
Be Mine



It was just a normal day, or so Jangmi thought as she had her daily routines, getting ready for school even if she was feeling a little unwell. Of course she couldn’t afford to be absent, just not today. She needed to be present at the meeting because she wasn’t going to let the vice president, Nam Woohyun, take her place. It was a big no.

As she headed towards the school’s gates, an arm slung around her shoulders and she frowned, knowing who it was.


“Get off of me, you ert.” Jangmi said, shrugging off the guy’s arm.

“I missed you too, my lovely Jangmi.” Myungsoo grinned but his charms didn’t affect the young lady as she made her way to her classroom with a straight face. He shook his head, once again he was impressed on how she could act so normal around him. She was totally different than the other girls.

Yes, Myungsoo was none other than the most popular guy at her school and he had a fan wherever he goes. Myungsoo admitted that his confidence was overflowing but he couldn’t help himself, he was born with a handsome face, who to blame?

Well, every girl would have dreamt of having Myungsoo’s arm around her shoulders but Jangmi seemed to be not interested in him. She was just trying to keep trouble away, since she knew that if she dared to get close to Myungsoo, his fans would totally kill her. She still kept her words even though Myungsoo has been trying to hit on her lately.



“Hey my Jangmi,” Myungsoo called out once she sat down on her seat, she wanted to have some peaceful time on her own before the teacher came but this guy just had to ruin her plans.

“Just what in the hell do you want this time, Kim freaking Myungsoo?” Jangmi asked as she glanced at him.

He tensed a bit, sensing that he had already pissed her off early in the morning, but he tried to keep cool and smirked at her, “A date, that’s what I want my dear Jangmi.”

Jangmi rolled her eyes and Myungsoo was about to say something when the teacher came in, interrupting the noise caused by their classmates. “Please open your book on page 143, we’re about to begin.”

“Oh did you hear that cutie? 143, you know what that means right?” Myungsoo wiggled his eyebrows.

Jangmi glared at Myungsoo who was sitting beside her, “Why the hell are you sitting there?” she muttered, trying to keep her voice low.

“Hyeri asked me to switch seats.” Myungsoo coolly answered as he faked to listen to the discussion but she knew that he was just avoiding her eyes. She took a quick glance at Hyeri and saw her sitting at Myungsoo’s usual seat, talking to Woohyun. Jangmi looked away when she met Woohyun’s eyes.

‘Of course Hyeri would accept to switch seats with Myungsoo, that girl would do everything for that idiot.’ She thought and paid attention to the discussion.



The student council’s meeting soon ended and Jangmi was making her way to her locker but stopped as Woohyun called her out.

“What?” Jangmi titled her head; she just couldn’t wait to get home since she felt her head exploding.

“You don’t look so good today…” Jangmi thought that he was going to make one of his stupid comments and turned around but he held her wrist, “You shouldn’t have come to school today Miss President, you know?” Woohyun said, he was just concerned but Jangmi had taken it the other way round.

“Well sorry Mr. Vice President, but I needed to be present at today’s meeting. It’s an important one. ” Jangmi emphasized the word ‘vice president’ and Woohyun was about to say something else but she stopped him by waving at him, “I’m going.” She got rid of Woohyun’s grip and quickly placed her books inside her locker.

“Hey wait! I’ll walk you home!” Woohyun yelled and ended up sighing as he watched her disappearing figure.



Jangmi widened her eyes upon seeing Myungsoo leaning against the school’s gates. He seemed cold and his heavy breathe was visible but he didn’t seem to care. She wondered what he was doing there, the school was almost empty and almost everyone had gone home.

‘Maybe he’s waiting for his next girl.’ She thought. Myungsoo looked up and she could feel her heart pounding as their eyes met. She shook her head and muttered to herself, “I’m really sick, I should get home.”

“It took you awhile, huh?” Myungsoo muttered as he followed her.

She kept walking but she gazed at him, “Don’t tell me… you waited for me?”

Myungsoo looked up and shrugged, “It’s late. Girls walking home at this hour is quite dangerous.”

“Oh, what a gentleman.” Jangmi sarcastically said, earning a smile from Myungsoo.

“I am, right?” Myungsoo wiggled his eyebrows but she just rolled her eyes, muttering a ‘whatever’ which made him chuckle.


Myungsoo kept talking, annoying the hell out of Jangmi. She hated it when someone kept talking nonsense to her when she was sick, but of course he didn’t know that since she didn’t make it too obvious. They finally reached her house and she turned to him, “Well, you can go now.” She coldly muttered.

“A ‘thank you’ will do.” Myungsoo smiled, standing at her porch, waiting for her to say those words.

Jangmi spun around and unlocked the door, “Thank you.” She muttered and was about to go inside when she felt her knees weaken and her sight getting blurry. She was about to fall but luckily Myungsoo was able to catch her.

“H-Hey! Jangmi!” He touched her forehead and felt her burning. “Damn it. I knew it.” He hissed and quickly took her inside.


Myungsoo was quite familiar with her house since he had visited her a few times, of course Jangmi didn’t welcome him but her parents were always happy to see him. Myungsoo made his way to her room before laying her down and turning on the heater. He took a towel from her closet and soaked it in the cold water before placing it on her forehead.


A couple of hours passed and she slowly opened her eyes and saw Myungsoo at her side, holding her hand. “Myungsoo...” she called out and he smiled.

“Go rest okay? You need it.” He muttered when he heard her coughing.

“What are you doing here?” She weakly whispered.

“Where are your parents?” He asked, ignoring her question and turning the towel around so that she kept cool.

“They’re staying at grandma’s house ‘till Sunday.” He nodded and covered her with the blanket.

“Now go get some sleep okay?” She complied and did as he told her.


Myungsoo took care of Jangmi all night long and when morning came, Jangmi was feeling a lot better thanks to him. He kept changing the towel and stayed by her side. Due to his tiredness and lack of sleep, he fell asleep just an hour before Jangmi woke up at the welcoming sunrays.

“M-Myungsoo?” She stuttered and blushed at the sight of their intertwined fingers.

“He really stayed…” she thought aloud. Truth was that she was happy after seeing him when she woke up the previous night, she wasn’t really expecting him to take care of her but she was hoping that it may happen and he didn’t disappoint her. She felt him stiffen and she widened her eyes as he slowly woke up and sat up.

“Oh, you’re awake!” Myungsoo exclaimed as his lips curled up into a smile and he placed his hand on her forehead, feeling her body temperature. Jangmi’s heart skipped a beat at the sudden contact and she looked away, feeling herself blushing.

“Your fever’s gone!” He smiled even wider and was about to walk away when she noticed him staring at something. She followed his gaze; he was looking at their hands. She quickly pulled her hand away, earning a laugh from the guy.

“I’ll go to the kitchen okay? I’ll make you some porridge.” He brightly smiled once again before leaving her in her room. Jangmi looked at her hands, she didn’t know why but she just couldn’t help but smile when she remembered how warm his hands were while holding hers.



“Say ah~” Myungsoo cooed but she shook her head.

“I can feed myself Myungsoo.” She stubbornly said as she tries to take the spoon for the nth time, but failed again.

“I don’t want you to get sick again, okay? Just let me feed you.” She was about to protest but she gave up since her stomach was craving for food, so she just opened and he blew the porridge before feeding her.

“I look like a baby, damn it.” She whispered to herself but he seemed to have heard her as he chuckled at her.

My baby.” She widened her eyes, feeling her face turning beat red but he smiled at her in return.



“You ate well, my baby girl.” Myungsoo smiled as she cleaned the corner of her lips with the towel he passed her.

“Myungsoo,” she started while fumbling with her fingers.

“Yes, baby?” He raised an eyebrow, waiting for her to continue.

“Stop calling me baby.”


“Because, I’m not your damn girlfriend! Okay?” She yelled but he just beamed at her.

“Then just be my girlfriend.”


Jangmi flushed red and turned to look at him, frowning. “What the hell.”

Myungsoo placed the plate on her desk table and sat on the edge of her bed, where she was sitting. “I’m serious Shin Jangmi.”

“S-Stop it.” She stuttered while avoiding his eyes, she was getting annoyed.

“Stop what?” Myungsoo titled his head aside; he was confused on what she was talking about.

“Stop playing with me. I won’t fall for your tricks okay? Go find yourself another girl who’ll want to be part of your game.”

“I’m totally serious Shin Jangmi. I really like you. I like you so much that I’m totally losing my coolness when I’m with you. I think I totally fell--”

“SHUT UP!” He stiffened at her voice; he wasn’t expecting her to yell at him. “Listen, I know you’re a total playboy and every girl in this earth would fall for you charms so why waste your time with a someone like me? You’re such an idiot--” he cut her off by pressing his lips against hers.

She widened her eyes for the nth time this day, how could this guy surprise her so much? She didn’t know why but the kiss felt so right. Her heart was pounding and her cheeks had a tint of pink as she found herself slowly closing her eyes.

Myungsoo pulled away, leaning his forehead with hers. “You like me too, don’t you?”


Jangmi mentally cursed him, why did he have to whisper using his husky voice? She opened but nothing came out, she was speechless.

“If you don’t like me, push me away.” Before she could process what he had said on her mind, he was already holding her neck and closed the gap between them, kissing her for the second time. This was even better than the first one; she could feel all his sincerity in this gentle yet sweet kiss. She wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him back. Jangmi could feel him smile in between the kiss before he pulled away.

“Say, you really like me that much?” She rolled her eyes, cocky Myungsoo was back.

“Where did the sweet Myungsoo go?” Jangmi asked, raising an eyebrow.

He came close to her again, so close that she could feel his breathe against her cheek. “Do you want the sweet Myungsoo again?” She felt herself shivering when he whispered at her ear.

“Y-Yes.” She weakly muttered.

“Say those words and I’ll be yours.”

“What words?”

I love you.”


Jangmi smiled and gave him a quick peck. “Do I really need to say that?”

Myungsoo pouted and nodded. “Of course.”

“Don’t want.” She uttered, pulling herself away from him.

“Hey!” He grabbed her wrist, obtaining a “What?” from her.

“Way to ruin the moment Jangmi.” He rolled his eyes, making her chuckle. His frown soon turned into a smirk as an idea popped out of his mind.


“So are you going to tell me those three words or do I need to kiss you ‘till they just come out of your mouth?” He wrapped his arms around her waist.

“The second choice looks good to me.” She smirked back.

Myungsoo leaned in again, but he stopped when he was inches away from her lips. “You’ll regret this.”

“A kiss from a handsome Kim Myungsoo? There’s nothing to regret.” He grinned when he saw her wiggling her eyebrows and leaned in.



So, that's how I decided to end it. You can imagine the continuation lol. Hope you liked it myungmyung~ Sorry Woohyun was just appearing in this story...but maybe I'll write a fic about him for you myungie, if you want. :D

Thanks for reading~ *throws hearts*


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Iminthezone #2
Yay! Congrats on getting the story featured as the random story of the day!! :D *confetti* ^.^
Haneul0907 #4
Chapter 1: Wow one shot daebak !! Hihihi I like this.. As usual, naughty myungsoo ..
Chapter 1: dying rn because of sweetness