The way I like you;

The way I like you;


The way I like you; HunHan


Sehun signed heavy, he looked outside the big window above the school ground. He didn’t pay any attention around him. He haven’t energy to blink, he just sat there and stared out from the window. He left me. He’s gone.



“Sehun, class is over, you know.”

Sehun nodded and took his books from his desk and went out from the classroom with Kyungsoo right behind. “I need to go to the bathroom.”


Sehun sat on one of the schools white toilet seats. Tears rolled slowly down his pale cheeks. He didn’t have any energy to wipe them off, he just let it be the way it was. Everyone had lunch so he was all alone, the big and empty walls echoed loudly from his own sobs. He felt like and the panic raised, he turned around and threw up into the clear water. He coughed and gasped for some air, but his heart and soul wouldn’t stop shatter from pain. Why did he leave him? He left him, all alone. For that girl.

“Luhan” Sehun cried. He stood up and whipped the tears away and turned around. He saw a pale boy, his eyes where swollen and read. His own clothes were covered in his own vomit and his heart was broken. “One year” Today was the same day, one year ago. Luhan had left him as a friend, he was going far away.


Sehun took up an extra shirt he did left in a bag before he had rushed into the toilet room. It was a big room with five cubicles. Sehun changed the shirt, he cleaned his face with ice-cold water and left the room, just as clean as it was when he came. “Sehun-ah, what happened with your face?” “Nothing hyung, I slipped. That’s all, don’t worry”


It will be okay, it will be fine, Sehun kept say to himself that night. His parents were always out. They won’t know. The moonlight hit Sehun’s pale and wet face from the small spring from the window. Every breath was painful, he felt dizzy. He wanted to throw up again.


That night he cried himself to sleep.


“Uh” Sehun opened his eyes slowly. A new day, he thought. He picked up his phone.


Luhan, Please come back.


It took a while but his phone let out a loud sound and Sehun almost yelped.


It was just an notice for some stupid game he downloaded years ago, he forgot to delete.

Sehun closed his eyes again and threw up.


“Dongsaeng, how are you? You are so pale” Kyungsoo took his cold hand and put it on Sehun’s forehead. “, you have fever Sehun. Go home” “I don’t want. I’m fine” Sehun hissed under his breath.



Ø  Past


Sehun went down to his best friend Luhan who came to meet him up. “Wanna catch a bubble-tea?” Sehun smiled and took the offer.

“What do you want?” “This one” Sehun pointed at his favorite flavor Choco.

Luhan treated Sehun meanwhile he paid for his own Taro flavored Bubba.


“Hi, one Taro please. Thank you”

Sehun saw a girl with beautiful hair who came towards them. He suddenly hugged Luhan from behind. His, Luhan…


“Hi” Luhan giggled and turned his head around. “This is Jessica. She’s my girlfriend. Have I told you?” Sehun just stared at them then nodded and forced a fake smile on his dry lips. “I’m happy for you two”


She sat down on a chair next to Luhan, they talked a lot. Sehun didn’t paid attention enough. It was tearing to just watch them chatting, to smile whenever they smiled, to not cry in front of them. In front of Luhan. Sehun looked around the painted walls, pictures of happy peoples with their bubba was on the walls. They laughed and shared their happiness but Sehun felt like throwing up. He always felt like that when his feelings tore him apart from inside. “Luhan, I’ll be back” Sehun went to the restroom.


“Omg! Was the bubba bad? You have puke all over your shirt. Sehun-ah” Luhan ran towards Sehun and watched Sehun’s pale face with a worried face expression. “I need to take him home, can we talk later?” Jessica smiled and said it was all right.


“Lay down” Sehun laid down his own bed meanwhile Luhan placed a blue bucket underneath him. Luhan thinks I’m unwell, I’m fell, with him.


“Sehun, I’m leaving soon. I’ll move to USA with Jessica.” Sehun stared at Luhan with big eyes. “W-why?”

“We wanted to go somewhere else, I guess. Kind of boring here.” Sehun stared p in his own pale roof. His skin was as pale as his sheets.


“Can we spend more time together?” Luhan patted Sehun’s hair and smiled. “Of course we can” 


Sehun woke up in the middle of the night. He was all alone, Luhan had probably went home. He took a big t-shirt in white and a black cardigan over. He took a pair black shorts and walked outside. He walked to Luhan’s house. It wasn’t that far away. Just ten minutes. He knocked on the door and rang on Luhan’s doorbell. Luhan opened the brown door a few minutes later. “Sehun, why don’t you have any pants on you? Why are you here? It’s in the middle of the night.” Sehun looked down and lift his shirt a bit. “I have pants.” “Come in”


Sehun slept on Luhan’s chest. He smelled the nice smell of his best friend. It was so cozy, no problem and no stress. He just wanted to forget that Luhan wasn’t his.


Every day, Sehun and Luhan spent time together.


“Jessica, do you want some Soju too?”

“No, not right now” She smiled and saw Sehun take a shot.


Sehun bumped into a boy with big eyes, he had brown hair and a big smile on his lips. “S-sorry” Sehun apologized. “It’s okay”


Ø  Present Time



Sehun looked up. “I’ll go home”


He decided to go to the bar that night. The music was loud and peoples where jumping in groups to the music. He went over to the bar and sat there and watched when he saw two who looked familiar. They went over to the bars side and Sehun saw it was Luhan and Jessica. What did they do here? Wasn’t they supposed to be in the USA. Sehun watched them from the distance when they went into the crowd again. Sehun paid for a bottle of Soju and took a shot. He sat there for a while and wondered what he should do. He took a shot again and dumped the whole Soju on the bar, he waked in to the dark crowd of humans and into a dark corner. The party light barely reached the corner where Sehun stood. He saw how Luhan kissed Jessica. Or at least what he thought. He didn’t know if it was them. Why should they be here? Ridiculous. Sehun you’re drunk. Go home.


Someone just bombed into him and he turned angry around. “Luhan?” Sehun’s voice was like a whisper through the loud music. A boy with silver hair stood infront of him. He had no girl beside him. Sehun looked out the crowd again. The boy Sehun thought was Luhan was still there, but this time he didn’t even looked alike Luhan. “H-how?”

“We broke up”

Sehun tried to kept his smile in shack but didn’t really successes. Sehun hugged Luhan tightly, the same smell was still there, Sehun cried and didn’t want to let him go. “I’ve missed you” Luhan didn’t move. He petted Sehun’s hair.


Luhan wore a west and a pair dark blue pants. He didn’t smile. Not once. Sehun ran towards a green light. They went over the street and home to Luhan’s old house. He had kept the house even if he did move away. It smelled a bit staled but it was still nice.



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Chapter 2: very was kinda hard to keep up. but very sad T^T poor Sehun