003: The Scariest Thing

He Was Everything

Really short chapter. Sorry:/

I couldn't sleep.. Not with knowing the fact both my parents died.. I cried until my years ran dry.
"H-Hyung..?" Zelo said in a groggy, soft voice.
I wiped my face off quickly and looked at him. "What..?"
"A-are you.. Have you been.. Crying?"
"N-no.. What makes you think that?"
"I can hear you sobbing, Himchan. Please don't lie."
I got up and sat in the chair by his bed. I buried my head into his side, and let more out.
"Hyung. What happened? Why are you crying?" He hugged me tightly.
"M-my parents.."
"Wh-what about them..?" I could hear the sadness in his voice.
All I did was cry. I believe Zelo understood what happened.
"H-Hyung.. I'm so sorry..." He squeezed me tightly. I sobbed into his chest. He kissed my head several times I calm me down. "Please stop crying.. I don't like seeing you cry.."
"I'm sorry, Zelo.." I picked my head up and looked at him. "It just hurts so much.."
"Did.. Did they say anything about my parents..?" He whispered.
I nodded.. "Th-they survived.. They had underwent surgery. But I was told they only have a small chance of survival.." I heard his heart break, and tears fell down his face.
"So.. Now we just have each other.." He sobbed. He didn't react as much as I thought he would've.
The nurse walked into the room once again, with food for us both.
"Zelo. I think you're alright with eating. How're you both feeling?"
"I've rested a bit. How much longer will I need this oxygen tube?" They've already replaced the breathing tube with one going into his nose.
"Until we know you're alright and comfortable with breathing on your own, based on your current lung condition. But I suggest having it on for at least another day or so." The nurse set down Zelo's food in his tray and mine. "And you, Himchan. How're you feeling?"
"Thank you." I nodded. "My headaches have gone away." Then smiled.
"That's good. Keep taking your medication just in case." She nodded. "Eat up. And. In a couple days, both of you will start a rehabilitation session." Right before she left.. "H-Himch-" His body started shaking in the bed, hands and arms clenched to his chest. I got up quickly by his side.
The nurse called in others medics help.
"Breathe, Zelo. Breathe!" I tried grabbing his hand, which gripped onto mine tightly, and rubbed his head. The horror as I watched his eyes roll back into his head.
Other nurses ran into the room with a bag of clear liquid, inserting it quickly into the IV. The liquid dripped though the tube into his body.
"Insert the breathing tube!" I watched as they inserted it into his mouth, and hooking him back up to the heart monitor.
"Zelo... Breathe.. Please.. Don't leave me.. You can't leave me!" I cried to the best of my abilities. I'm not going to lie. This was the scariest thing ever. Scarier than the accident itself. Scared my worst fear and nightmare would come true.
His body quickly calmed down, his heart rate was really slow, but increased pace to a normal rate.
"Himchan. We will need to take him in for another CT scan for any further diagnosis of his brain condition." A male nurse said to me.
I nodded and laid back down in my bed, and try to get more sleep. After all, all my crying made me really tired.
I watched as they wheeled his bed out of the room. Then fell asleep, in hopes when I wake up, Zelo will be there next to me.
Another crap chapter.. Sorry guys>_<
I put the seizure in there because I witnessed one today. One of my friends had one in the hallway at school. Luckily  no one was in there besides teachers. But it was really scary.
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Chapter 7: Can't wait !
Chapter 3: Umm.. is this story?
Chapter 6: So they already come back home, zelo must be really sad because every little thing will remind him about his parent T-T
Nice work, can't wait for the next chap ! ^^
Chapter 6: I WANT IT REAL BAD! Lol
Chapter 5: They getting better, happy for that ^^
Chapter 4: So Zelo's parrent didn't make it T-T
Be strong himlo !
Anyway, I found Zelo's snuggle to himchan is so cute ~
Chapter 3: New subbie here !
Omooo zelo don't leave himchan ! Can't wait for the next !
Mais-Taemin #8
I like this idea, update soon, neh? ^^
nathrakh #9
This seems nice, I'll be waiting for you to update it ^^