Come into the office, please.

"Yes, Mr. Choi, Sir"
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"Taemin, get in here"

"Yes, Mr. Choi"

"Close and locked the door, would you? It's a matter of P&C, so I don't want anybody to hear"

"Understood, sir"

"Thank you. So, tell me, what's your assessment regarding the current situation?"

"Preliminary assessment looked promising but further dynamic development should be in order for better potrayal of the situation, sir"

"Dynamic development, you say? Past samplings and demonstrations weren't enough for concrete evidence of existence?"

"As I said, based on all that had been done, the situation looked promising, but indeed the samples and demos you have mentioned were not sufficient for it to be deemed approved"

"But I thought I have made it clear that I need the matter to be approved no matter what!"

"Unfortunately sir, certain protocols needed to be followed and fulfilled unless you meant for it to be only a temporary approval. That wouldn't work in your favor, sir"

"No, no ... the approval must be permanent and unwavering. So, what do you suggest for me to do in order to proceed?"

"I have prepared a list for you to consider regarding the next course of action needed to be taken. The list has been compiled with the objective of getting permanent approval of the matter. Need I remind you sir, permanent approval also means full access?"

"No, you don't have to, Taemin. I have done so much in order to get this far, I assure you I am u

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ilabya44 #1
jellee #2
Chapter 1: Can I saythatthis is just sweet at first I didn't get all the hiding meanings n then I was like oh ohhhh lol :D