Aftermath : The Sequel


LAX. A crowd of people can be seen waiting at the arrival area. Screaming can be heard as the door of the arrival area open and SNSD stepped out. They waved at the fans before proceeding to the limo. They entered the limo and the limo drove off. In the limo, they were chatting with each other when they heard the radio said “This is the world premiere of 2 new singles from one of the best solo artist alive. His new album titled “Based On A True Story’”, this is Ikky Maverick with his latest singles, “Do You Remember” and “Sure Be Cool If You Did”.” The music played and Ikky’s voice can be heard. “Whoa, Ikky’s singing a country ballad song?” Yuri said. “This albums songs were all written by Ikky. Like the title says, it’s based on a true story. His story. I guess he’s experimenting with country music.” Tiffany said. “So, the love songs he wrote for you are also in it?” Sooyoung asked. Tiffany nodded and said “maybe not all of it. But the song ‘Sure Be Cool If You Did’ is one of the songs he wrote for me.” Soon they arrived at a light blue mansion. The mansion doesn’t use a key to enter. Instead, it uses a special key card that has its own unique ID. Tiffany took out hers and swiped the card at the receiver. The receiver beeped and the lock was open. They entered the mansion. “Why is it so quiet?” Jessica asked. Tiffany just raised her shoulders up and down signaling she doesn’t know why. “Mommy?” The voiced shocked them. They were relieved when they saw who the voice belongs to. “Conrad. Come here to mommy.” Tiffany said. She carried Conrad in her arms. “Where’s your sister?” Tiffany asked. “Which one?” Conrad asked back. “What do you mean which one? Both.” “You see mom, you need to be specific in what you’re asking so that I can answer you properly. Hayeon noona went to work and Jun noona is at S2SE.” Conrad said while resting his head on Tiffany’s shoulder. “Mommy, I’m sleepy.” Conrad said as he closed his eyes. “Ok. Let’s put you to sleep. You guys know which room is yours right?” Tiffany asked her members. They nodded and Tiffany left to the room shared by Conrad and Jun. After putting Conrad to sleep, Tiffany just smiled looking at her son sleeping. Their son. “Wait, he said Jun is at S2SE didn’t he? She has no reason to be there. Max is with Ikky in Malaysia. Unless…” Tiffany got up and went to the living room. She saw her members hanging around the living room. “Zero, commence video call. Contact Ikky.” Tiffany said as she sat on a couch between Jessica and Taeyeon. *CONFIRMED. CONNECTING.* A holo-screen appeared. “Tiff?” Ikky asked “Hey baby. Is Jun with you?” Tiffany asked. “Yeah. Wait, are you back home? Here in LA?” Ikky asked. “Yup.” Tiffany said smiling. “You should’ve told me.” Ikky said. “Sorry. Forgot that LA was the final location of the concert.” Tiffany explained. “Well, sit tight. On my way home with Jun. See ya.” Ikky said and terminated the call.


40 minutes later, the receiver beeped and the door opened. Ikky entered the house with Jun behind him. “Mom!!” Jun shouted as she ran towards Tiffany and hugged her. “Welcome home, Fany.” Ikky said as he gave a peck on Tiffany’s lips. “Where’s Conrad?” Ikky asked. “Sleeping. I kept your dinner in the cupboard.” Tiffany said. “Huh? Cupboard? Why?” “Saved it from Sooyoung.” Ikky nodded as he remembers that Sooyoung is a shikshin. Ikky and Jun ate the dinner. “Where is everyone?” Jun asked. Ikky closed his eyes and listen to his surroundings. He could hear a faint booming sound coming from the practice room. “They’re at my safe haven. The practice room.” Ikky said as he walked to the practice room. They entered and saw that SNSD are having fun by dancing like a fool. “Whoa. What the heck happened to you girls? Are you high or something?” Ikky asked. “Nah. We’re just releasing all our stresses.” Taeyeon said as she continued to laugh like an ahjumma. Jun join SNSD in their “stress relieve” party. Ikky decided to join them as well. It’s not like they had anything else to do.


[F.E.A.R HQ] “General Hayeon!” A man said as he runs towards Hayeon. “Yes?” She said. “I need you to sign a few documents for the final designs of the Photon A.R.” The man in white lab coat said. “Do you need it now?” Hayeon asked. She sighed as the man nodded his head. “Very well. Give me.” Hayeon extended her hand to take the documents and signed it. “Thank you, General Hayeon.” The man said as he left. Hayeon walked through the halls of F.E.A.R HQ. Something grabbed her attention. It was a woman in a pink uniform that looks like she’s instructing a group of people. Hayeon entered the room. “Oh, General Hayeon. All right people, salute! General Hayeon is here!” The woman in pink said and the crowd saluted Hayeon. “At ease. Alia, what’s going on?” Hayeon asked as she pointed towards the group of maybe 100 to 200 people in the training hall. “What do you mean what’s going on? These are the new rookies.” Alia said. “Oh.” Was all Hayeon could say. How could she forget that they were recruiting new soldiers. “So, how are they looking?” Hayeon asked. “Hold on. All right, I want you to use this time to do a free practice. If I catch any of you slacking off, I’m gonna grill your , got it?!” Alia commanded and they just saluted her. “Wow, for a navigator, you’re scary as hell.” Hayeon said. “That’s why your father doesn’t mess with me. Now what was it that you asked?” “Oh. How are they looking? Good? Bad? Somewhere in between?” Hayeon asked. “You really remind me of your dad, Hayeonnie. The way you ask those questions. Yeah, They’re looking good. Some are struggling with shooting guns and some are struggling with CQC (Close-Quarters Combat) or melee combat with swords, daggers etc. You know, that kind of stuffs.” Alia explained. Hayeon nodded. “Well, with a scary instructor like you, I have faith that they will be able to do it by the time your done with them.” Hayeon said playfully. “Don’t.Make.Me.Grill.You.” Alia said, well more like threatened Hayeon. Hayeon raised both of her hands in a I’m-just-kidding way and left. Hayeon makes her way to the cafeteria. She bought a sandwich and a bottle of Pepsi Max. She look around to find a seat. “Yo, Hayeon!! Over here!!” A man with a blue spiky hair shouted. Hayeon smile at them and make their way to them. “You know, you really need to keep your voice down, Leo.” Hayeon said as she sat next to Riley. Let me explain. Leo is a new general in F.E.A.R. He became a general for the past 4 months. His full name is Leo Hwang. Yes, Hwang as in Tiffany Hwang. He’s Tiffany’s older brother. He took the qualification exam when F.E.A.R announced that they will be holding an open qualification exam. Meaning anyone and everyone, as long as they are healthy and below 50 years of age, they can participate in the qualification exam. Thanks to his time playing video games like Street Fighter and Tekken, he passed the qualification exam. He’s the new leader for Red Fox. “Yeah Leo. I think even in this noisy cafeteria, everyone can still hear your voice.” Rexy said. “So, how does it feel to be a Sergeant, Riley?” Hayeon asked. “No difference. Just that I have much more control over soldiers and that’s pretty much it.” Riley said. “You know, there haven’t been much action as before. It’s quite boring.” Rexy said. “Yeah, during Big Boss’ time in F.E.A.R, there was a lot of threats. Now, there’s close to none at all.” Lexy said. “Cause Dad tied up his loose ends. He doesn’t want me to finish what he started.” Hayeon explained. They ate their food and then chatted for a while before Hayeon got up. “Got a meeting. See you later.” Hayeon said as she started walking away.


[MEETING ROOM] A few people can be seen sitting around an oval shaped table with a holo-screen in the middle. Hayeon entered the room. “Sorry I’m late. Had a little emergency. So, shall we get this meeting started?” Hayeon asked. 30 minutes into the meeting. “Still, this case is different. The C.O.D is bleeding to death caused by those bite marks you see on their neck.” A man said. “A vampire perhaps?” Another man said. “Nonsense. Who would believe a vampire did this in this day and age?” A woman said. “Not so fast.” Hayeon said. “Zero, open file G-1094.” *CONFIRMED.* A file appeared on the holo-screen and showed a few pictures. “Have you heard about daemons?” Hayeon asked. “Wait, daemons as in the ones that Organization XIII created?” The woman asked. “Yes. The very same. You see, they have the capability to evolve. Just that when my father was here, they were never given the chance to evolve as Organization XIII was wiped out. These might be remnants of daemons that slipped pass our radar.” Hayeon explained. “So, they evolve into a vampire?” A man asked. “Not necessarily a vampire. They just evolved and developed a liking to the taste of blood.” Hayeon said. Suddenly the screen showed a video call from Alia. “Sorry to interrupt. General Hayeon, you have a guest waiting for you. He’s waiting in your room.” Alia said. “Sorry to leave so soon. We’ll continue this some other time. Keep me updated.” With that, Hayeon left the meeting room and made her way to her room. She entered the room and was greeted by a familiar voice. “Hey Yeonnie.” “D-Dad?” “Yup. Come here.” Ikky opened his arms and Hayeon went into his embrace. The father/daughter hugged for a full minute before they separated. “Its rare to see you here Dad. May I know why?” Hayeon said as she gestured her father to sit. “Just wanna make sure that you don’t burn down the place. *giggles*” “D-Dad!! Have faith in me will you? Besides, I learn from the best.” “Oh, really? I wonder who that person is? *points at himself playfully*” Hayeon shook her head, disbelieving her dad is acting like a 15 year old jokester. “Yeah yeah. Don’t get over your head. Oh yeah. Dad, when you’re gonna release a new album?” Hayeon asked. “Huh? What’s with the sudden question? Um, not anytime soon I’m afraid.” Ikky said as he looked around the room. The very same room that he use to sit in all day prior to his departure from F.E.A.R. “Why?” Hayeon asked. “Not enough materials.” Ikky answered as he made his way to a gold double barrel 12 gauge shotgun encased in a frame. “Granddaddy’s gun.” Ikky mumbled. “Hm? Oh. I left it there.” Hayeon said. “Why? I thought for sure you were either gonna put it in the store or something.” Ikky said confused. “Well, that’s the last thing that reminds me of Granddaddy.” Hayeon said. Ikky looked at Hayeon and then he looked back at the shotgun. He hung his head low to hide his smile. “Yeah. Granddaddy must be proud seeing his granddaughter to continue the heritage of leading F.E.A.R.” Ikky said.

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cooldude99 #1
Chapter 1: Update!!!!!! I really want to see more if this story that you have created. Hwaiting!!