Remember the Message

Fanfic #1: Falling For My Dreams

Summary: Her blonde friend jumped off the guard and ran alongside with her.
Notes: Part 4, I'll try my best to make fan fictions for you, even if they . ^^ Fighting! So BEAST! <3

"Oppa, I love you!", a fan-girl screamed.

"Weloveyoudon'tgomarryus,oppab2utyandbeastforever!", all of the fan-girls were screaming and yelling at the top of their lungs when B2ST had finished signing and it was closing time.

Yoseob waved goodbye, not understanding anything those girls were screaming at them, and then his phone vibrated, meaning that he got a new text message.

---New Text Message---

Sender: CUBE Manager

Message: We didn't decorate the stage with our own staff. It was done anonymously. There was a small note left on the stage before you guys came. It said:

"From your loving b2uties. Please love the decorations and have fun~
Kitty & Blonde"

Whoever this "Kitty & Blonde" people are, do you feel like we should properly thank them? Please reply if you find them.
Thank you.


Yoseob stared at the names "Kitty & Blonde" for a few seconds until Junhyung patted him hard on the back and he dropped his phone, but he didn't notice. He was deep in his thoughts.

"Good job we did back there right?", Junhyung said, smiling.

"Eh? Good job? Oh. Yeah, thanks.", Yoseob replied hazily.

"You alright, man? You look like you're really out of it."

"No..I'm fine. Do you know anyone people named 'Kitty' or 'Blonde'?", he asked with anxiousness.

"Huh? 'Kitty' and 'Blonde'? Nope, why? They mean anything?", Junhyung replied with a confused look. He was wondering why Yoseob would suddenly ask an odd question like that. "Although, you used to be blonde. Does that count?"

Yoseob let out a deep sigh. "No, it has to be a someone who is blonde now. Or someone with that name." He then kept squeezing his hand, trying to feel the phone.
My phone isn't in my hand?
He glanced down at his hand and was shocked. "Ah..Hyung*! Where's my phone?!", he yelled.
(*Hyung Translates To: 'older brother', it's what you call a male that's older than you in polite terms.)
"Your phone? Is it not in your pocket?"
Yoseob was digging through the front and back pockets on his black jeans, but it was no use, all he could pull out was lint.
"Hyung, what's this?", Dongwoon questioned, holding up a crushed-up looking device.
"A hunk of junk?", Yoseob said as a joke, but then he took a closer look at the device. It had a few lights on the screen still and it said: 'Kitty & Blonde'. He dropped to his knees with his jaw dropped in awe.

Junhyung scratched the back of head and said, "I guess that 'hunk of junk' was your phone."
Yoseob bit his lower lip in frustration and asked, "You guys think I can afford a new one?"

Dongwoon and Junhyung shrugged their shoulders, not knowing what to say.
God, I hope CUBE will buy me a new one..
"Wasn't that the best feeling ever?! Meeting B2ST!", the kitty-eared girl squealed and jumped around.
The blonde nodded while admiring her oppa's signature. She smiled, hugging her autograph tightly.
"Unni*! Did you even hear what I said?", the girl pouted at the blonde.
(*Unni Translates to: Big Sister)
"Of course...Beast is the best?", the blonde said, uneasy about her answer.
"Yes, they are, but that's not what I said", she replied, puffing out her cheeks even more.
"What are you, a blow-fish?", the other said, putting her hand on the kitty-eared girl's cheeks, squeezing her cheeks, making the air come out.
She stuck her tongue out and smiled in a cute way, like a child. "Hey.", the kitty-eared girl continued. "You remembered to write our names down on the note right?"
"Totally, I even have the rouch draft right here to prove it.", the blonde pulled out a crumbled peice of paper from her pants pocket. "See it says 'Kitty & Blonde' on this one...wait.."
She stared at the peice of paper in shock and gulped, 'Oops."
"You put our rough draft note at the stage instead of the final didn't you?", the other girl pouted. "I'm never letting you handle things like that again!"
Yoseob was fiddling with his fingers, taking quick glances at their CUBE manager, a little shy to ask for a new phone.
He told us to be careful...and I didn't..
He noticed that a couple yards behind the manager were two girls talking to eachother, their backs were turned so he couldn't see their faces. One had long, striaght black hair with kitty ears on the top of her head, making her look like a neko. The other one had dirty blonde hair and pale skin, she looked like a natural blonde.
Heh, a kitty-eared girl and a blonde. I don't seem to remember where I've heard that line before...oh well. I guess it's not important...
The Manager was standing right in front of Yoseob's face, waving over and over again. "Hello? Anyone home?", he asked. "I guess you're too busy daydreaming." He looked down and saw him holding a crumpled up piece of device and continued, "Whatever that is, you shouldn't be picking lost items up from fans. That's staffs' job. The trash can is over there."
...What is important though is getting a new phone..I need to be determined.
Yoseob held what's left of his phone and then shook his head violently. "I have to get a new one from Manager-hyung!", he yelled out-loud. Many turned around and awkwardly stared at his sudden outburst, making a few staff members mumble and giggle. His face turned pink from embarrassment, but he was still very determined. He quickly walked to Doojoon and demanded, "Where is Manager-hyung!"
Doojoon pointed to a black, sleek car that was driving away and said, "Right there, dummy. He said goodbye to you while you were daydreaming."
His once determined face has turned into a gray, pale, depressing look. "When will he be coming back?.."
"He's going to be managing a rookie group for about a month to cover for a friend of his. So not for a month.", Doojoon replied. "But your face looks like it's been drained of it's blood. Are you alright?"
Yoseob lightly smacked his cheeks a couple of times. "Yeah, I'm fine."
Then a tall, muscular man wearing a black jacket with the words "Security Guard" in big yellow letters, stood in front of them holding two girl's wrists and they were struggling to be let go. "A staff member found these two sneaking behind a bush."
"Let us go you big meanie face!", the kitty-eared girl scream while kicking her legs on the ground. She had screamed and squirmed enough to pry her wrist free from the Security Guard's large, rugged hands. On the other hand, her blonde friend was just standing there, with an emotionless look on her face; she didn't seem like she was sad, but more like she was bored. But her friend looked completely terrified. She ran to Yoseob and hugged him tightly and shrieked in english, "Call your mean gaurd off!"
"Hey, hey, hey! Who's that?", he asked, freaking out and pointing down at the girl.
She looks like someone I've met, but...WHAT'S GOING ON?!
~~~In The Kitty-Eared Girl's Point of View~~~
"Yahyahyah! Chibuya?", Yoseob asked, freaking out and pointing down at the girl.
(Translates to: 'Hey, hey, hey! Who's that?')
I don't understand him..why did he yell that and point down at me?
She hugged him tighter and whipsered "You're my Oppa" over and over.
Unni..wonder why she's so calm about it..
"Jenni, you need to learn, Unni can't always do this for you. I'm lazy y'know.", the blonde said, rolling her eyes, and letting out a deep sigh. She took the guard's hands, twisted them, and put him in a arm lock. "You know better than to attack women. Jenni, hurry and run.", she continued, turning her attention back to the security guard and shoving his face into the cement while her legs pinned his to the ground.
"Ah..okay. Saranghae* oppa!", Jenni said to Yoseob, doing a 90 degree angle bow, and then she took off running. Her blonde friend, jumped off the guard and ran alongside with her.
(*Saranghae Translates to: 'love' or 'I love you')
What just happened...?
The guard got to his feet wobbily and said, "I'm sorry, sir. I was not able to catch the intruders." He had a few bruises on his knee and scratches on his arm, but nothing serious.
"Hm...let them be from now on. They don't bother us. So, please do not do that again. Kamsahamnidas*.", Yoseob said politely, giving him a bow.
(*Kamsahamnidas Translates To: Thank You)
She had kitty ears and black hair...and her 'Unni' had blonde hair and aqua-gray eyes..Why does it sound so familiar?
Junhyung poked Yoseob's arm playfully and asked, "What was all the commotion?"
"Oh nothing. Just two girls were here and the guard caught them. They didn't seem like stalkers or anything.", he replied, giving Junhyung a playful punch in the arm and smiled.
"Haha, ok. Have you heard anything about that 'Kitty & Blonde' people?"
"Kitty and Blonde...?" Yoseob thought for a moment. "Oh! Hyung, let me borrow your cell? I need to text Manager-hyung!"
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kissabletaetae #1
thank you2!!
JenSeob #2
@mysharona626 ^- ^
Awwww Seobie x3
JenSeob #4
@mysharona626 its alright XD
i thought it was a full update xD sorry, i just got caught up on the last 3 chapters~
Now you must update. Dun worry my Jenni! Unni will help!
JenSeob #7
@mysharona626 lol, depression stage D:?
Depression stage -.- lol got all excited xD
JenSeob #9
@mysharona626<br />
^ -^ Yes I did.<br />
And thank you >w<
You've updated!! Good job, dongsaeng~<br />
can't wait for the next chapter~