
Shine Bright Like A Diamond

Shine Bright Like A Diamond 

Chapter Ten:

“Hong Jun, I have a favor to ask,” Ji Yong called to his teacher, whom was making his way to them. Today there were going to be many lessons, and training to make up for the time they took off for the royal celebration. Hong Jun was a tough, but fair teacher, and his motto was to always keep them in top shape and alert. That is why even though the celebration went on late the night before; he still had them meet early today for training.

“What is it?” he asked.

“Can I leave training early? I keep promising Seung Hyun that we will go get him clothes and I never get to” Ji Yong explained himself. Hong Jun raised an eyebrow at him, looking at him oddly. After all, Ji Yong had never asked for an early leave before, much less for shopping with a slave. Training was always Ji Yong’s number one priority. Noticing the pause in Hong Jun, his three brothers jumped at Ji Yong’s aid.

“Ji Yong will make up for the lack of training after he goes shopping” Seungri said, making Young Bae and Daesung look at him with wide eyes. That wasn’t what he was supposed to say! Ji Yong’s eye twitched, but he refrained himself from glaring at Seungri. Hong Jun looked at each brother, and sighed, nodding his head.

“Tell you what, Prince G-dragon” Hong Jun said as he moved across the field, “I’ll let you off early, if you can show me if you’ve improved.” He stopped and turned to face Ji Yong, “A one on one battle, here and now with me. One hit, and you are free to go to your little shopping day with your personal slave.”

Everyone knew that Hong Jun was one of the strongest vampires alive! His power was no joke. That is why he was their specific teacher. Whenever they faced him like this, it was asking for a world of pain. Ji Yong had yet to be able to beat him in battle, much less land a scratch on him. Hong Jun had seen many battles in his life, faced many monsters, and had grown into a powerful fighter. He was often a head knight when it came to fighting sudden attacks from monsters that seemed to come out of nowhere. But Ji Yong really wanted to keep his promise this time. He wanted to be able to spend the afternoon with Seung Hyun. So, swallowing down the slight fear of having to fight his teacher he nodded his head.

“I accept, and no double work after that?”

“No double work after that, but that’s only if you can actually land a good hit on me. I should give you double work for even thinking of asking for a half day prince, but I can be lenient with you this time” Hong Jun smirked. Obviously he didn’t expect Ji Yong to get his half day at all. Ji Yong walked into the field and got into his battle stance. He will show him! He will get his one hit in and he will get his day with Seung Hyun!

“I apologize, but I really want this” Ji Yong said.

Hong Jun thought about that and had to wonder about Ji Yong. He had never seen him this determined before. There was a fire actually lit in him that had not been before. This would be interesting to see, “Bring it Ji Yong,”

Young Bae, Daesung, and Seungri worriedly watched as Hong Jun seemed to disappear before their eyes and appear behind Ji Yong. Ji Yong anticipated this, as it was a move often used, and dodged out of the way while trying to land his own attack, but his fists were blocked, and his kicks were brushed from right under him. Ji Yong lost his balance and was about to fall before he quickly caught himself and moved as far away as he could from Hong Jun. If he hadn’t, he knew he ran the risk of getting a kick right in the face. The first time he received one he promised himself that he would never experience another.

So far he had kept that promise.

Once he had regained his balance, he headed back for Hong Jun, whom was also heading his way and met half way, blocking a punch from him before trying to land his own. Both of them swiftly moved hand to hand combat while trying to land a hit on the other. Most of the time though Ji Yong found himself on the defense than the offense, and it frustrated him- he wanted a chance to attack!

“Too slow!” Hong Jun smugly said as he found an opening and was about to hit Ji Yong square in the face when the young vampire flared up. His fist was met by a wall of flames that he didn’t see coming, but was fast to move away from before he got scorched. Ji Yong cursed under his breath as his eyes glowed soft red.

Hong Jun jumped up, before landing down hard, making the ground under him quake as a large ball of dirt built itself up quickly and headed to extinguish Ji Yong’s flames.

Ji Yong hated fighting with Hong Jun for this reason as well. He usually ended up buried in dirt with no hopes of getting his flames to up. But not this time! He had a plan for this. Placing both hands together he sent his flames to stop the ball of dirt, turning up the heat so he could melt it before redirecting the heated chunk of dirt towards Hong Jun.

When Hong Jun moved he got to moving as well, his concentration extending to the rocks around him. Each one of them in varying sizes that followed him around so if Hong Jun tried to move out of the way, he could block him. On his command, many of the rocks lurched themselves towards Hong Jun.

It didn’t help much, as Hong Jun’s power broke through every stone and turned them into sharp grains of sand, that were all sent back at him in a fast whirlwind. Ji Yong ended up with several stinging cuts before his body quickly healed them. “Come on, come on,” he lightly growled under his breath as he tried to recall how to further manipulate the flames that were obviously his power. Ji Yong had several strengths that allowed him to manipulate the events around him, but Hong Jun never fell for any of them. Remembering his lessons though, he knew there were ways to still trick someone, by using unexpected battle tactics.

So he went in again, close hand to hand combat where he tried his best to scorch him and keep his offense. He blocked his moves here and there, but Hong Jun managed to punch him in the stomach. Ji Yong expelled air filled with flames as a protection mechanism, before he vanished.  The move itself was new for Ji Yong so it surprised Hong Jun, before he composed himself and tried to figure out where he went.

Hong Jun’s eyes started to glow a dark yellow-an indication that he was getting serious now.

He sought out Ji Yong and when he found him, he brought him down hard into the dirt. Ji Yong whimpered a bit as he landed into the cold dirt, and tried to roll himself away, only to find himself being pulled down and buried. Hong Jun wasn’t going to be easy on him as he beat on Ji Yong as much as he could making Ji Yong bite into his lower lip to hold in cries of pain.

“Ji Yong!” his brothers cried, worried that Hong Jun might go too far and really hurt him this time. Ji Yong struggled. He had to remind himself why he was doing this! He wanted to go out with Seung Hyun, and if he got through this it would all be worth it. When Hong Jun slammed down to finish Ji Yong off, he found that the little vampire was already gone, and his hit met nothing but empty dirt.

He stiffened.

Ji Yong was right behind him.

His eyes were bright red now, and his body was flared with a slight burn across his flesh. Ji Yong punched forward, but Hong Jun moved in time to get out of the way. He hissed though when he tried to block the second one and noted that the burn across Ji Yong’s flesh was not for show. The boy was boiling over and if he tried to block his moves, he’d be the one that ended up burned.

In fact Ji Yong’s moves were now sharper, and more accurate than before. Hong Jun was surprised that he was struggling to dodge every one of Ji Yong’s moves. But Ji Yong was running out of patience.  His flames flared up, making Hong Jun dodge to one side, trapping his movements enough for Ji Yong to land a punch square in his face. Hong Jun recoiled back, shocked more than before that Ji Yong actually landed a hit.

“He did it!” Seungri cheered.

Young Bae’s mouth was hanging open and Daesung’s eyes were wide in shock. “He really did” Daesung said in awe.

Ji Yong was too far gone now though, as his power surged through him. He couldn’t stop. He kept going, and tried to get Hong Jun once again. Hong Jun had to move fast, confused as to why Ji Yong was still trying to get him when he had won. “Prince G-dragon” he tried to call, but Ji Yong bared his fangs at him and tried to land another hit. His moves were so fast, his instincts were right on.

“Ji Yong!” Young Bae called out, trying to get to his brother. It was no use. Ji Yong only flared, his flames surrounding Hong Jun whom found himself trapped by the large flames. Ji Yong stood before him, beautifully scary, and a smug smirk on his face as he landed several hits to his stomach and sent him straight into the flames.

Hong Jun vanished before he hit the flames and came behind Ji Yong, intending on knocking him out, but Ji Yong caught his hand. Ji Yong then used all his strength to grip him completely and flip him over onto the dirt.

Hong Jun was now pissed off. He vanished once more, and when he landed down, he used his power to gather a large amount of dirt, and clapped it over Ji Yong. Ji Yong flared his flames, but it was no match as he was trapped into the dirt, and his powers died down. It was enough though, to snap him out of his trance, before he dug himself out and blinked up at the sky wondering what had happened. For a moment, he really had wanted to kill his teacher. He had wanted his blood and he had wanted to kill. The power in him had been surging and boiling so badly- he had never felt anything like it before.

“Prince G-dragon, are you alright?” Hong Jun called as he rushed towards him and helped him completely dig himself out of the dirt.

“I’m okay” Ji Yong honestly said, “just a little dizzy,”

“What was that?” Seungri asked. “It looked like you wouldn’t stop attacking Hong Jun, like you wanted to kill him!”

“Seungri stop pointing out the obvious” Daesung lightly scolded.

Ji Yong blinked, before looking down. “I’m sorry Hong Jun, but I just felt a rush of power and I…” Ji Yong trembled a little, but Hong Jun sighed, shaking his head.

“It was nothing prince G-dragon, you are just growing into your powers is all. Guess you had a little power surge right there, but at the same time you won” he conceded, even though he thought that power surges were all just pure luck. “You can go out shopping, but in the afternoon. We still have this morning to get through” He stood up and faced the other three, “So let’s get to it, the lesson is just beginning”

Ji Yong was surprised, but grinned.

He was getting his half day off with Seung Hyun, and he couldn’t wait!  

Watching Ji Yong train was probably becoming habitual.

At first Seung Hyun would feel his stomach bubble with nerves at the thought that Ji Yong could get hurt. The man after all did look fragile in his own rights. But seeing him out there, explosive and alive, it was the best. Ji Yong seemed to be filled with infinite power that he pulled from within him and the more that Seung Hyun grew used to be around Ji Yong, he felt proud of him, and every time the more he feared and wanted to go away. Because at the end of the day, even if he was meant to protect and do everything Ji Yong asks, his owner knew nothing about whom he was and that alone was already harmful. Seung Hyun could already hurt and break him if he wasn’t careful.

So despite whatever that feeling that was evoked when Ji Yong said that he liked him, Seung Hyun decided he was going to keep his distance. He was going to push Ji Yong away if he got to close.  He would build a distance between them if Ji Yong wasn’t even going to try and keep one. “But he knows he’s temptation in the flesh” Seung Hyun hissed under his breath, his eyes narrowing as he saw Ji Yong slam down into the dirt.

It looked painful.

But without fail, Seung Hyun would always come outside, and stand beside one of the huge black marble dragon statues and look right into the training field. His eyes rarely leaving Ji Yong’s for even a second. Seeing Ji Yong get further thrown around made him want to help him, but he had to remember to refrain himself and remain hidden. It was a war between his rational thoughts, and the heavy feeling that was in his heart. “Damn it, get up”

“Are you talking to yourself again, Seung Hyun?”

“I do it all the time, Ha Yi” Seung Hyun said, without removing his eyes from Ji Yong’s lethal and agile body, nearly sighing in relief when he managed to get away. The girl beside him smiled and shook her head. She had been following him around all day today. Seung Hyun had not asked her what she wanted or what her motive was.  He had just allowed her to do as she pleased. She wasn’t that much of an annoyance anyways.

“That looks like so much fun, painful, but so fun” she sighed, looking towards where the prince was fighting a losing battle against his teacher. “Oh, and I noticed that you come here to see the princes train and decided that today I would keep you company, in case you were wondering” She smiled warmly as her eyes longingly locked onto the battling vampires in the field. Seung Hyun didn’t respond to her as his fists tightened and he kept mumbling encouraging words towards Ji Yong. The blue haired man nearly cheered when things turned around and it was Ji Yong who managed to land a hit on his teacher.

When the battle was over, Seung Hyun turned to look at Ha Yi and found her oddly gazing onto the field. “What’s with the look?” he asked her. Ha Yi blinked and looked up towards Seung Hyun to find his intense eyes looking at her, as if he was seeing right through her. It made her feel smaller than she actually was. But at the same time it gave her a strong feeling that she could trust him. Which was weird, because she always distrusted people around her- but she couldn’t with Seung Hyun.

“You know, it’s unfair, to have been born a human and never be able to be a vampire. I wanted so badly to always be a vampire Seung Hyun, I prayed for it every time, especially on my birthday, but I was never heard. Then I was brought here, as a present, apparently I look that much like a doll” she chuckled sweetly in that womanly voice of hers, “But a vampire bite won’t do anything, and there is no way to be a vampire unless you are born to be one, so I gave up”

Too easy, Seung Hyun thought, before offering a small smile, “Why would you ever want to be a vampire, Ha Yi?”

“Oh…ah,” she blushed, looking down while squirming where she stood, “I…I  ...I fell in love with a vampire. His name was Young Jae” she admitted. “But I never told him how I felt; he was the first one that I served. He was so nice to me that I thought maybe he could fall in love with me as well…but he ended up finding a prince that he loved.  He married him and sent me on my way to a slave shop, so I could be given another home.”  Ha Yi’s shoulders trembled a little, “I was so scared, mad, confused, I snuck out and decided to run away…and then Jae Sung found me, and told me he could take me away from that place of pain and memories. That he could show me a better kingdom, with new hope. And I went with him” she smiled.

“And?” Seung Hyun asked her, wanting for her to tell the whole story.

“And I came here to help the elderly females in the kitchen to cook. I made my proposition clear to King Hyun Suk and he warmly welcomed me to the dark castle. He let me meet the princes and allowed me to serve them and live a promising life. And I don’t regret ever coming here…except maybe the royal celebrations are the only thing I don’t like.” She smiled, shrugging her shoulders as she did so.

“Young Jae was here?” Seung Hyun inquired and she readily nodded. After all, a lot of princes from many kingdoms, even far away ones had come.  

“Ah! But it doesn’t matter, I’m way over him. Completely over him!” she suddenly turned to look at Seung Hyun with a serious look on her face. “I don’t like to dwell in the past, nor do I forget what has happened. But I prefer to grow from things and I’ve learned that falling in love with a vampire when I’m human isn’t the wisest thing in the world. It’s freaking fiction, and I am better than that. So, I decided to wait and see if I can find a human that I can fall in love with…”

“You mean me”

She nodded, “Yes,” she then looked down, “I’m not stupid enough to think that you might feel the same for me, after all, you seem highly interested in Prince G-dragon. Who wouldn’t be, he’s incredible right, but at least this way I can say that this time I chose a human! And If Prince G-dragon leaves you like Young Jae left me; I will stick by your side!”

“You’d stay by my side?” Seung Hyun asked, a smirk coming over his handsome features. “Even if you had to face dangers and risk your own life?” he asked her.

Ha Yi raised an eyebrow at him, but then smiled, “I may be shy and seem a little weak, but I’m not. I got a lot of strength and courage within me. I’d follow you to the pits of hell, if you asked me to, Seung Hyun”

“Don’t you think it’s kind of foolish to just devote yourself like that?”

“I know what I’m doing.” She stubbornly said, “I know my heart better than anyone. It’s mine after all, and I never intend on giving it away like any other foolish person would. I can still like, even fall in love with someone, but I can always keep my heart to myself, selfishly forever” At this Seung Hyun gave her an odd look.

“What do you know about hearts?”  After all, what could she know about a heart, when he didn’t even know anything about his own. All he knew was that his wanted to belong to Ji Yong.

She grinned, “They do nothing but feel,” she said, placing a hand delicately over her chest, “And they never lie about what they feel. You’ll always know where you stand so long as your heart feels it and understands it. You can never go wrong with your heart.” Seung Hyun didn’t believe her. Because if he did, then he’d have to rip his heart out and give it to Ji Yong or something, which made no sense to him at all, really. But she would be perfect, if she was willing. She’d be the one to help him. “My heart speaks to me”

“Oh” Seung Hyun said, wanting to laugh at how ridiculous she sounded, “And what is yours telling you now?”

Ha Yi smirked, “This!”

Seung Hyun gasped in complete shock.

Ji Yong kept himself focused through his training, but when the time came, Hong Jun was the one to tell him so, “You can leave now Prince G-dragon, and have fun” he called, waving at him. The evil glint in his eyes though told Ji Yong that he’d have to be ready for even more intense training for getting his way this time. To be honest, Ji Yong felt strange being dismissed so early, but nodded nonetheless and took his win; he’d face the consequences later. He still had enough time to go get washed and changed before he went looking for Seung Hyun.

Ji Yong rushed his way out from the training area, looking back once only to see the pained looks on his brother’s faces. Training was never easy. Hong Jun also wasn’t an easy teacher and he had little patience with them most of the time. He kept saying that there was still a lot more for them to learn, but Ji Yong wasn’t sure as to what more could they learn. Admittedly some of the training repeated itself, but that was because Hong Jun claimed that knowing the basics was key to learning more advance moves and getting good at them.

So far they didn’t doubt him, as the basics had saved their necks when doing battle against Hong Jun and some of the other knights. But they always claimed that they wanted them to be in top shape in case a real attack ever hit them again. Not that attacks didn’t come already, they just were things that their current Knight army could handle.

But if a war was to be started, or something worse- they had to be ready no matter what.  

When Ji Yong turned the corner on one of the many dragons that decorated a lot of the castle, and even the battle arena his eyes caught the sight of something blue. He immediately started to search for it, thinking of only one person that could have such a blue color on them. It wasn’t difficult to find where the shock of blue came from. He smiled when he saw Seung Hyun standing beside one of the statues and started to happily move towards him, intending on surprising him.

But as he got closer, he could see Ha Yi standing there with Seung Hyun, and she was saying something. Ji Yong’s smile faded as he slowed down his walk, feeling strange. His heart was hurting inside his chest, but at the same time he felt slight anger, and a sting of jealousy. He wanted to go demand what they were talking about. Why they were here with each other, hiding so privately. He wanted to so badly, but he hesitated a second to long and then he was the one surprised.

Ha Yi suddenly launched her small body toward Seung Hyun, wrapping her arms tightly around his neck while pulling him down towards her and into a full kiss on his lips. She was all on him!

She was kissing Seung Hyun.

She was kissing his mate! 

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lightaway #1
Chapter 47: The kids are just too adorable <3 right now i am happy and sad at the same time, because whoaa it is such an amazingly breathtaking story that i've ever read and it's finally comes to an end. I seriously enjoyed every word that you wrote <33 thank you so much for writing this and sharing this magnificent story with us ^^ i am also happy that they finally ended up together and have a stunning son along with his endearing nephew <3 all in all, keep writing, Author-nim <333
lightaway #2
Chapter 46: Ohmygosh it is so beautiful ^^
I am so in love with King's reaction ahahaha
I can't believe they finally mated. After all the struggle that they have faced :'))
lightaway #3
Chapter 45: Wow i am so curious about how they'd tie their souls together. The way Ji convinces Uncle D is interesting xD
lightaway #4
Chapter 44: Awww gtop with a baby <333
I am so happy that they are good again without all the cruelness in the world. Why is Uncle D in some woman's bed though? XDD
lightaway #5
I wouldn't want gtop to lose their baby *cries*
Those men are so cruel. After all the things that they did to Seunghyun, now they go after Jiyong
lightaway #6
Chapter 42: NONONONO ;______;
What's gonna happen? Will Ji be alright? TvT
lightaway #7
Chapter 41: Oh no, what would happen. Why is this man suddenly wants Seunghyun back TvT
lightaway #8
Chapter 40: What does Park Jae Sung want now? Why can't he let Seunghyun alone >.<
I hope Minzy won't do anything about Dae's wedding. Daesung deserves to be happy
lightaway #9
Chapter 39: Gtop were just too adorable when it comes to help Daesung. I love it when they start fighting about whether Dae should just tell Princess IU or not. Then there's Uncle D who wants to break gtop apart. >.<
I know his intention's good, to protect Ji's heart, but we already saw how sad he was while Seunghyun was taken away by Death.
lightaway #10
Chapter 38: I understand that Danny just wanted the best for his family and that he had experience such kind of relationship with someone who wasn't a vampire and it didn't work out, so he tried to warn Ji to avoid getting hurt. But i wish he gave them a chance. Like, start to know more about Seunghyun and sees that he's not bad at all. He really is in love with Ji. I agree with Dae, Seunghyun faced Death just to get to Jiyong is proof enough that he's serious about this relationship. Gtop had suffered before. I don't want them to suffer anymore TvT even Ji's that afraid that Seunghyun's going to leave him.