
It was only once

Your POV~

“Hey, if you don’t mind, I’m going to stay in here, and clean up a bit.” I said, running my fingers through my hair, which made it all messy. I had been doing that since I started writing.

“Go ahead, I’ll be on my way. See you later.” He said, waving on his way out. Taemin snuck in, and I didn’t see him. I quickly put the papers away, and started to clean the table off, getting rid of the eraser marks.

“What are you doing in here?” Taemin asked. He had a dark look over his face. I jumped since I didn’t know he was in there.

“Oh you scared me. I’ve just been wandering around and I found this room.” I said, trying to act nonchalant. Taemin’s face just darkened.

“How long have you been in here?” He asked.

“Not long, just a little bit.” I said, my hand brushing my skirt back down since it had come up while I was sitting.

“Your hair is a mess.” Taemin said. I blushed.

“Oh, but it was so pretty earlier. I must’ve been messing with it far too much.” I said. I felt uncomfortable because usually, Taemin would’ve touched me at this point. Not as in a ual way, but a touch on the arm, a hand hold, or something, to let me know he was there. He stood 5 feet away from me. I approached him and he backed up. I started to get nervous at his reactions.

“How were lessons?” I asked nervously, still trying to come off normal.


“What did you take?”

“Today was Calligraphy, and Horse Anatomy.”

“Wow. Interesting classes, was it fun?”

Taemin shrugged. “I suppose.”

“Are you feeling okay?”

“Me? Oh, I’m just swell.” Taemin said, his voice sounding a bit angry. I started to get more nervous, my stomach turning in knots as fast as my mind was thinking of things I had done wrong.

“Why don’t we head to lunch?” I proposed.

“I’ll meet you down there.”

“You sure?”

“Absolutely positive.”

I put my folder in a drawer quickly, then locked it, and walked out. My thoughts were getting the best of me. I wasn’t good enough. Not anymore. Taemin had found something in me, just like my last boyfriend. There must have been something wrong with me, that everyone thinks I’m not good enough. Those people on the street, my parents, boyfriend, and even my fiancee. I quickly wiped my tears and attempted to look normal as I walked into the dining hall.

“Hey Caille.” Key greeted. I bowed my head at him in acknowledgement, afraid my voice would give out if I spoke. Jonghyun gave me a look. I met him back with a look that showed my sadness. Jonghyun opened his mouth to ask, but he decided against it.

The grand doors opened and the boys stood up. Like a lady, I stayed seated. I was sitting next to no one, but their mother came and sat down next to me.

“Is Taemin coming?”

“He said he might come later.” I spoke evenly.

“Oh, he must not be feeling well. How ARE you darling?” She asked, kissing me on both cheeks.

“I’m surviving.” I said.

“Aren’t we all.” She gave me a proud look. “Please boys, take a seat.” They sat, and began to chat amongst themselves.

“So, I bet you have more questions.” My future mother turned to me. She acted like it was some new thrilling gossip, but I didn’t feel the same.

“Not particularly.” I said.

“Oh, come on.”

“Well, I was curious as to why I was picked for Taemin.”

“Oh, I can answer that! Okay, well. We originally had you picked for Jonghyun, but there was a certain side to you we felt was more suited towards Taemin.

Does that make sense?” She asked, looking at me for approval. I nodded.

“Yes, I suppose it does.”

Dinner felt like eternity. All I wanted was to get back to the music room and finish the song for Taemin, maybe that would prove that I was good enough. Tears pricked my eyes again.

“If I may excuse myself?” I asked. My soon to be mother nodded, and I hurried off to my room. I entered quietly, and Taemin was already there, I couldn’t tell if he was awake or asleep.


Other POV~


Taemin looked over at you. He was laying on the bed and his face was red along with his eyes.

Looking at each other made your eyes began to hurt again.

A tear streamed out of your eyes.

Taemin's eyes widen. "Caile, what's wrong?"

You didn't say anything.

Taemin got up and walked to you, cupping your cheek and wiping the tear with his thumb.



Your POV~

“What’s wrong with you Taemin?” I asked. He took his hand off my face.

“Nothing. I just want you to be happy is all.”

“I am happy, I want you to be happy.” I said.

“Then why are you crying? Is it Jonghyun?” Taemin asked, caressing my face once again. I gave him a confused look.

“It has nothing to do with Jonghyun.”

“I know about you two.” Taemin said.


“I saw you guys in the music room.” He said, looking down.

“I don’t understand.”

“Stop that Caille.”

“Stop what?”

“Acting like it’s not happening!” He shouted. He balled his fists and stood in the middle of the room.

“I’m not acting.”

“I heard you and Jonghyun in the Music room.”

“Oh, Taemin it was supposed to be a surprise!” I said, thinking he meant the song.

“What the hell kind of messed up surprise is that?” Taemin asked, giving me a crazed look.

“Well, I mean, I wasn’t sure you’d like it, but Jonghyun came in and convinced me otherwise…” My voice trailed off. Taemin really didn’t like the song. He thought it was crazy. I really wasn’t good enough.

“So Jonghyun made you do it?”

“Well, I wanted to do it mostly myself.” I said. Taemin looked furious.

“Then why the hell are you here and not with him?” Taemin shouted. I started crying. Jonghyun did like the song, but I didn’t understand Taemin’s hate for it at all.

“It was supposed to be a nice surprise.”

“Why would I want that?” Taemin scowled. I sobbed, he really hated the idea, I didn’t know it would offend him so much. I wanted to disappear.
“I’m sorry I’m not good enough *hiccup* I’m doing the b-best I can.” I apologized. Taemin’s wall broke down. He was hurt by the thought that I was cheating on him, but he couldn’t bare to see me so sad.

“I told you I never wanted you to feel that way, I’m so sorry.”

“I’ll just stop it, even though I guess it was over before it started. If you hate the idea so much.” I hiccuped.

“It’s whatever makes you happy, You were originally supposed to marry Jonghyun, so if you really want to, then you can.”

“I don’t want to, I want to marry you.”

“Was I not enough?”

“What do you mean?”

“Was I not enough ually? You had to go to Jonghyun?” Taemin asked.

“NO!” I yelled. All the pieces came together, I laughed sadistically.

“Oh Taemin. Taemin, Taemin, Taemin, Taemin, Taemin, Taemin. I love you so much.” I kissed his cheek.

“You misunderstood! Oh, this has all been a misunderstanding!” I laughed through my tears once more like a madwoman.

“Are you okay, Caille?”

“I’m perfect. I never had with Jonghyun.”

Taemin gave me an odd look.

“We already went over this, I already know.”

“No, you really don’t. I didn’t have with him. I swear. He was helping me to work on a song for you. I wanted to make you a song, because I love music. So I wanted to put music I love with Taemin I love. Jonghyun was helping. Oh dear lord, Taemin, Taemin, I love you so.” I kissed his lips, my mouth only saying his name as I became terribly relieved at the turn of events.

“I don’t understand. Then what was the conversation before.”

“A game of telephone. We were both thinking of separate subjects, but talking about them together.” I said, hugging him. He didn’t hug back quite yet.

“So you never had with Jonghyun?”

“And I never will.” I said, kissing his lips again.

“Taemin, Taemin, oh dear I love you, I’m so sorry I made you think that, I was just trying to do something good.” I said.

“Well, I can’t wait to hear the song then, I suppose.” Taemin still said suspiciously.

“You are so hard to sway!” I said. “I didn’t sleep with Jonghyun!”

Taemin nodded, and let me kiss him again.

“Why won’t you kiss back?”

“I’m in shock.”

“Of what?”

“I had come to terms with the fact that you didn’t truly love me, now suddenly, it’s not right.”

“I truly truly love you Taemin, let me prove it to you.” I gave a smirk. Taemin smiled.

“Is that a prompt for make-up ?” He asked.

“It might be.” I winked. 

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Chapter 74: Aannnniiii i wanted her to be with Taemin
2034 streak #2
Chapter 85: OMG!!! I just finished reading this fic. It was really beautiful. I enjoyed a lot reading it.
But I just have a doubt... The first time when Caille was drugged, did she do it with Jonghyun or Taemin? Hope I'm not troubling you much with it. Hehe :D
Chapter 85: I absolutely love this story. I read it all in ONE DAY!!!!! I loved it!!!! Especially since she ended up with Jonghyun......(I'm a Blinger) AMAZING STORY AUTHOR-NIM!!!!!
Chapter 85: So sweet :) Good story :) although leaving Taemin made me kinda upset in the beginning...
Blackjack27 #5
Chapter 85: Yay I love the ending!! You are the best writer I have ever met!! XP
Chapter 85: Aww... Her happiness felt so short >.< (aka I wanted more chapters) lol
But I loved it ♥
Ayamegumi #7
Chapter 85: I loved this soooo much !!!! Thank you for writing this wonderful fanfiction!!!!!
Chapter 85: gahhh, that was actually amazing <333