( III )

Test Of Love.



Chapter (III)
[ I Can't Believe You. ]

Word count : 1 4 5 6

Even though he doesn’t know everything about her, she felt contended knowing they were getting off to a great start so fast. It’s been a few weeks now and every day when she woke up she was hoping to get back into the present time where Chanyeol was hers for five years now. She would get disappointed every single time she would wake up and realize she’s sixteen when she knows she’s actually twenty-one going on twenty-two. She woke up again and she felt like crap. She wanted to go back to the future so badly but half of her was mentally preparing herself to go through all of this again. Not that she regretted or hated going through this again, she was afraid anything would happen along the way.

She was surprised the moment there was a knock on her window. She was startled but she turned her head to look at the window where Chanyeol was sitting on the board in front of her window. gaped open before she jumped off her head to open the window for him. He got in while chuckling as she was panicking. When he entered her room she shut the window. “Don’t ever wait for me like that! What if something were to happen to you?!” she raised her voice as he pulled her in for a hug. “But I’m fine now, see?” he chuckled as she couldn’t help but smile. He always had his way with his words, regardless whether it was in the present or the past. Both times he was still an amazing person.

Just then the door flung open and she jerked up. Kang Chen came in and grabbed Chanyeol by his collar. “What the hell now? You knew Jin Pae liked you and you went after my girlfriend instead?” he growled before he was this close to punching Chanyeol in the face but Chanyeol pushed him off. “I never liked her. I never did and I never will. Can’t you see I’m with Kyung Jee?” he asked Kang Chen who raised his fist up to punch Chanyeol but nothing happened as Kyung Jee stepped in between the two. “Leave Chanyeol out of this. This is between you and me, Kang Chen.” She whispered as Kang Chen knew better not to mess with her when she used that voice on him.

“Then what about me? How can you just leave me for this new guy here? Huh?” he asked as he pointed at Chanyeol. Chanyeol gazed to the ground as he gulped. “Is it wrong? Huh? At least I didn’t cheat on you with another guy. I told you straightforward that I wanted a break up. And you didn’t say anything so it’s a yes.” She nodded her head as Kang Chen reached for her wrist to pull her out. “G-Get your hands off me!” she shouted as Chanyeol came in the way and pulled Kyung Jee’s wrist away from Kang Chen’s grip. He turned around and shot a glare at Chanyeol. “You think you’re so big now? Just because Kyung Jee likes you?”

“Not only does she like me. I like her too. And we both like each other. Even if we’ve only been with one another for a few weeks, that doesn’t matter. If you have something against that I suggest you go do something about it and not involve the two of us.” Her lips twitched upwards when she saw how Chanyeol stood up for her, for them. That was one of the things she loved about it. Yeah, it was only a few weeks since they were together but to her a few weeks was nothing since she knew deep down inside how long she’s really been with him. It’s just a matter of time.

“Oh yeah? How do you know she’s not cheating on you with another guy?” Kang Chen asked as he raised a brow. Chanyeol furrowed his eyebrows for a moment before glancing back at Kyung Jee. He faced front only to scoff at him. “She’ll never do that to me.”

“Well maybe she won’t cheat on you but maybe after a while she’ll break up with you as soon as a new kid comes in.”

“That’s enough Kang Chen!” She raised her voice as she stepped in front of Kang Chen. She gave him a slap on the face before reaching for his hand to drag him all the way down with Chanyeol following behind him. She pushed him out the front door and he fell to the ground. He got up with a look on his face that Kyung Jee knew very well. He was hurt, and pissed. “And I thought you loved me.” She could see the look on his face and he was this close to shedding a tear. “I thought you loved me!” She shouted back at him before she exhaled out all the anger. “But I was wrong. Because I don’t love you.” She glanced back at Chanyeol who was a few steps away from her. “I love him.” She pointed at Chanyeol whose lips twitched upwards a little the moment he heard that.

“I don’t know how you’re going to cope with it, but you have to, Kang Chen. You and I weren’t meant to be. I’m sorry.” Was all she said before she shut the door. A tear rolled down her cheek but she didn’t regret doing it. Kyung Jee’s mother knew about the break up and she knew better to stay out of this. Her mother went out of town and she would only be back in a few days. Her father? Well, let’s just say he’s not in the picture but she knows her father would approve Chanyeol regardless.

“Hey,” he called her out softly before he turned her around by her shoulders. He cupped her cheeks before leaning in closer. “You, are amazing.” He spoke up and emphasized on the word ‘amazing’. She gulped before she looked up into his eyes. “You stood up for something and you stood up for us. I didn’t know I could mean this much to a person.” He muttered that part softly before she placed a hand on his cheek. “You mean the world to me.” She whispered as he pressed his forehead onto hers. “We just met weeks ago. But look at us now. We’re in a relationship and I’m crazy about you.” He admitted as she gulped.

“Chanyeol I have something to tell you.” She gazed down to the ground as he let go of her cheeks to lean away. She her lips before she tried to gather everything she wanted to tell him. She had in her mind that she wanted to tell him about everything she’s going through. About her actually being in a relationship with him for five years but suddenly she came back to the time where she had just met him. All of that. In relationships, trust is the most important thing right? Well at least to Kyung Jee it is. She wanted to tell him everything and she didn’t want to feel guilty for hiding this from him even though it’s not exactly a secret since no one would believe her.

“W-What is it?” Chanyeol whispered as she looked up at him. “I-I..” she managed to say that much as she didn’t know how to place it into words. “You..” he croaked out softly before he gulped. “You’re not cheating on me right?” he asked softly as she didn’t hear what he said. She was too in her thoughts of placing the sentences in her mind she didn’t hear what Chanyeol had asked her, thus making it look like she’s guilty.

“Oh my god.” Chanyeol breathed out as he took a step back from her. “N-No! I didn’t hear what you said! Repeat the question again!” she asked as she took a step closer. His breathings were getting heavy as he placed a hand on his chest. “Don’t tell me Kang Chen was right.” He said with a pinch of pleading in his voice. It’s only been a few weeks since Chanyeol knew her and he was already deeply in love with her. “About what?” she tilted her head as she was this close to breaking down. “About you cheating on me!” he raised his voice a little, causing her to wince. She clicked her tongue before taking a step back from him. “I can’t believe you would actually think that.”

His eyes widened and the look on his face fell when he realized he’s been thinking of the wrong thing about her. Even if it was just for a moment, she couldn’t believe he would actually think that. 




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(GONE) I changed the title of the story so I hope this doesn't confuse anyone! It's called "Test Of Love" now :)


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Chapter 5: Beautiful story ♥
Chapter 5: This story is so sweet and beautiful ❤
jessi828 #3
Chapter 5: really beautiful
mrflamethunder #4
This is nice :)
PieLife #5
Chapter 5: Amazing^.^My feels are going 'DFGHURSSCVNJZkiiRESCVBH'
This story is one of the best! My feels are just exploding. it was so good great job!
Chapter 5: this was perfect. thank you so so so much for writing this I really enjoyed it.
awooo-o #8
can I have this chanyeol as my bf pretty please? qwq ;_;
thank you for this jflgksinxls beautiful story!
this fanfic definitely deserves/needs much more attention - everyone should read this fanfic cuz its soooo beautriful jkkjmkbukmfkf ♥

beeaautifuul c: *^*
Keke_YesSir #9
Chapter 5: This is really amazing! i love it ♡♡