'Dating' Mr. Arrogant


People look at him and think he's the most amazing thing in this school. They like him because he's supposedly 'cute', smart, hangs around with a popular group called EXO (seriously I have no idea why they call themselves that) and all the teachers are always praising him... nobody else just him and a few others if they're lucky... Yep Kim Joonmyun has it all... However people don't know the real him, Joonmyun is one of the most arrogant people out there. He constantly thinks he's better than anyone else, he has to be right and even when he's wrong he is STILL right. 

Do you know what the worse thing is? My friend is dating his friend... and even worse than that? I'm supposedly meant to be 'dating' him... 


Sorry if the description ... I usually at descriptions... 

BUT I hope you guys enjoy the story :) 


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ilabya8 #1
Chapter 5: wow why yoona attitude like that ?? something bad happen in past ? update soon !!
Chapter 2: Good chappie. Keep up the good work!
Chapter 1: It's good. Update soon :D