The old Caille.

It was only once

Taemin was laying in the bed when you walked into the room. His hair was wet and was only in boxers. His nose in a book.

You closed the door softly and crept into bed with Taemin. He glanced over when you laid your head against his shoulder.

"What are you doing, beautiful?" he whispered.

You closed your eyes and snuggled in with Taemin. "Nothing."



"No fun games?"

"Not tonight," you whispered.

Taemin went straight back to his reading.



"Can we go into town tomorrow?"

"Yeah, sure. May I know why?"

"To get the pill."

"I thought the castle the castle was providing it."

"I don't trust the pills with your mom wanting to have grandchildren."

Taemin smiled. "Don't worry, we'll go get them. I don't trust her either. We'll leave first thing in the morning."


Your POV~

“Thanks babe.” I said. I kissed his cheek, then got up to get changed with a groan.

I got into pajamas, brushed my teeth, then climbed back into the bed next to Taemin.

“Where’d you go when I came back to the room?” Taemin asked, turing a page in his book.

“I wanted to go to the music room for a bit.” I said. I yawned.

“Did you play the piano?” He asked.

“Well of course. I always play the piano.” I laughed. He smiled. He kissed my forehead.

“Go to sleep you tired child.” He said. I nodded.

“Not until you go to sleep though.” I argued. Taemin pretended to be asleep, and made a big snore. I laughed.

“Very cute.” I said. Taemin put his book down, and turned off the light. He kissed me, and he even opened my lips so we would French kiss. I was confused at the sudden change, because I had said no fun and games. Taemin continued the kiss though, and his hands came to my waist.

I pulled away, trying to breath.

“Taemin, not tonight.” I said.

“Oh come on.” He whined. I chuckled.

“Just not tonight, babe I’m tired.” I said. He kept his hands on my waist.

“Tae.” I warned. He kissed my jaw, and started to leave a hickey.

“Taemin stop.” I said, pushing him away from me. He looked hurt.

“It’s like you don’t want me.” Taemin said.

“Taemin, that’s not it. I’m just really not in the mood. It’s been a tough day, okay?” I said. He nodded.

“Okay.” He sighed.

“I promise we can play around later, just not now.” I said with another yawn. Taemin just stared at the ceiling. I felt bad, because I know that he’s been lonely since I was in the hospital, but I really didn’t want to do anything.

I woke up in the middle of the night because I felt something on my neck.

“Taemin, what the hell are you doing?” I slurred. He was kissing my neck, obviously still in the mood.

“Taemin, I was asleep.” I said, quite offended that he had gotten me up.

“I just want you so bad.” He groaned.

“Taemin, seriously? No. Just go in the bathroom or something if it’s that bad. I’m not in the mood.” I said angrily.

“You’ve become really different, Caille.” Taemin said.

“Yeah Taemin, that tends to happen to a person when something traumatic happens.” I explained, trying to lay back down for sleep. He slipped a hand underneath my side, and hugged me close to him.

“Well I’m sorry about what happened, but I want the old Caille back.” Taemin said. I was extremely offended by this. I know he meant well, but it was like he was saying I wasn’t the same, I wasn’t who he had married anymore.

“I am the old Caille. I’m also the only Caille.” I said. Taemin hugged me tighter, and nuzzled my neck.

“What happened to how we used to be?” Taemin asked.

“I don’t know, but do we really have to talk about this at 2 in the morning?” I asked, trying to pull away from his grip.

“I think we do.” Taemin said.

“I think we don’t.” I replied.

“I just want us to go back to normal.” Taemin said again.

“What if we can’t do that, Taemin!?” I yelled, starting to get frustrated. I pulled away from him, and got out of the bed.

“What do you mean?”

“We can’t be the same forever. If you were thinking I would always be the same, even after all that’s happened, then you were dead wrong. Nobody would go through an event like that and come out the same. Stop acting like nothing happened!”

“I just wish we didn’t have all these secrets anymore, and all this new personality stuff to deal with.” Taemin said exasperatedly.

“Sorry you’re bothered by my personality.” I said.

“I didn’t mean it like that. Caille, come back in bed and let’s talk about this.” Taemin said.

“No. I’m going to go sleep.” I said, throwing my hands in the air. I grabbed a blanket, and went out the door.

I walked aimlessly around at first, just simply bothered by how Taemin had been acting. I wasn’t sure what to do about how things had been going.

I found myself in front of a door, it still had the light on, so I knocked.

“Caille?” Jonghyun opened the door.

“Oh sorry, I’ll go somewhere else.” I said.

“Wait, what is it?” Jonghyun asked.

“Do you ever sleep?” I asked him.

“Yeah, I just don’t ever have to be up in the mornings, so I stay up at night.” He shrugged. I nodded. He really didn’t have anything to do until he became King.

“Can I sleep on your floor?” I asked.

“Why not take the bed?” He said.

“Oh, I’ll just sleep by myself on the floor.” I said. Jonghyun laughed.

“Not with me, silly. You take the bed, I’ll get the floor.” He offered.

“No. It’s your bed, I’m fine on the floor.” I said. Jonghyun looked at me.

“Either we’re both going to be on the floor, or you’re going to sleep in the bed.” Jonghyun said. I gave him a stubborn look.

After some arguments about sleeping arrangements, I ended up sleeping in the bed, and Jonghyun was on the ground. His bed actually smelled like him too. I fell asleep quickly, glad that I wouldn’t have anymore distractions. I’d talk to Taemin about it when we went to go get the pills in the morning.

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Chapter 74: Aannnniiii i wanted her to be with Taemin
2026 streak #2
Chapter 85: OMG!!! I just finished reading this fic. It was really beautiful. I enjoyed a lot reading it.
But I just have a doubt... The first time when Caille was drugged, did she do it with Jonghyun or Taemin? Hope I'm not troubling you much with it. Hehe :D
Chapter 85: I absolutely love this story. I read it all in ONE DAY!!!!! I loved it!!!! Especially since she ended up with Jonghyun......(I'm a Blinger) AMAZING STORY AUTHOR-NIM!!!!!
Chapter 85: So sweet :) Good story :) although leaving Taemin made me kinda upset in the beginning...
Blackjack27 #5
Chapter 85: Yay I love the ending!! You are the best writer I have ever met!! XP
Chapter 85: Aww... Her happiness felt so short >.< (aka I wanted more chapters) lol
But I loved it ♥
Ayamegumi #7
Chapter 85: I loved this soooo much !!!! Thank you for writing this wonderful fanfiction!!!!!
Chapter 85: gahhh, that was actually amazing <333