the begginingof the end


a  boy finds his destiny


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Corosy456 #1
oh no i got no karma but guess what i finally fulfilled my wish cheh yeh woohoo u got my story now
Corosy456 #2
guess what i got 9 karma how much you got u no u have to wait 20 secs between comments
Corosy456 #3
8, 8, EIGHT critical karma
Corosy456 #4
7 karma not long now 3 more comments
Corosy456 #5
4 more karma till i can send you the co author me story
Corosy456 #6
5 karma cheh half way fool
Corosy456 #7
4 karma
Corosy456 #8
3 karma
Corosy456 #9
2 karma
Corosy456 #10
Nice opening you leave plenty of interpretations so no one can be unhappy all you is a story to back the compelling name and foreword.