The Crescent Moon


Different from the earth, there was a planet not yet discovered by mankind. It was known as the "Bora." In this planet, the world was different. Humans are to live in part, not like earth, not by race, but by what your personality is. Each group of parts were seperated and guarded by a castle. There is war, there is alliances, and there are particles that are yet not discovered. In the year 1821, a boy that had a personality of adventure and violence named Yusei Kirigaya was borned. Yusei lived in a group called the "Eclipse." This group was far in the east and was all about adventure and inventions. They created swords, shields, axes, and clubs.Yusei had many friends such as Hiroki, Kaiba, and Tsuno.At 1838, Eclipse was being attacked by another group known as the "Twilight". Yusei's parents were dead and gave him a special message as their farewell words, "Save the world." Will Yusei keep that promise and fight to solve the solution to create peace, or will he fail and let his parents down? (Action,Adventure,Comedy, and Romance included)


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