

It's cold. Jessica doesn't really understand why, but she assumes it's because this snowless winter has been more freezing than the last two.


Hey so, yeah, I'm back even though i should be updating Colourless but I'm having a major writing block over there OTL!

i actually get inspired by the weirdest things... Plan B was inspired by a clock, Colourless was inspired by photoshop (I think), and this was inspired by a baby pine tree, haha.

Oh hey this is actually not in 3rd person limited Taeyeon perspective, for once... woww. But anyways, I'll update when I'm finished (: see ya in a bit~

P.S. This is actually a Christmas oneshot idek why


it'll take a bit longer to finish this because ms word messed up and i lost my draft. hope you're all having a great summer though (:


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I'm raughing at my last comment because I feel like it must've been the product of one of our late-night Skype conversations that I can't even /hope/ to remember. But now that I see it, I feel kind of bad for leaving such a crappy comment, so I'm going to try and write you a better one (even though there is literally only a description, do not judge me right now).

I have a feeling that this is the fic that you've been writing for a while and keep sending me random excerpts to on Skype. I'm assuming this because of the fact that this story is set to be taengsic in the winter. In all honesty, I actually originally thought that whatever you were sending me on Skype was from one of the soshified stories that you always spazz about, so I feel really stupid for not realizing that it's for this story. Because from what I can tell right now, it's going to be an /amazing/ story.

So don't give up on it, okay? If you need inspiration, go look at that inspirational baby pine tree (lol ur such a dork) for a couple of hours and then come back with millions of words bouncing around in your head. There are twenty of us (and I'm sure that there'll be a lot more as well) that are currently waiting to read this heartwrenching one-shot you're currently concocting, so I really hope that you write this soon. Eventually.

Just don't give up on it, or else I'll cry 5ever and get Calvin to teach me how to hire assassins in Canada.
baby pine tree, huh? xD
my tissues are ready, Author!!!
beep beep. taengsic and angst ftw!
please update soon