
Girl at the coffee shop


Inspired by Jeff Bernat's-Girl At The Coffee Shop
As you walked into the Starbucks shop, earbuds in your ears, and books in hand, you decided to order a Cinnamon Dolce latte and a chocolate chip cookie to quench your hunger.
When you sat down to start your homework from university, you felt a mysterious pair of eyes stare at you from the other table a few down from yours. You just shrugged it off and finished your school work.
He just kept staring. I mean, you had a couple of people like you, but they never went as far as to never take their eyes off of you. So, being the kind of person you are, decided to look up from the legal studies papers you were working on and smile back at him. He saw your kind gesture and blushed. You slightly smiled. He was cute and looked a little naive.
"Ok, done!" You smiled to yourself and packed up your books and threw your Starbucks cup and cookie wrapper away. Seeing the guy just staring down at the notebook he was writing in, you were a little depressed that he didn't give you the attention you wanted as you left.
& I think that I am falling for the Girl at the Coffee Shop
Dont know her name,but its her that I am thinking of.
Never would have guessed that id fall for a stranger,
Never thought that id fall in love w/ a Girl at the Coffee Shop,(yeah)
w/ a Girl at the Coffee Shop..(yeah)'
Sehun closed his notebook and sighed. The girl he saw today that walked in was just gorgeous. Her long, flown dark brown hair, her smile, it was all just so perfect.
He looked at the girl slightly smiling as she walked out of the Starbucks shop, passing the table sehun was sitting in. He looked at her face one more time, and she looked back. Once again, she gave a killer smile that made him turn red and not help to smile back.
The next day, Oh Sehun went back to the coffee shop to finish up his song and maybe to see the girl again.
He sat at the same table he sat in last time, looking at his watch.
'12:15' The face of the watch read. He decided to just stare off into space and think about the next lyrics he was going to write down in his spiral notepad.
'(Verse 2)
So I went back,& I didnt see her there,just the smell of chocolate and caramel in the air.
Sitting down,as time passes by w/ tear drops in eyes w/ sadness and sighs.
No one replies,70 minutes have passed...'
He stopped when he heard the bell of the coffee shop ding. There she was, walking in the shop and going up to the register.
"Cinnamon Dolce latte and a chocolate chip cookie. Oh, the latte should be grande." She smiled and pulled out a ten dollar bill. The lady at the register smiled and was going to go to make the drink, but sehun started to walk up to the front.
His legs started to move and he felt confident.
He looked at the book in her hand and smiled.
'Mitch Albom' the book read.
'How are you doing? Hi my name is Sehun. Ill get the same thing,
but first make this girl’s a venti." He looked at the lady behind the register. She nodded her head and walked back to the coffee maker to make their order.
"You didn't have to do that..." She blushed and looked at the cover of her book.
"That book is really good. I like Mitch Albom." He started the conversation. She smiled and nodded.
"Yeah. His work is really good. Oh, and thank you." She grinned and sehun picked up the tray of their treats before heading to the table.
"I never got to ask you your name. I saw you yesterday, but i was too embarrassed to walk up and ask..." Sehun rubbed the back of his neck.
"Ciara. Yours?" She sipped the laté.
"Oh Sehun." He took a little bite of his cookie.
"Nice to meet you Sehun!" She smiled widely. They both laughed.
This little Drabble is for my unnie for one of her birthday presents. She wanted a suhun crack fanfic, but i was like,
'She would like this more.' Haha
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