It was Only Just A Dream

The Blue Light

Keys POV:

A blue light flashed and led us to a purple leafed tree. The blue light went up the tree as we followed it. Jonghyun first went up and stood on a tree branch as a boost when he jumped up to sit on another branch, a bit higher the smaller branch had broken. Now I couldn't get up either, so he had to pull me up. We both gotten up and the thickest tree branch opened up and split into two as a portal appeared. 
We took no chances and went through. I was guessing we were in another world. The tree was still there. You could hear the ocean, feel the light wind blowing, and see some village people. Where were we? Is all we could think of. When suddenly someone said we were in the world of SHINee. "How did you know what we thought?" Asked Jonghyn. "I'm a mind reader. The people who live here all have magical powers. Some are magicians, witches, mind readers, and potion makers," he said. 
He showed us around the area. Like where he lived, where the king and queen lived, pretty much the castle that was ruined on the right side and some villages. After that there was nothing to do and it started getting dark, but the only way we could go back home was with the blue light to open the portal. 
The mind reader told us the only way to get back is, if we went to the castle, that's where the queen, Taemin had made all the blue lights. He'd taken us to the castle to see her. The castle was pretty far so we rode his gigantic cat, Heebum. The door was unlocked, so we just decided to go inside. The castle was huge. The ceilings were high, there were paintings on the wall, when suddenly there was something flashing blue, but hiding. It was the one that led us here. We told it to come out calmly trying not to scare it, but all of a sudden the King, Minho jumped out thinking we were intruders. The king stabbed Jonghyun right in the heart. Jonghyun fell to the ground bleeding out starting to close his eyes. "DON'T CLOSE YOUR EYES!" I cried and woke up back in my room. I looked to my left and Jonghyun was still sleeping there. What a relief, it was only a dream. 
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