THIS IS PART 2 (Staying with you)

The Confession (Part 1) Staying With You (Part 2)


                Part 2




Kim Sunggyu P.O.V

We were on the 3rd day of the weeklong honeymoon period manager hyung gave us. Woohyun is outside getting fresh air while I am here, watching television. This is quite a boring start for the day.


I kept on flicking channels, nothing good was on.  When I was about to get tired of watching tv, Woohyun came back in.


“Oh, Jagiya.” I told him and patted the space next to me in the sofa.


He smiled and sat beside me. We snuggled and he leaned against my shoulder. It was so nice having him next to me. He was so warm and it felt comfortable. It was like his head was made to fit the space in my shoulder. We are meant to be together. I am sure now that my other half IS Nam Woohyun. Together, we complete each other.

Of course I wouldn’t be telling him all of this because I’m the cool one between the two of us and he already has the title of being the greasy one. Plus, it would raise his ego somehow.


“Sunggyu hyung, what are you smiling about?” He says to my ear and I smile even more.


“You were thinking about me, right?” he chuckled and squeezed my waist.

“Hah, No.” but I was already chuckling.


I don’t know what you are doing to me, Nam Woohyun… but when I’m around you, the once cool and strict guy, Kim Sunggyu, is reduced to a laughing, happy mess. I feel so happy with you around. Stay beside me forever, okay? With this thought, I kissed him lovingly in the forehead and hugged him closer to me.

“I love you Woohyun. KIM Woohyun.”


Nam KIM Woohyun’s P.o.v

(Yes, they got married okay o/ #WOOGYUFORINFINITY O//)


I’m still pretty sure hyung was thinking about me. Yup, I really do. He’s just denying it because he doesn’t want his greasy side to get exposed. Hah! I know better. We’ve been together for a long time already and I’ve seen almost every side Kim Sunggyu has. He can’t hide from me.


I was about to again when he kissed me in the forehead and hugged me closer.


“I love you Woohyun. KIM Woohyun.”



Lololololol. ^^ That statement made me smile wider and I think I’m blushing. >//<


Naww, to be honest, I’m still getting used to using his last name. The fact that I’m a ‘Kim’ now is pretty much still sinking in. Being THE Kim Sunggyu’s partner and lover for life is a big and heavy role that I am willing to play. Because, after all, a Sunggyu without me is like Chopsticks without a spoon; a thread without a needle. ^^ In order to be fully functional and complete, we need to be together.

I smiled and leaned forward. I kissed him full in the lips.


“Nado, my Gyu hamster.”





*later that evening*

Kim Woohyun’s POV


Gyu was washing the dishes when I suddenly approached him. I put both of my arms around his waist and hugged him gently.


“Hmm.” I murmured while looking over his left shoulder and back hugging him.


“You smell good.” I said and squeezed his jokingly.


“Jagiya!” he said but he was already laughing. His eyes became lines in his smiling face. Oh well, he never did get to open his eyes fully except if he was mad.


“What?” I answered him jokingly and then planted a kiss on his cheek near his ear.


“Yah!” he shouted.


“I know you’re loving this.”


He glared at me but we both ended up chuckling.


We we’re about to kiss when we heard strange noises outside. It was like shuffling footsteps and small twigs being stepped on.


We looked at each other and then outside the window.


We were in Jeju Island and it’s just eerie to have tourists out at this time of night right outside our country house that our manager hyung’s gladly rented for us.

We exchanged glances once more and shrugged it off as the neighboring tourist’s children or something.







But we were wrong.






Third person point of view-


It was nearly 2am in the morning. The house where Sunggyu and Woohyun was staying in was being watched.

Their front door got opened a few minutes later.


The intruders glided in silently, one by one. There were 4 of them. They we’re wearing black all over.

They reached the newlyweds room and pried it open in one swift motion.


“I count to three and you put this on both of their mouths okay?” whispered the person with the handkerchiefs.


“1… 2… 3!”


Two of them covered their mouths with the handkerchiefs drowned with ammonia. The other two held them just in case they woke up.


“Good job ladies.” Their leader spoke and removed her bonnet.

She was beautiful yet she was crazy.


“Stuff him in the bag.”


“What about the other one?”


“He’s the one I love. Don’t touch him! He’ll come crawling to me tomorrow, I promise you that.”


Their leader left a note in WooGyu’s bedside table and they all left quickly and quietly as they came in.






Kim Sunggyu’s POV


I woke up the next morning afternoon? With a really terrible headache. My head was spinning and my vision was blurry. This was odd.


My hand reached out beside me and scanned the spot right next to me.



No answer.




Still no answer.




I sat up and steadied myself for the wave of vertigo that was sure to come. I closed my eyes once more and then looked beside me.


Our bed seemed like I was the only one who slept here. That was odd. Where’d my jagiya gone to?


 I was about to stand up when I caught in my peripheral vision 2 handkerchiefs in the floor. One in my side, and then one on Woohyun’s side.


I picked up and was about to smell it when I recognized its faint odour from a far.


“Ammonia…” I murmoured.


Wait. Ammonia? Isn’t that a cleaning chemical but is commonly used to make people unconscious??


I was panicking but I tried my best to keep my cool. I looked at my watch and saw that it was almost 2pm in the afternoon. Crap.



I quickly stood up and caught sight of a sparkly note in our bedside table. It was pink, glittery and it smelled like roses.


I read the note. It said;


My Dearest Kim Sunggyu,

Hey there, you probably don’t know me but, pay attention and do not ignore this. I HAVE YOUR NAM KIM WOOHYUN. Oh don’t worry; he’s still safe, barely… Now, what I want you to do is come here and bring no one else, dress nicely or your handsome little Nam grease WILL DIE. Take me seriously :) The address is behind this note. Be safe and come quick okay?


                                                       YOUR NO.1 FAN ®






I wasted no time and went to the address written at the back of the note. I am probably risking my life here but Woohyun is in danger, I have to save him.



I reached the address and it turned out to be an old warehouse. It was huge and it seemed uninhabited.



I was about to knock on the steel doors when it suddenly opened.



“Hi.” Said a high pitched voice.



I looked her in the eye and she was really beautiful. The kind that would pass for the face of the group in an idol group.



She was smiling but I dare not smile back.


She was looking at me maliciously which made the hairs at the back on my neck stand. She gave me goose bumps all over.



“Where’s Woohyun?!” I asked her angrily as I pushed my way in past her.


Then I heard the steel door get locked in place.



When I turned to look at her, she giggled evilly.


“Oh, my Kim Sunggyu. You’ve read the note, didn’t you? He’s safe over there. But he won’t be for long if you don’t do as I say.”


Then she put her arm around mine and led me to a door. I swear, she is creeping me out and I was prepared to hit her and get far, far away from here when I saw what lies behind the door she opened.



There he was, my Woohyun, tied and chained to a chair. He had a handkerchief in between his mouth and I can see his suffering. We met eyes and I can see tears slowly dropping out of his eyes. I felt a stabbing sensation in my heart. I hate to see the one that I love get hurt.


With this, I pushed the girl to the floor and screamed.


“What the hell is wrong with you??? What do you want with us? What did you do to my Woohyun??”


I grabbed her by the collar and glared at her angrily.


“Oh tut, tut. You still look cute even if you’re angry Gyu-oppa.”


I sneered at her. “You crazy woman! Don’t call me that! Now answer me!”


I tugged her by the collar again, this time harder. She screamed.


“Ouch! That hurt!” She slapped me hard in the face which caused me to drop my hold on her.


She stood up and glared at me. “Don’t you dare hurt me!! I STILL HAVE HIM IN MY HANDS AND IF YOU WON’T DO AS I SAY HE WILL DIE!!”


I fell silent and just stared at her. “For the last time… What do you want.” I said calmly.



“I want you.” She said simply.


“We’re going to get married today.”



I was still in shock with what she said when 4 girls entered and pulled Woohyun away into a dark room.



“WOOHYUN!” I screamed and tried to reach him.


“Shut up!” The girl said and slapped me.

“Stay here you fool or your Woohyun will get tortured in that cell! We are just waiting for the priest and my other friends and we’ll get married soon.”


She kissed me in the forehead and smiled once more before she left me in that room and locked me in.



I sank to the floor and started weeping. “Woohyun…”



It occurred to me that our rooms we’re connected yet divided. I heard footsteps so I just stayed down. When there weren’t any noises heard I got up and went to his cell.


I slammed furiously on the door and saw that he was still tied up and that his left cheek was bleeding.


“Woohyun! WOOHYUN!! WHAT DID THEY DO TO YOU?!?” I slammed the door with my fists and tried kicking it but it won’t budge.


Woohyun then looked at me and smiled faintly. Then he lost consciousness.





I was starting to lose my mind and I ran to my door where she locked.





Just then, it opened.


“Very well, come with me.” Said one of her companions.


I looked back and whispered, “I’ll be back, Woohyun.”




She led me to a room and everything was a blur. The next thing I know I’m in a black suit and next to me is the crazy bride.


We were at a cliff behind the warehouse.


I scanned the surroundings and saw 3 girls holding Woohyun’s chair at the end of the cliff. Probably to blackmail me. The cliff was so high that if a person fell, they wouldn’t survive.


I closed my eyes and said, “Let’s get this on so you could free Woohyun.”


“Hey, a deal is a deal. But I forgot to tell you, You can never go back to him or to being an Idol, you will stay with me and we’ll raise a family.”


I closed my eyes again and exhaled sharply. “As long as you keep Woohyun safe and you stay away from all of my members, you’ve got a deal.”






“Do you take her, as you’re lawfully wedded wife? In sickness and in health, to richer or poorer, till death do you part?”






I can’t answer. I look at her, the priest and all her friends around us. They we’re all waiting. Even Woohyun.


And his eyes was telling me not to worry about him. He looked away and I can see his shoulder’s shaking. He was crying.



All those happy memories I had with him was short lived. Here I am marrying someone I clearly don’t know or love. But if it means keeping him safe and alive? I’ll do it. I’ll sacrifice everything for him. Even my life.



“I… D-“


Before I could finish the girl pushed Woohyun off the cliff.


“WOOHYUN!!!! MY NAM WOOHYUN! MY KIM WOOHYUN! WOOOOOOOHYUUUUUUUUUUUUN!!!!” I Screamed and looked at where he was pushed off.


I can’t see him nor where he has fallen but everything became dark and I lashed out.


“YOU! YOU !” I screamed and pulled her hair and pinned her to the ground.


“You deserve to die too!”




Everyone was screaming and I was just punching the life out of this evil woman.


She was already bleeding but she was still smiling.



“Game over Kim Sunggyu.”



Just then the rest of Infinite came along with the cops and our managers and it was an all out war.




*3 yrs. Later.


Kim Sunggyu’s POV


Nothing was ever the same again. I was still in Infinite, but we were only 6 and we took a break from the idol world.


I still feel empty and what happened took its toll on me, on us, on everyone.



We were to make our comeback earlier this year but still, no one felt like going on.


“We have to do this.” I said and everyone went in a huddle and we hugged each other.


“For Woohyun.” Said Dongwoo.

“For woohyun.” I answered back and we were about to go out and perform for music bank when a person peered out from the back door.



He was smiling and was throwing love bullets at us.


Dongwoo and I exchanged glances and we nudged the rest of our members.





-end- o/




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Chapter 2: I haye that girl. Who is she actually
Chapter 1: Sweet story ~ :3