Seoul Academy Auditions

Dance Your Way Into My Heart
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Anxiously, with her right leg bouncing beyond her control, Karina waited. The hall silent other than the steady pit-pat of her shoes tapping against the hardwood floor of Seoul Academy's waiting room.Today was the day, she was finally going to audition to get into the Performing Arts school.

She looked at the clock and waited for her turn to go in. The door opened, from it a girl came out dashing, trembling, hands covering her face. Though it was no secret that she was crying her heart out. Obviously she had been rejected, it was an unsettling sight for all in the waiting room to see. It apprears that they telll you wether you're in or out on the spot. 

After few more minutes, a corespondent came out to call the next name. "Noir Karina. You're up." The woman called out.

Karina stood up, her legs slightly feeling like jelly but her feet stood firmly on the ground. She grabbed her things and walked into the where the judges were seated. She gave her best smile and stood right before them.

Their faces were stern, meaning they meant business. Only the best of the best will get it in, but Karina would not let her faith be shaken.

She quietly cleared her before speaking. "Annyeonghasaeyo." She then bowed to them. The judges seemed taken back. "Your Korean is spot on." A female a judge complimented. "Thank you. I'm half Korean." She smiled. "So Karina, where are you from?" A male judge questioned. "I'm from France." She replied. "Do you speak French?" The female asked. "Yes I do. And also English." She concluded.

The judges looked at each other mumbled a few words, before turning back to Karina.

"So what will you be doing for us today?" The male with glassed spoke.

"I'll be singing Heaven by Ailee and doing a pop dance piece." Karina replied.

"Show us your singing first. You have our attention." The female judge clasped her hands together and rested her chin upon them. 

Karina walked to the center on the room, took a deep breath and began to sing.

After she sang the judges whispered and nodded to each other. They looked back to her. "Alright, now for your dancing"

The music began and she started dancing.

Hitting all the moves with a force, she danced like no one was there.

The music came to a hault. Karina came back to reality.

"We've seen enough. Can you step outside to we can deliberate, and we'll call you back in to tell you our decision." Karina nodded and bowed, then leaving the room.

Everyone one looked at her when she came back to the waiting room, all were curious about what happened. She quietly took a seat. Now the audtioning part doesn't seem so bad anymore. It's the wait to find out if she got accepted, that was nearly killing her. The wait felt like forever even tho it's only been five minutes.

Moments later the same corespondant called her name again. "Karina, they're ready to see you again." She stood up rubbing her knees and walked in the audition room to face the judges once more. 

"Miss Noir." 


"We have evaluated your performances. You have an incredible voice, there's a certain spark in you that we like, also you amazing dance skills, one of the best we seen from the g

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Chapter 1: Ooo me likey...
Chapter 1: Oooh this is interesting. I like how it's going so far.
Can't wait!
sounds all cutesy