Together Forever

Shine Bright Like A Diamond

Shine Bright Like A Diamond


It was an incredible hot afternoon, especially for training. The solid ground seemed to sway with the heat it reflected from how hot it was.

Hong Jun wanted to get training going, and over with quickly. He still couldn’t believe that his former students had returned to the dark castle, and now he was charged with training their brats. It had been just a week that Young Bae, Seungri, Daesung and Ji Eun decided to move back in because they had decided that their kids should train and learn together. Usually they just came to visit, but Hong Jun had to wonder how they would get along. So far, they weren’t getting along.

Looking over the bickering kids, Hong Jun frowned, glaring at his students. “Tae Hyun,” he started, but whatever he was going to say instantly died on his lips when a loud BANG! Was heard from somewhere within the Dark Castle. It practically shook the ground, and startled them all.

“What was that?” Tae Hyun asked.

Hong Jun shook his head and signaled for him to stay. “You kids stay here,” he firmly told them, shooting them a glare to make sure that his words were taken seriously before he sprinted towards the castle. Had the King been attacked? Was someone after the Heir again? He had to move quickly and make sure that they were not in danger!

Back in the training fields, Tae Hyun frowned, crossing his arms as he disliked the idea of being treated like a child.

“What do you think that was, Tae Hyun?” the only girl there asked, pressing her hands to her chest with worry.

“I don’t know Hyun Jae, but let’s go see,” Tae Hyun smirked, running towards the castle as well. Hyun Jae gapped, before she nodded and followed close behind him.

“Guys, wait!” Jin Hyuk, the youngest, cried, knowing already that they were going to get into a lot of trouble for not listening to Hong Jun. Their parents had said that they had to listen to their teachers and grandparents and not just them, but it was hard to do so. Tae Hyun, Hyun Jae, and Jin Hyuk quickly made it to the scene. There were burning, black flames surrounding their grandfather’s throne room, and they seemed to be consuming the very walls that they surrounded.

“Wha-what is that!” Hyun Jae cried, “Where’s grandpa!”

“I thought I told you kids to stay away!” Hong Jun quickly rushed to block them and move them out of the way. Several knights were already working on trying to douse the flames. Yet, no matter what they seemed to do, the more they seemed to grow. They couldn’t even get inside to check if the king was inside. The temperature was also rising, these odd flames, dark, were hotter than anything Hong Jun had ever experienced.

And none of them knew how to extinguish them!  

“JI YONG!!!”

The sudden scream had everyone freezing. The dark castle practically shook from the foundation up, with the loud scream that King Hyun Suk released. Hyun Jae and Jin Hyuk quickly piled behind Tae Hyun whom suddenly wanted to run away than watch his uncle Ji Yong get scolded.


Somewhere else, within the castle, the Pink blue haired vampire heir jolted, looking away from the documents he had been studying and towards the door of his office. His amber eyes looked around, before looking down back at the papers in front of him.  He thought about ignoring his father, but another scream, this one from his mother had him standing up and heading out of the room quickly. “What could they possibly want from me now,” he grumbled to himself. Ji Yong walked around for a while, searching for his parents when he saw the large commotion centered around the throne room. What surprised him even more were the strange dark flames that were covering the entrance. “What’s going on?” he asked.

“Prince,” Knight Sean started, but the kids were already surrounding Ji Yong, and telling him in their own way.

“One at a time,” Ji Yong paused them.

“We heard a loud Bang!” Hyun Jae threw her arms out, her long black and silvery hair swaying behind her. Ji Yong smiled at her.

“And we followed Hong Jun here,” Tae Hyun said, pointing at the dumbfounded man. This caused Ji Yong to raise an eyebrow at Hong Jun whom looked frustrated.

“Our grandpa is in there,” Jin Hyuk ended, inching himself a bit behind Hyun Jae. He wasn’t too fond of his uncle Ji Yong, seeing as he was scared of the man.  

“Got it,” Ji Yong said, and moved towards the flaming entrance. The Knights nearly pulled Ji Yong back, but soon everyone stared in wonder when the Vampire Heir simply entered. Ji Yong walked inside, in awe at how cold the flames felt, and then spotted his parents pushed to a corner, and his son, glaring at them. What was even more shocking was the sight of the room, as if something strong had just exploded and shattered windows, and furniture. “Seung Yong,” he warmly called.

The little boy turned around, grinning widely. “Appa!” The dark flames instantly died out, and the young boy rushed to his father, wrapping his arms around him.

Ji Yong smiled down at him, placing his hand on the nine year old boy’s head. His son’s pale pink hair was blended with electric blues, and his pale skin nearly as white as a sheet of paper. People often couldn’t believe that he was real—he was just too adorable, too surreal, especially when his amber colored eyes would stare at you. The moment that you looked into them you were caught by the large dark design that existed in them, fathomless pits of promises with horrific ends. Although right now, Ji Yong felt pride swell inside him.

“Ji Yong, your kid exploded in a tantrum, you have to teach him not to get too angry!!” The king started to lecture but Ji Yong wasn’t listening. How could he, when his kid was so excited! This was the first time that Seung Yong had shown any kind of ability. It was incredible! He couldn’t wait to let Seung Hyun know. Perhaps their kid was truly more vampire than they had first expected of him.

“Did you see Appa! I did it. I…I’m not useless,” Seung Yong’s smile faded.

Ji Yong frowned, “Who ever said that you were useless?” he asked.

“Oh…um…” Seung Yong looked down at the floor. Ji Yong turned a glare at his parents, but they shook their head in denial. He then turned his head around to see that Hong Jun and the others were still around. He knew that for Tae Hyun and Hyun Jae being Seungri’s brats, would never call his son useless. Hong Jun was a professional teacher as well, he wouldn’t do that either. His eyes landed on Jin Hyuk whom looked frozen, and guilty. Even though Jin Hyuk could be sweet, he had an attitude that he had gotten from his mother that was a bit rotten in Ji Yong’s opinion. 

“Jin Hyuk,” Ji Yong signaled the boy forward.

Jin Hyuk was just a few months younger than Seung Yong, having been born four months later. He was around the same height, and had strawberry blond hair with tints of pink. Apparently the pink hair came for their father’s side of the family and Daesung carried the gene. Jin Hyuk narrowed his dark brown eyes, before lowering them, “I’m sorry, but, he couldn’t even do a proper attack! He was always getting his kicked. Training with him was boring,” the boy scowled. Although he was scared of his uncle Ji Yong, he was not scared to speak his mind to anyone!

“Jin Hyuk, you wouldn’t like it if they thought that about you,” Ji Yong gently scolded.

“Yah! You’re not that strong either,” Hyun Jae glared, placing her hands at her hips.

“You always defend him!” Jin Hyuk snapped at her, “That’s why he doesn’t get any better,”

“I don’t always defend him,” Hyun Jae brushed her black, silver blended long hair back.

“Yes you do! And Tae Hyun always babies him!”

“Okay, that’s enough,” Ji Yong placed each hand on top of each child’s head, and nudged Hyun Jae towards Tae Hyun. “You two go find your papa; I will deal with this myself.”

“Yes Uncle Ji,” Tae Hyun grabbed his younger sister’s hand and left. Hong Jun wanted to say something, since it was time to train but he figured after what happened, it was better to leave things for tomorrow. Seung Yong was still a phenomena that all of them were trying to figure out and for him to suddenly create a large dark flame like that, he was turning out to be like Ji Yong when he was in a bad mood. Besides, it was kind of funny seeing Ji Yong be a parent.

“Ji Yong, I’m not done talking to you,” The king hissed.

“Sorry father, I’ll talk to you after I deal with this,”

The king sighed, placing a hand over his forehead and firmly nodded.

Ji Yong on the other hand fought an inner war not to pick his child up and smother him in hugs and kisses. Seungri was right, they grew up too fast. Grabbing Seung Yong’s hand he nudged Jin Hyuk forward. The blond pouted, tears forming in his eyes, knowing that Ji Yong and his dad were about to have a discussion about his attitude again. His parents always scolded him because of it, but really, he couldn’t care. He didn’t really like Seung Yong. The kid pissed him off for some reason.

“Daesung!” Ji Yong roared, kicking the doors to the Dungeon open. Young Bae and Daesung were discussing the demographics of their own new inheritance, when they were jolted right out of it by Ji Yong. Daesung stood up, and glanced down to see his son looking angry and teary, wondering what had happened this time.

“What’s going on?”

“Your kid is bullying mine again!” 

“Stop screaming, you’re scaring my kid!”

“That little bugger isn’t scared enough!!”

Daesung sighed, and decided not to fight with Ji Yong about this. “Jin, what did you do?”

“He called my kid useless!” Ji Yong immediately interfered. If there was one thing he didn’t like it was directly brining the kids into the argument he felt should be between him and Daesung.

“Ji Yong the argument is between the kids, not you and me.” Daesung calmly stated. Ji Yong sighed, crossing his arms. Both turned to look down at the kids.

“Why would you call Seung Yong useless, that’s mean, and it hurts,” Daesung walked over and crouched down to his kid’s size, and ruffled his hair. Hearing his dad speaking so gently to him really made Jin Hyuk cry, and move in to bury his face in his father’s chest. 

“I was…I was just frustrated that he couldn’t do anything right! I’m sorry,”

“You don’t have to apologize to me,” Daesung smiled, gently hugging his son. Ji Yong sighed, crossing his arms as he looked away. It made him mad that Daesung was such an angel. He couldn’t remember ever fighting with him. When Daesung gently turned Jin Hyuk towards Seung Yong, he was a bit amazed at how Ji Yong’s kid didn’t show any kind of emotion. “Go on,” he coaxed his kid.

Jin Hyuk nodded, “Seung Yoong, I’m sorry, you aren’t useless,” the blond bowed, “I mean it, I’m sorry,”

“It’s okay,” Seung Yong easily accepted, and smiled gently at his cousin, making Jin Hyuk blush and fidget, as he angrily looked away.

“Well, now that’s settled,” Ji Yong mumbled.

Young Bae chuckled as he stood to join his now peaceful brothers, “Ji Yong, we’d like you to look over the settlements that we came up with,” he said, handing the papers to Ji Yong. Ji Yong had gained more responsibility as the time went, and had more to deal with. He was starting to wonder how his father did it all. Everything was always paperwork.

“What does this mean?” Ji Yong asked, pointing to a certain paragraph. As the grow ups started to discuss things Jin Hyuk stuck close to his dad, pulling on his khaki pants, but kept an eye on Seung Yong whom was currently leaning against uncle Ji Yong’s leather clad leg. Jin Hyuk rarely got to see his cousins. He wasn’t used to having other kids around. When he met his cousin Tae Hyun, he thought that he was the coolest, and that he also knew everything!

Hyun Jae was really pretty and really cool too. But Seung Yong was strange, even his dad was strange. Jin Hyuk had to admit that he was scared of Uncle Ji Yong when he first met him, in fact he was teased over the fact that the moment he saw the man, he cried his eyes out. He couldn’t understand why they would about that. The man was scary and intimidating!

Come to think of it, Seung Yong did looked a lot like his uncle Ji Yong…was that maybe the reason why he didn’t like his cousin?     

A sudden knock by the door drew everyone’s attention, “Papa says that it’s time for lunch,” Tae Hyun called as he slowly walked inside. His eldest cousin was really, really cool, with his dark hair all spiky, and his eyes strange and silver like his uncle Young Bae’s.

“Tell him to have it brought here, son, we still have a lot to discuss,” Young Bae said.

Tae Hyun nodded, “Okay,” and sprinted away to tell his papa.

Ji Yong turned back to Young Bae, mischievously smirking at his brother, “So, what did father say when he found out that you got Seungri pregnant again?” he asked.

Young Bae sighed, shaking his head. “Dad called us crazy for having so many children too soon,” yet Young Bae smiled proudly.

Ji Yong scoffed, “If you tell me, I think dad had us too late,”

“Well, he makes a point you know. Vampires rule for a long time, we are still young compare to many new parents that are at least a century old. You won’t even start fully ruling the kingdom for another hundred years, before father decides to step down,” Daesung said. Young Bae nodded in agreement, but Ji Yong pursed his lips, clenching both his hands tight.

“That’s not an issue with me, dad can keep ruling for as long as he pleases, he’s still sane for his old age…it’s just that…” He briefly glanced down at the top of his child’s head before looking back at his brothers, “He said that there was no way that Seung Yong could become the next heir to the throne,”

Young Bae and Daesung were surprised, “Is it because Seung Yong struggles with his energy?” Daesung asked.

“No…it’s because he’s…” Ji Yong didn’t complete the sentence, but his brother’s instantly understood. “Father is afraid that if he is, then other priorities will fill him and he won’t be able to rule as a proper vampire should,”

“Oh,” Both Daesung and Young Bae quickly realized what was going on. While the grow ups kept discussing the issue in a secretive way, Seung Yong understood and couldn’t help but feel like he wasn’t worthy to be his father’s son. He didn’t know why he was so different, or why he couldn’t do things like his cousins could. He wanted to be like them, and be able to participate in the same things that they did. He didn’t want to be treated differently!

Jin Hyuk on the other hand was trying to understand what was being said, growing even more frustrated by the second. Was Seung Yong that much of a special case? It was no wonder he was such a child and couldn’t do anything.

Tae Hyun returned shortly with a cart full of food, and Hyun Jae was right behind him struggling with a cold pitcher of blood. Young Bae, Daesung, and Ji Yong immediately moved to help them and started to set out the food. Ji Eun soon joined them as well; carrying extra plates and spoons so that they could all eat. Seungri walked in a few minutes later with a second pitcher, looking rounded already in his five months of his new pregnancy.

“Here,” Young Bae said, taking the pitcher away and tenderly guiding his mate to sit down. Tae Hyun and Hyun Jae were already serving themselves. Daesung was serving a plate to his son and Ji Yong was pouring blood into the plastic cups that he had found stashed away from their last party. It truly had been a long time since any of them had sat down together to have a meal like this. A very, very, long time, Ji Yong had to admit to himself as he proudly watched his nephews and nieces all so grown now. 

“The second pitcher is mostly for Seung Yong,” Seungri said and sighed in relief as he settled himself down in his seat.

“Thanks,” Ji Yong said as Young Bae handed it over to him. The Vampire heir poured a cup of it, before setting it aside and handed the cup to his son. Seung Yong smiled as he thanked his father and greedily drank down the deep dark blood. It had been hard to tell what Seung Yong would be like in everything, and that included eating habits. It seemed that he was just like Seung Hyun in that perspective, but because he was also part vampire, blood was a need, and thus still drunk it. That was Seung Yong’s basic source of nourishment, and his other source was more complicated to explain- but he clearly had traits of both his parents.

“More,” Seung Yong his lips and Ji Yong gladly poured him another cup, this one he drank slowly as he watched everyone else eat. For one reason or the other, the action of eating didn’t fascinate him at all. He had no desire to even try the food that his father, nor anyone else, seemed to consume and enjoy.  

“So, what happened earlier?” Ji Eun asked, taking the chance to look at her son whom immediately looked down and inched closer to Daesung.

“Nothing, we took care of it,” Daesung soothingly said.

“So…nothing was blown up?” Ji Eun asked, raising a questioning eyebrow “I thought I heard a loud explosion.”

“That was me” Seung Yong proudly raised his hand making Young Bae, Seungri, Ji Eun, and Daesung look at him with slight shock.

“Wait, Seung Yong has shown abilities?” Young Bae asked.

“Actually, that was the first time I’ve seen him do anything,” Ji Yong turned to his son, “What were you doing in your grandpa’s throne room anyways?” he asked, raising an eyebrow. The boy smiled innocently, moving himself to hug Ji Yong.

“Papa,” He whined, making Ji Yong have difficulty keeping a stern look on his face.

“Someone…please, I’m powerless!!” The great vampire heir suddenly melted and wrapped his son in a hug, “Aww, who cares what kind of trouble you were getting yourself into baby,”

“Ji!” His brothers snapped.

The pink blue haired vampire sighed, “My baby doesn’t usually go around getting himself in trouble for no good reason, but,” he sighed, “Tell papa what you were doing or else,” None of them knew what the or else meant, but it always got Seung Yong to do exactly what Ji Yong asked.

“Okay okay, I’ll tell.” Taking a deep breath Seung Yong quickly came clean with what happened, “I…I was skipping my training and grandpa found me, and he started to scold me, and I got mad…and boom!” The child threw his arms out. “I just….didn’t know anymore,” and for good measure, snuggled himself closer to his father, hoping that he wouldn’t be mad.

Ji Yong sighed, “I guess it’s our fault for pressuring you so much,”

“His emotions probably overwhelmed him and he did something….” Daesung tilted his head, “Do you think you could reproduce that same power, Seung Yong?” he asked, smiling warmly at his nephew, whom was now practically plastered to Ji Yong’s side.

“Uh…I…” Seung Yong looked nervous. “I could try,”

“Don’t worry about not being able to, we’ll go to the training area after lunch to see, and if you can’t we will see what Daddy thinks about it, okay,” Ji Yong gently said, running his fingers through his son’s soft hair. The boy nodded, smiling at his father.

“It’ll be really cool to see your powers!” Hyun Jae cheered.

“It really will,” Tae Hyun offered him a smile.

Jin Hyuk kept his head down as he tucked in his food, upset at all the attention Seung Yong was getting. No one ever made a big deal of his power! And he was great, and very skilled! He worked hard and had better fighting knowledge, what was so special about Seung Yong!

When they were done eating, all of them headed to the training fields. Ji Yong was glad to be out of the stuffy office, and outside getting some fresh air. “Let’s get a battle going!”

“Not us, we will sit this one out,” Ji Eun said, grabbing onto Seungri’s arm. The pregnant man had wanted to battle, but Young Bae had forbidden him and asked her to protect him on the sidelines. Knowing Seungri, if left alone, he would try something dangerous despite being pregnant.

“Don’t expect any more children from me Bae!” Seungri hissed as Ji Eun struggled to pull him away from Young Bae.

“That’s what you said when Hyun Jae was born,”

“I mean it this time!” he growled before he followed Ji Eun towards the safe watching area. Young Bae sighed; knowing that as soon as this pregnancy was over, Seungri would be back to himself. But he had a point; perhaps they should stop having kids already. This was going to be their third, and they needed to start focusing towards Tae Hyun and Hyun Jae’s training, and that was going to be made difficult with the new child.

“Seung Yong, don’t worry if you can’t figure out what you did last time, let’s just try okay,” Ji Yong said, giving his son a soft look. The blue and pink haired boy nodded his head, and followed his father closely towards the center of the training area. There was ten feet of distance between father and child, but just five feet on either side of Seung Yong by Young Bae and Daesung. On Ji Yong’s side, Tae Hyun, Hyun Jae, and Jin Hyuk kept a safe distance, watching their uncle closely as their parents had asked. They had never seen their uncle in action before.

Seung Yong stiffened, his eyes looking around him as flames seemed to sprout out of nowhere, and start to surround him. Finally, his eyes land back at his father, but the man is looking at him with a calm look, arms crossed, and challenging him. Tae Hyun, Hyun Jae, and Jin Hyuk stiffened at the unexpected flames, and moved themselves even further away.

That’s uncle Ji Yong’s power…

Seung Yong swallowed hard, wondering how his father managed to create the flames that now had him surrounded. He’d never seen his father’s power before, neither of his parents had. They were always just encouraging him to figure out his own strengths by finding the energy within him. The thing was, that Seung Yong just couldn’t seem to find any kind of strength in him, and often found himself worrying about disappointing both his father’s than anything else.

The flames flicked up suddenly, moving in even closer until he was completely boxed in. Seung Yong closed his eyes and tried his hardest to come up with a solution to all of this. He felt scared when his mind came up with a blank, but he refused to give up, he had to do something! Ji Yong scowled, and turned up the heat.

“Uncle Ji, you’re going to hurt him!” Hyun Jae cried, worried for her cousin. Jin Hyuk shook with fear, looking at his uncle with utter disbelief. They had to help Seung Yong out of there.

Tae Hyun raised his hand, stopping both of them in their tracks. “Shut up, both of you, Uncle Ji wouldn’t ever harm his son, just watch,”

Flames burned high for a while, when suddenly, black blue flames hugged around Ji Yong’s red orange flames. Ji Yong smiled, before he gasped, and dismissed his flames the very moment that he felt his son lose control of his flames. Seung Yong cried out, getting stung by his own flames, before they extinguished themselves. Panting hard, Seung Yong flinched as he flexed his burned fingers.

Ji Yong rushed to his son, reaching for his son. “Oh,” Ji Yong mumbled as he watched the small burn slowly heal.

Yong Bae and Daesung walked over as well. “It seems like he will have trouble gaining control, but he’s going to be just as strong as you, it seems,” Young Bae said, smiling down at Seung Yong.

“As strong as my Appa?” The small boy asked.

“Yeah,” Young Bae said.

“Your Appa was a bit different than you though, because no matter what, he would burn everything in his path,” Daesung smiled.

“My Appa?” Seung Yong’s eyes swirled with interest as he turned to look at his father. Ji Yong was glaring at his brothers.

“Uncle Ji Yong’s powers are incredible!” Tae Hyun praised as he walked near. “I wouldn’t mind having a battle with you,” he said, his eyes shining with determination. Tae Hyun had gained Young Bae’s ability of ice attacks. But even since young, Tae Hyun enjoyed watching his Uncle Ji Yong’s powers, and as he grew older, he dreamed of being just as strong!

“Not yet, you’re still too young, but, Seung Yong can be your challenge,” Ji Yong motioned towards his son.


 “His flames are ice cold,” Ji Yong remarked.

“Cold?” Daesung asked, confused.

“What are you talking about Ji Yong; I think Seung Yong’s flames are hotter than yours,”

Ji Yong blinked, “They feel cold to me,” he said, looking at his brothers in confusion. Young Bae and Daesung sighed as they could only image how Ji Yong, as Seung Yong’s parents, experienced his son differently. Seung Yong on the other hand smiled as he moved closer to his father.

“Your flames feel nice and warm to me Appa,” Seung Yong said. Ji Yong smiled down at his son, ruffling the hair out of his eyes, before kissing his forehead. Seung Yong was such a daddies boy! Jin Hyuk shook his head, unimpressed, and then took a confident step forward.

“I challenge you now Seung Yong,” Jin Hyuk pointed at his cousin, “I bet I can still kick your ,”

“Daesung!” the blond gulped as he found himself held around the neck, tightly, “Watch your damn kid!”

“Ji Yong, calm down, this is between the kids!” Young Bae hissed, unlatching him from Daesung.

“Okay,” All three brothers turned to face Seung Yong whom had coolly accepted.

“He’s an odd child, isn’t he?” Daesung asked.

“What are you talking about?” Ji Yong asked, narrowing his eyes at his brothers.

“Well, when you’re around he shows a lot of emotion, especially when speaking with you, but when he talks to the others…he’s a bit cold…” Daesung explained before Ji Yong could get any angrier. Ji Yong turned to his son, noticing the sudden, cool, and aloof expression on his son’s face. His eyes had changed again, more dark than amber now.

“Well, he does take after his daddy,” Ji Yong remarked off handedly as he walked himself out of the training grounds, and into the safe watching area. Young Bae and Daesung gapped at him.

“Tae Hyun, Hyun Jae, let’s go to the safe area,” Young Bae called his kids. Hyun Jae immediately followed her father, but Tae Hyun stood back momentarily. He didn’t want his cousin’s to fight; he just knew that Jin Hyuk wouldn’t hesitate to hurt Seung Yong.

“Watch yourself Jin,” he hissed, before following his dad. Jin Hyuk gritted his teeth, and his glare turned tenfold as he gripped his hands tight.

Daesung stood suddenly in front of his head. “I don’t know what you are trying to pull, but cool it okay,” he firmly said. Jin Hyuk scoffed. He j ust knew that his father was going to keep him from hurting Seung Yong, but right now, he just wanted to prove that he was better, and nothing else.

Seung Yong knew from his dad that staying cool was always key to being able to make sound decisions. He might not know if he can rely on his own powers. The only reason he had been able to use them before was because he felt encouraged by the warmth of his appa’s flames. But right now he was not going to have that. He knew that he wasn’t always going to have his appa there to reassure him. He was going to have to be able to do this himself.

Jin Hyuk on the other hand didn’t waste any time powering himself up. He had easily gained his mother’s lightning attacks. He felt himself charge up, until tendrils of sparks were buzzing at his finger tips. Not giving Seung Yong any warnings, he rushed himself forward with high speed. Seung Yong didn’t have time to think as he jumped out of the way, and barely had any time to balance himself out before he had to spin away once more. Jin Hyuk was fast.

Seung Yong landed on his right foot, unable to stop himself, but noticing that his blond cousin was moving in again, he threw out his other leg, and managed to kick him. Seung Yong cried out, as lightning sparked against his knee, and up his leg knocking him down. Jin Hyuk gasped as the air was knocked out of him and he rolled away, until he landed on the floor. His whole body sparked, and he slowly lifted himself up, trying to catch his breath.

“This isn’t over,” Jin Hyuk hissed, his hand tightly as he created a bright ball of lightning within it. Seung Yong didn’t have time to properly pick himself up when all of a sudden the sharp fist was knocked right into his gut, and he was pushed harshly into the ground, causing his back to lacerate with the force of it.

The pain was too much and unexpected for Seung Yong that before he knew it, his eyes burst open, flashing bright blue, before a dark aura surrounded him. Jin Hyuk gasped, fear making his power recede in him as he stare down at Seung Yong’s eyes, so bright blue, with a piercing red center that wouldn’t let him look away. And then he felt it, a cold, slimy bony hand harshly gripping his throat, cutting his air way.

Seung Yong then pushed the blond away from him, sending him flying across the training area, and to the wall on the other side. A deep dark voice, deep from within him, urged him to go after Jin Hyuk. Kill him, destroy the little … Seung Yong nearly listened to it, as dark flames began to burn at his finger tips, but he suddenly snapped out of it. He glanced down to notice that he was bleeding badly at his abdomen, causing him to lose balance, and focus.

“Are you okay?” he heard the soothing, familiar voice of his Appa, and he allowed himself to relax, letting his father pull him against his chest. His mind boggled for a second, before the comfort of having his appa close made him start feeling safe. Yet, at the same time he wished that his dad was here as well.

Daesung was on the other side, picking up his own son, noticing with worry how deeply wounded Jin Hyuk was. “No more fighting,” he said.

Both of them were soon taken to Gummy, so she could check on them. Seung Yong’s wounds quickly healed the moment that they were cleaned. Jin Hyuk on the other hand was having a hard time healing, and had to have his neck, and chest bandaged to keep the wounds clean as they slowly healed themselves. After that, they headed back to the dungeons, were the kids were left as the grownups had to head back to work, and Ji Yong had to face the King for whatever was to come.

“I can’t believe we finally get a break,” Hyun Jae sighed, stretching, “We’re usually so worn out from training with Hong Jun,”

“That’s true, and we haven’t had much of a chance to catch up with everything,” Tae Hyun said, and then both brother and sister turned to look at their cousins. Jin Hyuk was sulking, looking away from them, and Seung Yong was curled at one end of the couch, looking like he was about ready to go to sleep. “Are you two just going to stay silent now?” Tae Hyun asked.

“I don’t want to talk to you guys,” Jin Hyuk pouted.

“You do know that we do care and love you Jinie,” Hyun Jae said, reaching over to ruffle his blond pink locks, “You have to relax a little,” she smiled at him. Jin Hyuk blushed, and let himself relax. He knew that they cared about him, it was just hard on him. He was the one that was less able to see his cousins, so he felt awkward around them. Besides that, moving away from home and coming to live here was also making him miss his home, his room, and his routine.

“I just don’t get why we had to move here,” Jin Hyuk finally said.

“That’s easy,” Tae Hyun said, making Hyun Jae and Jin Hyuk turn to him, “Our parents grew up together, and they learned a lot about each other, and their abilities, and that is what they want from us ultimately,” Tae Hyun smiled at them, “They want us to grow close so that we know how to work together, and learn from each other, also I bet they missed each other,”

“Oh yeah, our parents grew up together,” Hyun Jae said, getting a thoughtful look on her face, “I wonder what that was like,”

“I was here when I was a baby, or so dad says, but I don’t remember anything,” Tae Hyun shrugged.

“Do you think our parents used to fight with each other?” Jin Hyuk asked.

“That would be funny,” Hyun Jae said. “Do you know anything about how our parents used to be Seung Yong?” she asked, turning to her blue pink haired cousin.

“Only about my Appa and Daddy,” Seung Yong responded, and then opened one of his eyes to look at the other three.

Jin Hyuk blinked, “You have two dads?” he asked. From the times he had visited, and even this week that he had been here, Uncle Ji Yong had seemed like the only parent Seung Yong had. He didn’t even think about there being another parent for Seung Yong. He couldn’t imagine anyone wanting to be with Uncle Ji Yong.

“Yeah,” Seung Yong said, moving to sit down on the floor with his cousins.

“That’s right, you have never met Uncle Seung Hyun,” Tae Hyun said. “Where is he anyways, come to think about it, I haven’t seen him at all this week,”

“Something to do about work, dad only tells appa what that is. Neither of them will tell me,” Seung Yong shrugged. His facial expression was completely aloof as he talked about his parents, but deep inside he missed his dad a lot. He could remember crying, and unable to sleep through the night the first time that his dad had left for a long time. Now he’s gotten better, but sometimes he still struggles to fall asleep, but so long as his appa is around, he is okay. “He should be coming back real soon,”

“That’s good, you said that you know about your dads… what do you know?” Hyun Jae asked.

“Huh, oh, what do you want to know?” Seung Yong asked.

“How did they get together!” she asked, excited about hearing another romance story. She already knew how her parents got together, and how her Uncle Daesung and Aunt Ji Eun got together, but not her uncles.

“Um…they bonded,” 

“Obviously,” Jin Hyuk muttered.

“No! I know they are bonded, but how did they meet! Their romance!”

Seung Yong didn’t change his tune, “They bonded,”

“Before they bonded, Yongie,” Tae Hyun softly said, hoping his cousin would understand.

“They bonded,” Seung Yong said again, his face keeping its blank look. The other three sighed, looking at him perplexed.

“So your parents simply bonded?” Jin Hyuk asked.

“Yes,” Seung Yong said.

“And…is that it?” Hyun Jae asked, disappointed.

“They went to hell and back,” Seung Yong responded, shocking his cousins.


The temperature in the room suddenly dropped. The lights flickered on and off, until they dimmed themselves. Tae Hyun and Hyun Jae were a bit startled, but Jin Hyuk was freaking out as he frantically looked around, shakily getting to his feet. “What was that?” he asked. “How come the lights flashed like that?” he heard footsteps from behind him and turned around, only to see a tall, shadowed figure making its way towards them. Jin Hyuk was now shaking with fear as the tall, dark, hooded figure advanced more and more. “Wha…what is that…”

“My daddy,” Seung Yong said, rushing to hug the dark figure and the moment that he did, Jin Hyuk fainted.

Tae Hyun sighed, poking the small blond.

Hyun Jae giggled, “We did tell him that uncle Ji wasn’t that scary,”

Seung Hyun pulled his hood back, “So I’m scary?” he asked, raising an eyebrow at Seungri’s kids.

“The scariest!” Hyun Jae said, moving to hug her uncle. All of them knew that Seung Hyun disliked getting hugged, so even Tae Hyun liked hugging him. Tae Hyun moved right after his sister, hugging his uncle tightly. Seung Yong moved to the side, but refused to let go of his father as he held on tightly to his robes.

“Let go you little leeches,” Seung Hyun hissed, causing Tae Hyun and Hyun Jae to laugh. It wasn’t long before they were sitting again, after getting Seung Hyun to join them. Hyun Jae immediately started to let Seung Hyun know what she had been up to, and what had happened the week that he had not been here. Tae Hyun had talked about how he was excited to learn more about battling, and that he wanted to challenge his uncle Ji Yong.

In the middle of their conversation, Jin Hyuk came to, sitting up quickly. His eyes were wide as he looked towards Seung Hyun, a look of pure disbelief. “It...It’s a monster!!” he cried, pointing his finger accusingly to Seung Hyun. The blue haired reaper sighed, watching the small blond with a frown on his face.

“Parasite,” Seung Hyun hissed, with a slight glare in his eyes.

Jin Hyuk was offended, “Bully!” he accused.

“You’re a bully too Jin Hyuk!” Hyun Jae yelled.

“Am not!” he yelled back.

“Enough,” Seung Hyun’s tone was dark, making Jin Hyuk back off, and shut his mouth, terrified. His eyes darted briefly to Seung Yong whom was snuggled against the blue haired man, and started to understand.

“You might want to show some respect Jin Hyuk, this is Uncle Seung Hyun,” Tae Hyun scolded.

Seung Yong’s father…was scarier than Uncle Ji Yong. Now he understood why his cousins had laughed at him for being scared of Uncle Ji Yong. Looking over at the man again, he flinched when he found that his cold, dark stare was still on him. He quickly looked away, and down at his hands, trying to pretend that the man was not sitting on the other side.

“I’m going to go,” Seung Hyun said, moving to get up. Seung Yong immediately followed, sticking close to his dad. Tae Hyun and Hyun Jae moved to follow right behind them, still wanting to be around their uncle that they rarely saw. Jin Hyuk, not wanting to be left behind ended up slowly getting up and keeping his distance as he followed them.

Seung Hyun entered Ji Yong’s office, only to find his mate in deep conversation with his brothers about how things were going to change. It seemed like things around here were just starting to get interesting. “Working hard?” he asked.

“Hyunie!” Ji Yong immediately dropped what he was doing, and the next moment he was wrapped around Seung Hyun, like he was his only lifeline. “I’ve missed you so much!”

“I missed you as well,” Seung Hyun said, wrapping his own arms around Ji Yong.

“Looks like we aren’t getting any work done today,” Young Bae said.

“Yes we will!” Ji Yong said, turning a glare to him, “Now reread the contract again!” he hissed. Daesung and Young Bae nearly groaned. They had read the damned paper over a hundred times now, and Ji Yong still wanted to make changes that he was unsatisfied with. Seung Hyun and the kids watched as Ji Yong, Daesung, and Young Bae argued until they all agreed.

When that was done, dinner time came quickly, and although all of them enjoyed talking with each other, Seung Yong glanced around his now dark bedroom, looking everywhere as he couldn’t sleep. He was nine years old now, he was the son of a vampire and a reaper—and yet he was scared of the dark, and he was especially scared to be alone.

Jin Hyuk was right, he was babied, and he was useless.

No you’re not…you just have to kill him

Seung Yong tightly closed his eyes, willing the voice to go away.

They are invading us here; they are trying to take your daddies away from you.

 They are his cousins; he knew that they were not trying to take his parents away. Seung Yong curled into himself, pulling his covers over his head. He often thought the voice was always somewhere in his room, but after today, he knew where it was. It was in his head.

Destroy them

Tear them apart

We have to kill them

Kill them



“AAAAH!!” The blue pink haired vampire reaper sprung from his bed, pulling his favorite blanket with him and rushed to his parent’s room. He could see slight movements coming from their bed, so he figured his parents were awake, and didn’t hesitate to jump on top the both of them. “I can’t sleep!!”

“Seung Yong,” Both his parents gasped. Seung Hyun moved away from Ji Yong whom was blushing and hastily fixed his pants around his waist. For his part, Seung Hyun was mostly dressed, except for his shirt, and Ji Yong was in the same state. Seung Yong pulled the covers back and snuggled himself into Seung Hyun’s chest, closing his eyes.

“What’s wrong baby?” Ji Yong asked with concern as he moved close, and gently rubbed his son’s back.

“I had a bad dream,” Seung Yong mumbled.

Ji Yong and Seung Hyun knew that they weren’t going to be able to do anything naughty now. Their son needed them right now.

“Okay, Come here so you and I can both snuggle against your daddy,” Ji Yong coaxed his son. The boy rolled himself over to Ji Yong, and allowed his appa to squeeze him into his chest, and smiled happily when he felt his daddy wrap his arm around the both of them.

The voices were gone now, quiet, as they always were when his daddy was around. This was the best. For the first time in weeks, Seung Yong was able to happily sleep. Dreams of always being with his dad’s and never letting anyone else come between them taking over his mind.

“I wonder who missed me more, you or Seung Yong,” Seung Hyun teased the moment that he knew his son was asleep.

Ji Yong pouted cutely, “We both missed you a lot, and you know it. Didn’t you miss us?” Ji Yong asked.

“Of course I did, I worry going out for that long.” Seung Hyun murmured. Ji Yong smiled, burying his face into Seung Yong’s hair.

“He was able to use some of his powers today,” Ji Yong said, “Flames so black, and then something that worried me,”


“It looked…like a dark aura, surrounding our son. Something so scary,” Ji Yong tightened his hold. Seung Hyun frowned, looking down at his son. From the moment that Seung Yong had been born, he had clung hard to them, refusing to sleep on his own. It had taken some getting used to, having his small body always lodged in between them and the fear that they might roll over in their sleep and kill him or something. So Seung Hyun changed his sleeping habits from sleeping in the day and staying up at night with their son. Ji Yong had refused to let Seung Hyun get used to such a habit, and often had Seung Hyun staying up all day and all night. The lack of sleep was nothing to Seung Hyun, as he adjusted to it, but he did find his moments to sleep at least four hours every now and then.

The problem was that even as Seung Yong grew older, he refused to let go of them.

“Maybe I have to learn more about our son by asking Death,” He finally said. Ji Yong frowned, but knew that it was somewhere they could start with getting information. Even though they had raised their son since birth, their child was still a complete and utter mystery to them. Besides, it wasn’t like he minded that his son wanted to snuggle with them even now that he was getting older. He didn’t want to let go of him just yet.


“Ji,” Ji Yong looked towards Seung Hyun. “Our son is going to be alright, okay, he’s going to be the greatest, and before you know it, he will be your successor,”

“But…but what if he turns out to be a reaper, he can’t fulfill his vampire duties then,” Ji Yong whispered.

“He is a reaper, Ji, because of me, but I can assure you he is safe from this life,”

Ji Yong looked up. “His vampire side?” he asked.

Seung Hyun nodded. “I’ve never heard of a reaper being born before, Seung Yong is one of a kind, but no matter what, we will figure things out, and make things easier on him,”

Ji Yong nodded. “We will, we’ve made it work between us, I’m sure our son will be fine,” Ji Yong pressed his mouth close to his sleeping son’s ear, “You hear baby, you’re going to be just fine, and you are going to be my heir,”

“The house isn’t going to be quiet for long, huh,”

“Not at all,” Ji Yong yawned, “The kids get up screaming, and laughing.” It was nothing like their son who was always silent, but always happy, always up to his own mischief. “I gotta teach Seung Yong to get in trouble,”

“He’s your son, I bet he’s prone to it,” Seung Hyun teased again, moving over to place a kiss on Ji Yong’s forehead, and then one at the crown of his son’s head. Ji Yong grumbled in disagreement, but he was falling asleep. “Goodnight my love.”

“Night, my Hyunie,”

Seung Hyun smiled as his mate fell asleep. His Yongie one, and Yongie two were his most precious things in the entire world. And no matter what, he would always do everything in his power to protect them both! Seung Hyun tightened his hold on both of them, before worry started to consume him once more.

Everything is going to be okay. 

This makes me feel like there is a lot more to be said, but this is just a sneak glance to their current lives. 

Hope you guys chek out my new story, it';; sort of relate to this one in some aspects but its different as well. 

IT's called : You  :) 

Thank you for reading

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lightaway #1
Chapter 47: The kids are just too adorable <3 right now i am happy and sad at the same time, because whoaa it is such an amazingly breathtaking story that i've ever read and it's finally comes to an end. I seriously enjoyed every word that you wrote <33 thank you so much for writing this and sharing this magnificent story with us ^^ i am also happy that they finally ended up together and have a stunning son along with his endearing nephew <3 all in all, keep writing, Author-nim <333
lightaway #2
Chapter 46: Ohmygosh it is so beautiful ^^
I am so in love with King's reaction ahahaha
I can't believe they finally mated. After all the struggle that they have faced :'))
lightaway #3
Chapter 45: Wow i am so curious about how they'd tie their souls together. The way Ji convinces Uncle D is interesting xD
lightaway #4
Chapter 44: Awww gtop with a baby <333
I am so happy that they are good again without all the cruelness in the world. Why is Uncle D in some woman's bed though? XDD
lightaway #5
I wouldn't want gtop to lose their baby *cries*
Those men are so cruel. After all the things that they did to Seunghyun, now they go after Jiyong
lightaway #6
Chapter 42: NONONONO ;______;
What's gonna happen? Will Ji be alright? TvT
lightaway #7
Chapter 41: Oh no, what would happen. Why is this man suddenly wants Seunghyun back TvT
lightaway #8
Chapter 40: What does Park Jae Sung want now? Why can't he let Seunghyun alone >.<
I hope Minzy won't do anything about Dae's wedding. Daesung deserves to be happy
lightaway #9
Chapter 39: Gtop were just too adorable when it comes to help Daesung. I love it when they start fighting about whether Dae should just tell Princess IU or not. Then there's Uncle D who wants to break gtop apart. >.<
I know his intention's good, to protect Ji's heart, but we already saw how sad he was while Seunghyun was taken away by Death.
lightaway #10
Chapter 38: I understand that Danny just wanted the best for his family and that he had experience such kind of relationship with someone who wasn't a vampire and it didn't work out, so he tried to warn Ji to avoid getting hurt. But i wish he gave them a chance. Like, start to know more about Seunghyun and sees that he's not bad at all. He really is in love with Ji. I agree with Dae, Seunghyun faced Death just to get to Jiyong is proof enough that he's serious about this relationship. Gtop had suffered before. I don't want them to suffer anymore TvT even Ji's that afraid that Seunghyun's going to leave him.