The sleepwalker


Now that North-Korea is having plans on attacking South-Korea, Gyeobi felt sad.. She was in the middle of her vacation and in the free time  she had, she was busy on Tumblr, watching her favorite biases. What if anything would happen to them, now that North-Korea was threatening? She didn’t even want to think of the idea of losing her favorite singers, her biases, and beside that her passion for the Korean music. What to do when all of that would suddenly disappear? Somehow her friend Seunggi was a little more relaxed about it. How? Gyeobi didn’t know but she did know she wanted to visit her friend on the other side of The Netherlands, just to cheer up a little!

The moment she arrived she didn’t only get greeted by her friend but also by… B.A.P..?!?! Was this a dream or reality..?!


So once again im back at AFF >< this time my health is better and there are not that much things that trouble me (at least nog yet..) and sure want to update more. I promissed myself to write the whole thing first before uploading, but i want to get some subbies while im writing, i enjoy that more =3. Also this way my friend, it's dedicated to, can get a nice teaser of the fanfic XD! Have fun reading!


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