**First Member**


Birth name: Janella Park

Korean name: Park Ha-Neul

Nickname: Sky

D.O.B: April 10, 1993

Birth place: Los Angeles CA


She is shy, honest, kind, loyal, nice, always smiling. She hardly speaks when she meets someone, she loves to sleep in. She always tries to cheer up people, see them happy makes her happy.  She never shows her feelings, because she doesn't want other people to worry. She falls in love easily, so she gets her heartbroken a lot. She loves to watch cartoons,movies and listen to music. When she knows you she is always talking, she is very loud. She loves to dance even though she is not that good at it. So she prefers singing. At home she rarely gets mad. She loves calm places, she is a romantic girl but doesn't like to show it. She likes to cook, and likes to be busy. She is very protective, and is willing to do anything for her friends. She likes to play tennis, the only sport she plays and she is good at. She had her heart broken, but even that she is very strong to move on. She doesn't know how to start a conversation, she loves to text and even though she is shy she likes to interact with people. She is not really smart, but not dumb either. She doesn't like math and science


Her dad works as a police officer in CA, she moved to Korea with her grandmother after her mom died. Her mom was killed by a man who wanted to kill my dad, since he is police, many people wanted to kill him. Mostly because she didnt want to bother her dad, and Korea was safer. She used to work as waitress at this small cafe, and used to sing there. She is always helping her grandmother with the chores and cooking. She is the only daughter. Her dad calls her once a month he is to busy working. He doesn't really want to talk to her since she brings him memories of her mother.

Her grandmother protects her a lot, and pushes her to make her dreams come true. Her grandmother doesn't want her to work, but she needs help. She fall in love with many guys, and got her heart broken.

Park Lee [Dad] 40 years old. He is strict, and he never talks to his daughter. He can't forget his wife. He doesn't want to see his daughter anymore.

PArk Min Ah [Grandma] 67 years old. She is nice, always working, likes to cook, and cheer up people. She has a really good sense of humor.
Language: English and Korean

Likes: cooking, singing, cleaning, smiles, dancing, hello kitty, texting, web surfing, movies, tv, cartoons, dramas, music, kids, calm places, winter, snow, dancing in the rain. Horror and romantic movies, karaoke, kind people, nice guys, tennis, art, rehearsing, fast food, food, kimchi. 

Dislikes:  dirty, peanut butter [she is allergic], bugs, cats [she is allergic], killers, people who is always showing off, racism, discrimination, cheaters, liars, jerks, getting ignored, fake people, people who are two face, bullies,  people who tries to make other people sad, antis, traitors, 


  • eating other peoples food
  • drinking coffee
  • waking up late
  • bitting lips when nervous
  • singing in the showers
  • always punctual
  • staying up all night

Height: 160 cm

Weight: 49 kg

Hobbies: tennis, singing, reading, watching movies, sleeping, imitate people, cooking

Speciality: cooking and singing







Phobia/Fears: heights, bugs

Friends: Lee So Ah

Bias: Onew [Shinee], Doojoon [beast]

Position: lead vocal


How you join the trainee: Her grandmother told her to join, since she knew her dream was to become a singer. She went to many auditions and she always got rejected. Until she was accepted by SM.

Difficulties and problems: She thinks she is not pretty, mostly because she has no confidence.

Trainee days: She was a trainee for 4 years. it was difficult for her to adjust and learn how to dance. 

Many people didnt like her since, they thought she was awful, and they didnt knew how she was accepted. 

She always tried her best, to become better each day and ignore the bad comments, even though she felt

 bad being hated by the girls that used to trained with her.

Religion: Catholic

Blood type: A


-she likes food, her favorite food is sushi, and kimchi.

-she likes Tom And Jerry.

-her favorite movies is Click.

-she likes to watch lost and korean dramas

-she collects hello kitty stuff

-she likes going shopping

-she doesn't like Hyosung since she make her life miserable

Love interest: Doojoon [Beast]

Personal fansclub (color): Fairies (blue)


Oh well... at least I pick one girl. You know what... I LIKE ALL your application. It's true! That's why I'm confused to pick you >.< So, here the first girl!!! Congrats to jaztae!! comment often please :)

And again I tell you... I don't care about your appearance! I just read your application and decided to like it or not (but I like all-__-") then, if you aren't the chosen girls, PM me and I'll make you as the cameo :) kkk~

Oh, oh! I just want to know.. So, for you who has applied, tell me what's your favorite seasons!^_^ Spring, Summer, Autumn, Winter, or Rainy? Or Tropical? Hahahaha... Ganbatte!


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congrats jaztae XD
Congrats jaztae :) I really like her character :D I like Summer or Spring, cause they remind me of Bunnies ^-^ (sorry for my odd random note :$)
Autumn.<3<br />
It's the season I was born in.^-^
Thanks for chosing me can't wait to see the other girls <3<br />
I like summer and winter ^^
congrats....I like spring
atelphobia #6
Oh I forgot to add my favorite season---> Rainy
2100gv #7
oh..just noticed da last part at the chappie..i like winter...hehehe...XD
congrats to janella park for making it...ur profile is cool...can't wait to see who is next chosen...hwaiting!!
NoEul95 #10
Applied as Sophia Jane Kim/Hye-jung!~<3