Misconceptions of Us

Misconceptions of Us


 Ever since the war broke out, the country I used to love changed so much. South Korea used to be a cheerful place with all the lights shining everywhere; people singing and dancing on the streets; and different foreigners taking pictures along the sidewalks. I remember myself going outside the street especially during night time when it was cold and peaceful. I used to close my eyes while listening to the sound of nature’s movements. Unfortunately, that’s all just in the past now. At present, everything’s just nothing but a huge pile of land full of dust and dirt. 
 I was walking by the side while covering my mouth from the dust, together with the polluted air, which was slowly getting inside my lungs making me feel suffocated. Even though I was itching to get out of this country and have a break from all these things, I couldn’t do anything but adjust to this bloody sick situation. I raised my head upward and saw the light coming from the round moon which was partially covered with the dark clouds. I sighed as a thought came to my mind that I must have forgotten about the beauty of everything ever since that war came. I shook my head and stared at the wonderful moon but was momentarily disturbed when suddenly, I felt a huge pang on my head and the whole world seemed to be swirling ‘round and ‘round. Feeeling te excruciating pain, I held my head and went on my knees while shouting in desperation, hurt obviously heard from my shout.
 Everything was a blur. I was shouting desperately for help and I didn’t know what was happening to me. I felt my stomach turn upside down which made me want to vomit but I couldn’t. Though I was in great pain at that moment, I saw a random person coming to my direction. He was asking me questions yet I couldn’t point out what exactly he was saying. Staring at the mundane beside me, I couldn’t help but feel this urge to do something. Somehow, my concentration was with his head and I didn’t know why I was doing that. The guy stood up and went away. I didn’t know why he did that but he was clearly shouting which made my head hurt more. I wanted to go to him and ask for help and surprisingly, I was able to stand despite the thought of how sick I was feeling that time. I ran to him and then . . .  everything out. 
~* –_– -_- ._. *~ 
 I woke up because of the sun’s heat I felt creeping on my skin. I was not fully conscious of what was happening and so it took me a lot of time before I realized that I was lying on the dusty ground of what used to be a street of my place. I tried squeezed my eyes, trying to adjust from the light and blinked a lot of times. It was hard at first but after awhile, I felt better. I tried to sit up from my lying position and studied my surroundings. I realized I never got to my place when I felt sick last night because I was clearly still on the same place as I was the last time. I slowly tilted my head and just near me, I saw a body. I approached the person while crawling and was planning to ask him for help but something made me halt. I covered my mouth in surprise as I saw the stranger’s head split open with a lot of dried blood surrounding the man’s upper body. Being traumatic about the experiences I had during the war, I started to feel panic yet I couldn’t look away. I saw his head . . . yet something was missing. His brain was. 
 Fear succeeded on taking over me and so I looked away and ran. I didn’t know where I was going and just ran away until I was far enough from the bloody scene I just saw. My body was shaking all over and I was so afraid yet there’s this something that bugged me that made me think. I didn’t feel that much stress after doing such strenuous activity as soon as I woke up. Just like how I always do when I’m tired, I placed my hand on top of my chest and panicked. I didn’t feel my heartbeat. I didn’t feel anything. My hands were as pale as that of a ghost’s. And most of all, I wasn’t breathing. I wasn’t breathing. 
~* –_– -_- ._. *~
 It’s been years since I knew my real identity. I’m a zombie. It all happened because of a virus that was forcefully injected into me during the war years a long time ago. Back then, I thought it was a cure for something. Now I know it’s not.
 Ever since I knew about my identity, I tried to keep away from humans and lived in an isolated place. Despite the fact that I was different, I still acted and lived like a normal mundane. I lived in a simply designed house with a forest just near for my needs. I eat meat from the animals I catch and drink water. I tried to think that I was still the same. I tried to act like I was still living.
 I was reading a book when I had this nagging thought in my mind that something’s coming. I ignored it. I mostly get hallucinations from the souls of the humans I. . . I unknowingly killed and there was nothing I could do to stop it aside from busying myself and drowning myself with other thoughts. Even though I didn’t the killings that I did, I couldn’t stop myself from making more. It was on my nature to kill. Prey and predator. I’m the prey, and humans were my predators. But I don’t want this. I don’t want this life, if you can still call it that, at all. Not even in the least bit.
 I heard another knock on the door and this time, it was louder so I knew it was real. ‘Who’s that knocking on my door?’ I thought while frowning.
 I walked to the front door and through the window; I searched for anyone who could’ve possibly done the knocking. It was a human. It was you. You were at my house. I gulped and opened the door. I’ll just answer it and I’ll act rude so that you’ll go away, I told myself then. 
 “Excuse me, miss. What do you need?” I said in a serious tone. I only opened the door slightly just enough for me to be able to talk to you. 
 You smiled at me brightly and apologized, “Mianhe. Can I stay in your house for awhile? I promise I won’t do anything. I just need to let the storm pass.”
 I looked outside and finally noticed that it was raining so hard. Just awhile ago, the sun was too hot and now, it was raining so hard some trees bent.  It must be a storm brought because of the climate change. With all the smoke from the bombs during the years when the war was happening, there’s no doubt that the ozone layer would’ve been damaged.
 I don’t know if it was that little humanity left inside me but right then, I knew I felt something I haven’t for years so I opened the door wider and welcomed you inside. So much for trying to make you go away from me, I guess. “Please do come in.”
 You did. Just like a tourist, your eyes searched the entire surroundings of my house and nodded. You turned to me and thanked me. I simply nodded, too, and made you sit on the sofa in the living room. 
 “I’ll go get you a hot drink. Which would be more of your preference: coffee or tea?” I asked politely, slightly bowing my head.
 You laughed. “No need to be so formal. And I think coffee’s fine by me, thanks.” 
 “I’ll go and make it then, please wait for awhile.” I slowly turned away when I saw you from my peripheral vision standing up from your sitting position. “I’ll help.”
 “No need. I can handle it. The guest must wait and rest here,” I declined.
 You shook your head and insisted on helping. “First, I am not a guest. I’m just a simple intruder. Now, whether you like it or not, I’ll help you.”
 I was surprised at the attitude you were showing and simply sighed. I must have closed myself too much from the world that I didn’t know how to interact with those who were once of my own kind anymore. Besides, last time I checked, the generation right now don’t even care about respect anymore.
 “Fine. Suit yourself, young lady.” You raised an eyebrow at the sound of the word young.
 “You! You are treating me like a child right now. Stop it.” You crossed your arms and walked ahead of me. Where were your manners? With you showing misbehavior to me who was clearly older than you, I thought of teaching you a lesson. You were walking to the bathroom so I grabbed your arm which made you look back. It was not my intention to grab you hardly but it must be because of my strength that I couldn’t control that made me hurt you.
 “Ouch!” You hissed. Your eyebrows almost met and I found that expression of yours kind of cute. You smacked my hand that was holding your hand which made me clear my thoughts from anything human like. It made me think that I shouldn’t be interacting with you or else I might end up hurting you more. But then again, I was stupid and hard-headed.
 “That’s not the right way, woman. You’re heading to the bathroom. Or would you like to go ahead and make yourself some tea in the comfort room? That would be fine by me, too, just so you know,” I teased. 
 Your cheeks turned red because of embarrassment and you looked away. I grinned and ruffled your hair and walked ahead of you. Maybe because you were frustrated that I was treating you like a child too much, you just stomped your feet so loud and followed me. I smiled at your short-tempered attitude. For someone who owes me something, you were pretty much acting as if you didn’t owe me anything at all. A spoiled brat, that’s my first impression of you.
 I went inside the kitchen with you and placed the cups outside. I got some leaves for the making of the tea when I heard you moving towards me and tiptoed to see what I was doing.
 “What’s that?” You asked while pointing at the leaves I was holding.
 “Leaves,” I answered with a grin.
 “Uhh, no. That’s a damn paper. Gosh, those are definitely not bloody leaves.” You rolled your eyes and scoffed. I flicked your forehead.
 “Ouch! What the hell was that for?” You massaged your forehead with a pissed expression.
 “For swearing. . . twice. Or thrice even.” I shrugged.
 “Are you kidding? From what era are you from? Everyone swears every time they say something. Duh.” I raised my eyebrow. I didn’t know people were like that now. Guess I missed a lot, huh?
 “I must be the only good one left in here, then.” I smirked when you made a fake cough.
 “Do you feel the wind get stronger? Oh, gosh. I think the storm’s signal is 100 now.” You rubbed your hands together and I stole a glance from you. I realized you looked pale and that’s when I knew that you really felt cold. 
 “Go inside the living room and warm yourself near the fireplace.” I pushed you a little and boiled the leaves.
 “Shut up. I said I’ll help you, didn’t I?” I just shook my head with your stubbornness. You helped me with the fire and waited until the leaves were done boiling. We were both quiet for once but of course; you ruined the peaceful silence between us.
 “Say, how come you don’t have any instant tea here?” You asked, trying to start a conversation. It was then that I realized how you couldn’t stand silence just like how I couldn’t stand noise.
 “Where did you get the idea of having a convenience store or a market near an isolated place like this, young woman?” I mocked.
You made an ugly face and stuck your tongue out. “Stop it with the ‘young’ thing. God, I’m not a freaking kid.” 
 “Oh, you’re not? Pardon me. I thought you are. I mean, with your height and mmm—” You covered my mouth with your hand and glared at me.
 “Don’t you dare mention that H word in front of me ever again, do you understand? Just because you’re taller than me and all doesn’t mean you can tease me. That’s a sensitive topic.” I nodded and thankfully, you removed your hand from my mouth. Because I was really competitive and my pride is bigger than my height, I tried to get back to you and your bossy self.
 “You mean I can still talk about the H word when you’re facing at the back?” You glared at me coldly and I nodded innocently. “Okay, I get it, Missy.”
 “You’ll be the death of me, I swear.” You stood up and checked if the leaves were done boiling. You frowned and looked at me. “Hey, look at this. Is this enough? I’m no expert with these kinds of things.”
 I went beside you and looked at the leaves. “It is. Tch, such a dependent person, you are.”
~* –_– -_- ._. *~
 It was already evening when you suddenly woke up. Earlier, you were complaining about the storm until you fell asleep on the couch. I brought you to the bed room I had which I never really used since sleeping was not an option for me. Finally, it’s of use to someone now.
 You were still half-conscious when you asked me if the storm stopped. I answered, “No.”
 You suddenly sat up and asked, “Eotteokhe? Where should I stay then? Do you know any available place I can stay in?”
 I shook my head. You started to panic. “Oh fudge!” You stood up and walked back and forth while biting your nails. When I got pissed off at the sight of you moving too much, I went to you and held your shoulders to stop you from moving. You looked at me.
 “What?” You snapped and suddenly cried. “Uwaa~ I’m gonna die!”
 My eyes went wide and I tried to ‘comfort’ you. “Yah! Stop crying. Aish. You’re so noisy.”
 You cried more and sat on the floor. I sighed and sat beside you. I gathered you in my arms and rubbed your back. “Shh~ It’s okay.” You cried while burying your head on my chest. “Everything’s going to be okay.” But then, you suddenly mumbled things while trying to punch my back. It didn’t hurt at all, though.
 “Of course it’s not! Nothing’s okay! My family died and no one wants to take me. Who would want to take in someone like me, anyway?” You stopped talking and cried more. I continued rubbing your back until you calmed down. Once you did, I went to get some water and gave it to you.
 “Thanks.” You drank the water and sighed. “Sorry for being such a brat and crying so suddenly. Trust me; I’m not usually a crying baby. It’s just that you look like someone I know, you see. It reminded me of some bloody things in the past.”
 I’m not the talkative type but somehow, I had the feeling that whatever was in your past, you never told anyone about it. I thought it would make you feel better if you could just let everything out so I asked, “What happened?”
 You looked at me straight in the eyes and when you saw me waiting for an answer, you opened your mouth to speak only to close it once again.
 You didn’t know how to explain what happened. You messed up your hair and hugged your knees as you sat on the ground. You placed your chin on top of your knees and spoke with a low voice. 
 “I was working that day and something happened in our office which made me come home late. When I arrived in our house, all the lights were turned off. I heard some clashing of plates so I went in our kitchen. I heard my mom scream and I saw a tall man—” Your voice broke and you close your eyes shut when you continued. “The man killed my family. I swear I saw him right before my eyes. I was hiding in our closet while he did those hideous things. He didn’t see me. He didn’t kill me. But I wish he did.” A tear fell down on your cheeks and you dried it away which was useless since more tears escaped from your eyes. I thought you’ll never continue the story anymore but you did. You were stronger that I thought and I admired that. 
 “When he escaped, I called our neighbor and asked for help. My clothes were bloody and people just eyed me suspiciously. They were whispering things. They said . . . they said I killed my family. They said that I was crazy. But I didn’t! I didn’t. I saw him. I saw him!” You weren’t crying anymore. It was as if you were tired from all the crying and you wanted to be stronger. You were mumbling those things as if you were back in the past and you were trying to let those people believe you.  
 “Why am I telling you this, anyway? I swear you might be thinking I’m a murderer right now.” You laughed bitterly and buried your face on your knees.
 I whispered, “I believe you.” And it wasn’t a lie. I knew what you just said was true. I asked you something. “Do you know the man?” You shook your head and gave a bitter smile.
 “You might think I’m crazy but though I may not know that man, I know what he is.” You held your breath for awhile and said, “He’s a zombie.
 ~* –_– -_- ._. *~
 “What are you doing?” I was surprised when a girl’s voice suddenly broke the serenity of the silence I was listening to. I put down the knife I was holding and turned to you who just came in.
 “Do I have to state the obvious?” I continued slicing the vegetables and tried to concentrate on cooking. You walked to my side while clipping your hair into a bun. When you arrived beside me, you placed your hands on your hips and said, “Let me do that. You at slicing.”
 I sighed before I let you take the knife and did the other works such as setting up the fire and stuff you probably didn’t know about, considering how you were so used to having things instant. Silence engulfed the entire house and just like what you did yesterday, you broke the quietness of the place once again.
 “You know what, you remind me of fire,” you said while cutting the vegetables. I turned to you once I finished my work with a confused expression written all over my face.
 “Wae? Because I’m too hot?” I joked.
 You scoffed. “Hmm. . . Could be, but that’s not my reason. You see, like a fire, you’re beautiful to look at but once I get too close to you, something tells me that I’ll end up burning.”
 I was struck at what you said. You were right. I’m not supposed to be talking to humans. I’m a zombie after all. A zombie, I’m someone who could have killed your parents. I’m something that’ll only end up hurting you. I clenched my fist and breathed heavily when you spoke once again.
 “Do you perhaps know why I feel like that?” You asked while you were preparing to cook the vegetables.
 “Maybe because I really am dangerous?” I shrugged to make it seem like I was kidding with what I said.
 “Oh, chincha? Wae? Are you supposed to be evil or something?” You grinned. Evil. When I heard that word, I felt like I was slapped. Yes, I am evil. I kill humans. I shouldn’t be talking with you right now but then I don’t want you to go. What the hell is wrong with me?
 “Yah, why so serious? Mind sharing what’s on your mind?” You nudged me so I smiled and lied. “It’s nothing.”
 It’s nothing. What a stupid lie.
~* –_– -_- ._. *~
 We were done eating and the storm was getting stronger and stronger. Somehow, deep inside me, I wish it’ll never end. I wanted to slap myself because of what I thought. I was being selfish. Being here with you is enough trouble already. Am I getting attached to you now or something?
 “Kyaaa~ OMG, Clary, go and get your man. Jace is soo ugh, he’s just too hawt.” I was distracted from my thoughts when you suddenly shouted while reading the book you stole from my collection.
 “Girls, girls, girls. Tsk, tsk, they’re just too loud really,” I mumbled to myself when you hit me with a pillow. 
 “What are you saying? It’s not like you guys are not —” You suddenly stopped and looked at me until I started to get self-conscious. “What?”
 “Say, aside from hot girls like me, what’s your type?” You sat up straight from your lying position and placed your right leg on top of your left leg. You and your random self, I just  couldn’t keep up with your mood swings. 
 “Type?” I raised my eyebrow as you praised your own self. Tsk, tsk, what a conceited person. 
 “Type. You know, what’s your dream girl or something?” You explained while rubbing your hands together.
 I nodded “Ahh.” I looked at you and grinned, “Why do you wanna know?”
 “Psh. Why can’t you just simply answer that damn question? Argh, I hate you. Nevermind.” You lied down the couch once again and continued reading.
 I smiled upon seeing your annoyed expression and busied myself. I didn’t want to disturb you from your reading since you seemed so absorbed.
 Honestly, I didn’t have any type. If I did when I was still human, it has now been long forgotten. I don’t even think I have any right to think about something a normal human would anymore. 
 “Now that you mention it, where did you sleep last night?” Out of the blue, you asked me once again which left me surprised. What should I say? I didn’t want to lie to you.
 You raised an eyebrow when it took too long for me to answer. “Or should I ask you if you had a sleepless night last time?”
 I bit my lower lip and sighed. “Yeah, I didn’t sleep.” God, I don’t sleep.
 “Wae? Something bothering you?” You half-closed your book with your index finger flattened by the book’s pages, acting like a bookmark.
 “Ani, it’s nothing.” I tried to busy myself when I heard you make some noise. I looked back at you and saw you sighing.
 “What?” I asked. You glared at me and somehow, you looked frustrated.
 “It’s nothing.” You said and looked at me, straight in the eyes. “It’s nothing.”
 I just shrugged.  Suddenly, you screamed while muffling your voice with a pillow. I looked at you with a confused expression. You turned around the couch and looked at me again. “Don’t you know that when you say ‘nothing’, it frustrates me?” 
 I suppressed a smile. You were seriously dying to know about it. “Really? It frustrates you? How so?” 
 You looked away. “Psh, meolla!” 
 I laughed but then I suddenly stopped when I saw your face with confusion written all over it. Just what in heaven’s name is wrong with you now?
 “Waeyo?” I asked. 
 “Hey, is that you in that picture?” You pointed something above the glass table near the sofa. You went nearer to it and got the thing that distracted you. You looked at me while pointing at the picture in hand. “Is this you?”
 My eyes went wide when I saw the photo you were holding. It was my photo ages ago. You can’t know that it’s me. You’ll surely ask questions. Even though I was mentally panicking, I tried to act calm and cleared my throat. “No, that’s my harabeoji.”
 “Oh, I see. He looks like you but he’s definitely better-looking. What’s this thing beside him?” You were looking at the photo so closely which made me want to laugh. You and your curiosity.
 “I believe that’s an instrument called Orgel.” Your face showed interest which made me want to squish your cheeks at the moment. It's a wind instrument whose sound is produced by means of pipes.
 “Uwaa~ It looks awesome.” You raised your thumb which showed your appreciation for it.
 I smiled. “Yeah, I think so too.” 
 “What about me? What do you think of me?” You blurted out. 
 “I think,” I looked at you and saw a captivating glint in your eyes. “I think the way you shine is beautiful. . . Areumdawo.” Hold on, did I just say that? God, I didn’t mean to. What’s going on with me?
 You laughed. “I knew it! You like me, don’t you? No wonder you didn’t tell me your type of girl.” 
 “Ani, those are all just misconceptions of you. Stop hallucinating, young woman.” I grinned.
 “Psh, do you realize how much I want to throw a dynamite at you right now?” You glared at me and threw me a pillow.
 “Nah, I don’t think you could throw me a punch even if you were drunk, love.” I winked.  
 “Oh, shut up, you spoiler of my day!” You threw me another pillow once again. I glared at you and smirked.
 “If I were you, I would run away from me.” I picked up the pillows you threw at me and came at you. You shouted and ran. We were like kids playing that time, really. How I wish it never ended. But it did. 
~* –_– -_- ._. *~
 “Yah, where do you think are you going?” I was lying on the couch when I heard the door opening. I looked up and saw you opening the knob of the door while tiptoeing as if you were trying so hard to make as little noise as possible, just like how people in movies sneak in or out normally do.
 “Umm . . . I’ll just be out for some hitchhiking.” You smiled at me and showed me a V –sign using your hand. You really at lying. I looked at you suspiciously and being normally bold and reckless, you stared straight back in my eyes.
 I shook my head and a sigh escaped from my mouth.  It’s not like something will happen to you. “Fine. Just don’t go somewhere dark or something. Be here before night time, ara?” 
 You scoffed. “What are you, my mother? Psh, arasso, umma.”
 You winked and went out the door and somehow, I had this feeling you were not coming back.
 I was right.
 ~* –_– -_- ._. *~
 It was already night time when I finished hunting for animals we were going to cook. Before I went to the house, I already cleaned the bird I caught so that you wouldn’t have a hard time cooking it. I was sure you’ll be the one who’ll cook it because you would definitely insist on helping me. But I was wrong. 
 When I arrived at my house, the lights in the living room were turned off so I thought you were in the bed room. I searched for you in there yet I didn’t see you. At first, I thought you were in the bathroom or something so I placed first the things I had in hand on a table inside the kitchen.
 I walked into the kitchen and prepared to cook when I noticed something. A knife was missing. My forehead knotted and somehow, I had a bad feeling. I went back to my room and saw my closet slightly opened. My clothes were scattered and it seemed like someone had searched through it. Minutes after staring at my closet, I realized that my favorite leather jacket was lost. Upon knowing this, I stormed out of the house and searched for you everywhere. You were definitely the only one who could’ve got that.
 As I went outside, I noticed that it was no longer raining. How come I didn’t notice? Of course I wouldn’t be able to hunt if it was still raining. Did you decide to leave? If so, why are your things still in my house? Why bring a knife and . . . hold on. Have you realized that I was a zombie? Now that you mention it, you did say I looked like someone who reminded you of your family’s murder. Was I the one who killed your family?
 As I ran through the forest, I couldn’t help but stop. Maybe it’s for the better that you ran away. I mean, sooner or later, my hunger might take over me again and I might unknowingly kill someone once again. I can’t do that. Not especially to someone I learned to love.
 I was on the verge of going back to the house and giving up on searching for you when I heard a woman’s scream. I panicked. It was definitely your voice. I searched everywhere and ran to where your voice was coming from. For the second time in my life, I felt so afraid. The first time was during the war and now this. I realized I didn’t want you to go and I knew that I was being selfish but I didn’t care. What matters most right now is that I need to find you. 
 You were screaming once again but this time, it was non-stop. I silently cursed and ran faster. I searched through the woods and then I saw a slight movement on my left. I followed it and heard voices speaking. You weren’t shouting anymore, you were just mumbling things. You were with someone . . . someone incredibly familiar.
 “Go on, kill me. That’s what you did to my family right? Do the same to me right now, you bastard!” I stopped. You were speaking with someone and you said he was the one who killed your family. I looked at the person you were talking to and saw the person whom I loathed the most.
 He looked at me and smirked. “Oh, hello there, little one. How are you and your murderer self, right now?” You stopped bickering for awhile and looked at me with a confused expression. I ignored you and tried to think how I could make you go away from here, away to somewhere much safer. You didn’t deserve to be in this situation, you’re just human after all. 
 “Let her go.” I said with a cold voice. I knew this face so well. I knew it not because I wanted to, but because it was the face I saw when I tried to close my eyes. He was the one who created that virus which made me a murderer. He was the one who injected it into me. He was my own father. But I don’t think I can still call him that.
 “Why, son? Do you actually care about this girl? You’re not supposed to have those feelings, my dear. Those are just for petty little humans. We aren’t like them.” My father . . . no, the man pulled your hair and touched your face. He was gripping your arm so hard I could see red marks on it. ‘How dare this man.’  
 “We’re zombies, son. Zombies. Just like the one who killed this girl’s family.” I stopped once again. He didn’t kill your family, but then why were you here? What did you want to do that and recklessly went here? Are you trying commit suicide?
 You looked at me in horror. “Y—you’re a zombie?” Your eyes showed fear as you stared at me and I couldn’t help but look away. It pained me how you looked at me with such expression. It was as if you didn’t know me at all. It was as if you hated me.
 “Enough with this drama!” The guy you were talking with earlier grabbed your hair and pulled you away. I went and followed you two but I wasn’t fast enough. I don’t feed on what I’m supposed to eat which made me incredibly weak for someone undead like my stupid father. But I didn’t give up. I ran and ran until I saw you and him standing near a cliff.
 “Any last words?” He looked at me with a smirk and then he pushed you. If I were just human, I was sure my heart beat would have stopped. Everything seemed to stop and I ran to catch you. I jumped off the cliff and I tried to reach you. You were closing your eyes and reached out to me, too. I tried to hold you but I couldn’t.
 I saw your mouth move and said something I couldn’t hear. I didn’t know what you said because by that time, we already fell hard on the ground.
 ~* –_– -_- ._. *~
 I felt the sun shining on my face so I tried to use my hands and cover my face. After awhile, I realized I was lying so I sat up. I squeezed my eyes and blinked several times, trying to adjust to the sun's blinding light. I searched my surroundings and then I knew that I was in someone else’s house.
 “Oh, you’re awake!” A familiar man said. Hold on, is he—I rubbed my eyes and looked at him again. I was positive that this was the man whom I saw lying on the ground covered with blood. 
 Out of nowhere, I heard a girl’s voice shout. “Yah, oppa! Help me with the cooking, will you?” The man whom the girl was calling looked at me and gave me an apologetic smile. “Mian, I’ll just go and check my sister out.”
 I nodded and I blinked. What happened? Was everything just a nightmare? Were all those just misconceptions of me? I tried to process what was happening when I heard someone walking to the room I slept in.
 “Yo, rise and shine, zombie boy.” I shivered at the sound of the word ‘zombie’ and looked at the person who was talking to me. I gasped a little when I saw you smiling at me.
 “I told you we’ll meet again. Nice to meet you as a human, dude.” You laughed. I just stared at you with a blank expression. You said you told me . . . hold on. Was that what you told me before we fell? “What happened?” 
 You looked at me with a pissed expression because you didn’t want to explain what happened. You just sighed and asked me back, “Do you believe that two people can have the same dream at the same time?” 
 I stopped and sighed in relief. So that was just a dream. I’m not a zombie, not a murderer, not anything. But then how come you knew everything about this?  
 “I don’t know anything, pabo. If that’s what’s on your mind. I just realized everything was unreal. How did I know you had the same dream? Well . . . next time, you better close your mouth when you sleep.” I was speechless. But then I wanted to make sure.
  “Does that mean that everything was just misconceptions of us?” I asked.
  You smiled at me with your eyes so SHINee. “Yes, yes it is.” 


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Chapter 1: Your always the best Mia ! Keep up your good work ^^
HaeSun #2
Chapter 1: It's good. -nods;thumbs up- But there were wrong grammars. But this was great~ ^^
Chapter 1: LOL I actually thought Shinee members were here XD hahahaha So nice :D
I could see grammar errors though /slapped/
Either way, the plot is nice.