


I am Tiffany Hwang – Hwang Mi Young is my Korean name – and I have lived a life full of sadness which made me who I am now. I don’t regret something I have done but the feeling of emptiness is still there. Life for me is something like a river, it must move on & the moment it stops, you’ll know that something isn’t right anymore.


Often times, we don’t realize what we do but for me, I thought about doing things carefully and each time I do, I feel like something bad always happens. I even thought once that maybe I’m just impulsive and all but people say I’m not.


“I’m sorry,” I don’t think it has its meaning anymore. Everytime we make a mistake, be it small or big, this would always be our way out. Even though we don’t even mean it, we just say it for the sake of escaping the consequences waiting for it. We hurt the ones we hold closest to our hearts and allow foolish things to tear our lives apart.


Far too many times, we let unimportant things into our mind and then it’s usually too late to see what made us blind so that’s why I never fail to let anyone know that they’re important to me. I always appreciate everything I’ve got and is thankful for the little things in life that mean a lot. I lost precious gems but I gained diamonds.


The best advice I can give anyone on life is that sometimes, no matter how much it hurts, no matter how many times you cry, the best thing to is let go. Sometimes, it’s the hardest thing you’ll ever do but in the end, you’ll gain twice as much. There are no rooms for regret in my life, it’s not only painful but it also destroys a part of you.


Somehow, I say I’m not the Tiffany I was years ago. But either way, I loved what happened to my life now.

- - - - - - - - - -

“Tiffany, are you still there?” Taeyeon asked on the line, they have been talking for 3 hours over the phone already and it still amazes me how a petite girl would never run out of something to say.


“Kim Taeyeon, you know what? You should stop talking, I’m tired~” I whined sweetly hoping she would agree and hung up. It’s not that I don’t enjoy talking to her but it’s already past midnight and I still have a packed up schedule tomorrow – I blame someone for making me an actress.


“Ok fine but promise me you’ll listen to the latter part tomorrow?” Kim Taeyeon beamed squealing like a 5 year old kid. I groaned when she hung up knowing that I couldn’t ever defy the mighty one. She’s the only leader of my high school group, SNSD – a 9 girl group member, we made in school. We used to participate at dance contests and one them as one but as time passed by, each of us chose a path that we all wanted.


Oh right, It’s not that I hate being an actress, these days I just can’t help but be stressed since my latest movie has been talked for having a plagiarism. I loved the story so I chose it but it turned out, it’s owned by someone else. How stressing! Thinking about it made my head want to burst, minutes after I didn’t even know I already dozed off in my bed with the phone on my hand.

- - - - - - - - - -

“You can do better than this, Choi Siwon,” he reminded himself, he has been thinking for the past few days of what he should do to get the people’s heart so he could finally be the CEO for their company, he was the heir but he still wanted to prove that he was worth it for the position he would acquire soon.


“Won, rest first. Just be you tomorrow and everything will be alright,” Jessica patted his back and hugged him gently; he felt warm and smiled at the woman. “You should be sleeping you know?” he then put her head on his lap. Jessica giggled and wrinkled her nose in response, “How can I sleep when the other side of the bed is empty?” she joked.


“You know what, you should stop thinking of making love!” he laughed softly and her cheeks,
“You know what, you should stop having erted thoughts!” she answered and kissed his hands,”


“Seriously Jung Soo Yeon?” “Stop calling me by my Korean name!” Jessica pouted and glared at him making her look adorably cute. She looked very pretty when she was angry and even to other people, she was known as the ice princess. Siwon didn’t understand why she acted like someone she wasn’t in the first place but he respected her decisions besides, it was her life.


“My baby is so adorable~” Siwon cooed and pecked on her lips, it was always like this. It was either Jessica who pecks on him, vice versa. They were sweet but people said they didn’t look good, a memory of them still said that he looked good with her and even though it hurts her to think they would actually say that when she passes by them, she had no other choice but just to shrug and move on.


Siwon turned the T.V on and smiled at the Jessica who was still thinking of the past.


“Check Tiffany’s airport fashion now! Wearing a high-waisted ombre shorts with a pastel sleeveless tucked in, it has been yet again followed by many supporters of our lovely eyesmile queen,” the reporter then pointed at the photo of Tiffany wearing the outfit,


Siwon momentarily forgot that Jessica was there so he cursed, his jaws stiffened and he didn’t even know he was already clenching his fists, the name – Tiffany would always sting his heart, which Jessica clearly knew. A part of him still reserved a place for her that just maybe when she comes back, she’d be able to stay.


“Won, she’s gotten prettier right?” Jessica tried to act cool but she really wasn’t,


Watching Siwon losing himself after seeing her photo, how much more when they were married? She was bothered but sighed in relief that Tiffany wouldn’t go to them. It was probably her ego that’s saying she wasn’t come back, up until now all of them were puzzled that she suddenly left without any words.


Not even to Jessica whom she told every little secret she had.


“Won, she’s gotten prettier right?” she asked once again, louder and clearer this time.
“She did, even prettier now,” his answer broke her heart once again,


She wanted the truth, he answered him with the truth but it still hurts. Jessica glanced at the photo on their television screen, she looked so beautiful. A blooming smile was tainted on her face and it was an understatement that she was so happy, nothing can be seen on her eyes but pure happiness… or maybe she was just a very good actress, Jessica thought.


“We should try visiting her on her set sometimes, who knows? She might-“ “We will not,” he concluded with a voice such full of authority, all the woman could do was sigh and frown. Tiffany as they both knew was a very sensitive topic but she just wanted him to forget about her even though it was quite impossible.


“Ti-“ “Let’s go sleep now, it’s getting late,” he cut him off and faked a smile.


I thought you didn’t want to though.


Jessica understood the pain and just went to their bedroom with a broken smile. The pain was once again overflowing, tears were even threatening to fall but she reminded herself, “This is what you wanted, Jessica. You should know the obstacles.” With a burden, she didn’t know she already fell asleep with tears silently falling on her porcelain face.


Siwon cursed and hissed, “I ing messed up again!”


“So tell us more about your coming movie, Tiffany-ssi. An insider said that you chose the movie talks about your life in some ways,” the reporter intently looked at her and gave her the microphone,


“It does?” she gasped, whether it was an act or not, she looked very pretty with it. The smile she gave afterwards was still the same smile which he used to watch as she tried to get her way.


“Can you give some background of the movie?” the reported is obviously trying up to dig in more information about the movie,
“It’s about a woman, me, who suddenly disappears before their wedding and she comes back to the life of that young man claiming he’s still hers, that’s already a big revelation so further no more!” she whined cutely,


How can a person way something like that so sweetly? This is so like Tiffany at all. 


The Tiffany he knew would get angry but if she could still hide it, she will. She was good at cheering other people up that she was like everyone’s shoulder to cry on in the past, he wondered if she was still the same.


“I miss you, princess,” was the last words he muttered before going on to his own dreamland.


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