
` embrace first class { xoxo } ¦ exo drabbles { oneshots }
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There's an innocence in Sehun that Jongin wants to protect. Maybe it's the difference of being born three months apart or maybe it's the difference of receiving the title 'maknae,' but the innocence is there and has always been since before their debut.   Jongin watches as he and Sehun end up in the same dance classes, and he has to admit, Sehun's toothy smile and chubby cheeks were the most adorable thing he had ever seen. He was told of how Sehun ended up in the company, and he'd have to agree and say he would've run away too if a 'creepy' person came up to him and offered him an audition. He thinks of how lucky kiddy Sehun was to be scouted while eating rice cakes because that was his favorite snack to eat after school. Sehun always tells him that luck was always on Jongin's side. He got in with hard work and passion. Sehun got in after having four auditions.   Jongin smiles and internally cheers when he and Sehun end up in the same rap classes, and he has to admit, his friend Park Chanyeol is way better than he could ever be. He's always wanted to be a singer, but rapping together was Sehun was just too fun for him to stop. Even Sehun's lisp added to his kiddy and adorable factor because it'd come out the most when they're rapping. He jokes with Sehun saying his lisp is what will get him the noonas because it's too 'cute.' Sehun rolls his eyes and says that Jongin is pretty, and that will get him the noonas instead. Sehun was still just a kid who needed care and attention.   Jongin runs and hugs the other when he and Sehun find out they're going to debut in a group together with an unknown name, and he has to admit, this is pretty much freaking awesome. He finally gets to debut, and it'll be with his best friend, which is the delicious icing on top of the cake. He'll get to spend more time with the younger, and it just makes him giddy thinking about it. Sehun smiles and laughs, jumping up and down with the other, not wanting to mention that Jongin was already informed he was going to debut in a group that had happened to fall through. Sehun was simply just added in.   Jongin internally freaks out when he and Sehun stand in their CEO's office, and he has to admit, he doesn't think he can do this. He's told he will be the one showing the most skin, giving off the 'y' feeling, while Sehun will be the face and maknae, in charge of aegyo. He suddenly looks to his friend and he realizes 'when did we grow up?' Sehun gives him a reassuring smile, because he knows just how handsome his best friend looks even when he's just as innocent as he is. Sehun wanted to always comfort Jongin.   Jongin watches as he and Sehun have a photoshoot together, and he has to admit, he's glad he's in charge of 'skin.' He watches Sehun's uneasy eyes as they're told what to do, and he wonders h
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Chapter 36: aaah, I love this, so sweet!!!!
Chapter 5: Oh, jojojo (͡ ͡° ͜ ʖ ͡ ͡°)
Chapter 24: Omg, he would totally look fine (he looks good in everything, please) xd and Sehun realizing really late :3
Chapter 7: The xd
-baymax #5
Chapter 47: this was so cute to read, even if im not a laychen (?) shipper <3
but all exo ships are gorgeous so.. yeah :3
Chapter 83: hehe i really love all drabbles especially krisyeol's one.
sorry for being bias ;;___;;
but seriously, love all the otps :*
Chapter 50: krisyeol is just so damn sweet and i just miss them so ;;__;;
parvitasari #8
Chapter 58: Ohhh they're so adorable.. i love them more more more..
parvitasari #9
Chapter 57: Sooooo cuuuuuuuteeeeeeee...
parvitasari #10
Chapter 47: My precious otp.. Chenlay is the best otp!! Thanks for writing chenlay story.. can you write chenlay more? I love them so much..