


"Ah... So cute!" You sighed and Luhan who was sitting beside you watch as your eyes go dreamy.

"You've watch this movie forever. It was just a story of prince and princess. I don't understand what's special about it."

You pouted and leaned against his chest, "It's not the prince. It's the faith and love."

Your heart swelled as you feel Luhan's finger skimmed your hair. He always act so adoring, so caring, but you know that it's because you are his best friend. You were too scared to tell him about your feeling. What if he mad and go away from you? You can't handle that.

It was happy and lovely feeling flowed over you in one second, and the other second it was hurt that filling your heart. Hurt. What if you were too scared for forever and Luhan never love you either? Will you able to handle that? Will you able to face the fact when one day Luhan have a girlfriend?

No. You don't think so.

"Hey, Sunshine?" Sunshine was your nickname. What if he will call his girlfriend with Sunshine too?

"Hey, you okay?"

"Huh?" You don't realize that your eyes was teary when you looked up at him.

"You're crying? What's wrong? What happened? Are you sick?" You let out a small laugh when he said that. Luhan is a er for tears. He just can't handle it. He once said that he never know what to do when a girl is crying. But it was silly because he always seems doing the right thing when you do.

As there's something hit you, you suddenly sit straight on the sofa.

"Luhan? I think we need a break." That's it. You have to prepare yourself so it would hurt less. You have to keep your distance. That's it!

"Too tired to watch TV? Sure sure." It's sweet how he always care about you. And it's hurt to know that he'll do the same to one lucky girl. "Oh! Oh! Don't cry, don't cry."

"I'm not crying!" But you wiped your falling tears, "I think it's we that need a break not the TV."

"What? We? What's wrong with us?"

"Listen to me, don't interrupt, okay?"


You took a deep breathe. Don't cry. Don't cry. "I think we have to make a space so both of us can think."

"Think about what?"

You glare at him, "Don't interrupt. I realized that we've always been together. Maybe we should give us some space. I want a distance and you need it."

"What? I don't need a distance from you."

"You will need it."

"No, I don't. You can't just back away." Panic showed in his voice. He never thought about this, never thought about farewell. What had he done? Had he been a jackass? Was it because he insult the prince earlier?

"Then I need it. We can't stay like this."

"Have I hurt you? I'm sorry. I... Don't go."

"No, you don't, Luhan. Don't make it harder to leave. Just for a month. Okay?"

No! Luhan heard his brain shouting. I can't even stand a week! A month?


"I... I think we should."

"That's a silly reason."

"I just can't, Luhan." You stood, preparing to leave. You know that he'll make you stay if you keep being here. You can't stay. You can't stand the hurt.

"Wait. Don't you dare walk away from me!"

The anger and hurt in his voice startled you. He never angry, sulk, yes, angry, no. "Don't mad at me."

"Don't mad at you? You're leaving me!"

You flinched, seems like all the firsts happened today. The first time Luhan mad at you, and shout at you. His jaw clenched. You can't lie that it's not make you scared. But you don't have any other choice.

What will he do to you? He seems so mad. It's terrible. But Luhan saw it all, fear in your eyes, your shaky hands, the way your lip trembled. Good God, now he scared you already. "I'm sorry. Christ, I'm so sorry. Are you okay?"

"Y..yeah I'm fine."

But you took another step back when he tried to reach you.

"Don't back away, I'm not gonna hurt you."

"I know. I'm sorry."

You watch as he walked carefully until he stood right in front of you. You never saw him so scared. Was the idea of you leaving scared him?

"Don't go." It was barely a whisper. He leaned in and hugged you, so tight that you hardly can breathe but it was a comfortable embrace at the same time. "Don't go. Don't go." He kept chanting it while giving you a butterfly kiss in your cheek, your ear. "Please. Did I do anything wrong?"

"It's not you, Luhan. It's me."

"What's wrong?" Luhan skimmed his finger over your chin to tipped it up.

"I think..." What should you said now? Ugh! Stupid! "I think I have butterflies."

"You...You what?"

"Butterflies." You muttered as you look down because blush started to crept up your face.

"Butterflies?" You can even feel his smile

"Don't laugh! See?! There's no point on telling you!" You look up at him with a pouty face, but he smirk at you instead.

"As a matter of fact, Sunshine, I have butterflies too."

Your jaw dropped as soon as he said that. Did he really say that? Or were you just imagining things? Then, he leans in and give you a quick peck on the nose. Oh! Oh!

"Now, you can close your mouth."

You didn't even realize that you oblige it almost immediately that he laugh.

Did he really just say that? He kissed you! On the nose. Yap! But that's a kiss! Is it mean that he love you too? Smile spread across your face when Luhan leans in to hug you again. You never imagined things, it happened! It really is happening!

"You scared the hell out of me when you leave. Don't do that again." He murmured right in your neck.

"Okay." The only thing that kept you from jumping and screaming was pride and shame. "Okay." You repeated.

"Can you said it again?"

"What? Okay?"

"No. The butterfly part. Without the butterfly."

You laughed, "I love you, Luhan."

"Once again."

"I love you, Luhan."


"I love you."

"I've been dying to hear that from you."

He trails a kiss, from your neck, your jaw, then stop at the corner of your lips. His warm breathe on your skin made you shiver. "I love you, Sunshine" He murmured before finally crush your mouth to his.

It's a quick, electric shock go through your body at the first contact. He nibbled at your lower lips and growled, the sound that are so primitive and primal, "I've been dying to do this. I wonder how you taste. And now I think I'll never get enough."

He proved his word. He kissed you until you run out of air. The feel of his lips against yours is addicting. You kissed him back, never realized when he move you closer to the wall and caged you there. You can't stop it, the adrenaline that go through your body. You closed the space between both of you so that your body is flowing together, that not even air broke you apart. Your mouth is now opened, giving him access to you, and he never think twice. His tongue lapped and meet with yours, making your knees wobble.

Luhan groaned, then finally move to your ear and said, "You taste so sweet."

You leaned closer to him -which was now impossible, hoping that he would kiss you again, so that the butterflies can go crazy for the second time. But he didn't.



"Kiss me again."

He laughed. The voice was male and husky. "Uh, I don't think so, Sunshine. It's not a wise thing to do if you don't wanna end up in bed."

The way he talked so bluntly making you blush. "Umm. Okay."

"I love you, Sunshine"

"I love you, Luhan."

"Say it again?"

"I love you."


You laugh then now decided to give him a peck, "I love you, Luhan."

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flutterwind #1
Chapter 1: Aw, soo cute.. >.< #blushes
rudelysweetk21 #2
Chapter 1: and totally loved that 'sunshine' name :)
rudelysweetk21 #3
Chapter 1: Again! argg, why so sweet!! totally loved it :D thanks for this sweet little fic :))
Chapter 1: Aaaaaw!
I liked this so much that I had to read it twice!
Chapter 1: Awwww <3 :')
Chapter 1: aww... sooo cute!!!
cielyuu #7
Chapter 1: This is so cute! ^^
cornyking #8
So cute!!! :3
Chapter 1: Ahhhh! OMG! It's sooo good. I freaking loved this story, short but full of sweet and caring Lulu!
Chapter 1: wahhhhhhh!! butterflies flying in my stomach when I read this story~~
especially the " i love you" part.....