
yoongles #3
Chapter 1: Haha Jongin being curious XD Taemin didn't hide it very well or as if he had any where else to put it.
Chapter 1: omfg I love the last line xD
Im off to read the sequel~
prinxzTA3MIN #6
Chapter 1: U so hv to write about what happened with the lingerie >^^<
I love roadtrip!AU and taekai! and this is so enjoyable to read.
I feel like their relationship is so natural and they truly care about each other irl, you can also saw that they looked so happy together!
I shipped them so hard >.<
so thank for writing this
imsocuriousyeah #8
Chapter 1: OH DEAR LORD THANK YOUUU! dont call this a failure :< it was perfect i knew it was going to be!!
and your writing is as good as always i had such a great time reading
so much TaeKai love <333
imsocuriousyeah #9
this is going to be awesome