Should have treated you better..

 Again... Again, but this time i couldn't take it anymore... I love him so much, but this goes on and on  I don't have anything else to do.. These fights every night, these cold feelings.. 13 mounts ago we we're the perfect couple everything was alright. Neighter fame, neighter anything wasn't gonna keep us appart, but I guess people have said it with right. Never Say Never..!! Tonight was аnother of those fights, but not this time!

- I can't belive this..!!

- I can! Because of you're jelosy Kim Kyoung Jae..!!

- Again It's my fault..

- Well it is, I don't know why is this jelosy..?! What happened to the Elison that was all cute and stuff what happened to our future together ..?

- Bull !!! That's what happened..!!

- Soo you say to me that all these 13 mounts we're just a waste of time..?!

-Well, I guess it was..

-Okay, okay ing okay Kyoung Jae.. I quit! I qui playing this game and i give up this time I'm not gonna argue because arguing with you is like reading the same story over and over again i know what the end is.. 

 I went up stairs got out my suitcase and pushed in all my clotes. I closed the zipper with wattered eyes. I couldn't take this anymore it wat too much.. I went down to see Elison watching footbal I left my keys on the little tabel and took my jacket I looked at him for a last time. He was sitting there with eyes and mouth wide open. I felt how my tears flowed down my cheecks he came and wiped them. He wanted to take my suitcase.

- We both know, that you aren't gonna leave. I apologize to you now let's..

- No! Not this time Kyoung Jae.. I'm leaving for good. I can't take it anymore.

He sighted and runed his hand through his hair.

- Then let me take you at the airport then.


  There we we're awkwardly not talking to each other in the car. And I didin't feel that awkward I had nothing to say to him anymore. And then all the memories with Eli attacked my mind and I started to doubth the "I love you's" And with every right. I felt that Eli was driving slow I loocked at him.

- Faster, please I'll be late.

- That's my point. 

He said and stoped the car.

- Kim Kyoung Jae! 

Nothing. I shouted again..

- I'm not letting you!

- I'm not asking you.

 And after a little shouting we we're at the airport. Me and Eli faced oureselves.

- Are you sure..?

- Positive.!

- Then this is goodbye, right here..

- And don't forget whatever doesen't go right go left.

- Sung Rin.

- Yah..?

- Can I beg you to prommise me something?

- It depense..? What do you want?

-...Come back... After a while... Come back to me Shin Sung Rin.. Tell me that you're gonna be away for a while. Comfort my heart with this last promise of yours. I'm begging you.

 After this he got on his knees. The tearse flowed down my cheecks. What was I suposed to do..? I didin't knew if I would come back. What was I suposed to say to him.

- I'm sorry. For everything! Please, give me a little hope. 

- I love you. You know that don't you..? If you love me a little bit..

- No. Don't say that.. I love you with all my heart.

- Then why didin't I see that these past 3 mounts..? For the promise I don't know what to say.. Maybe.. 

 After these words I heard that my flight was leaving in 10 minutes.

- Goodbye, Kim Kyoung Jae.

 I turned my back and felt his hand stoping me. I clenched my fist i sniffeled got my hand free and walked down the way to the plain. Without looking back. My heart was screaming "Look at him go back and jump in his arms.!", but my mind "This is the better way.." I guess i gave my mind the head role this time eaven though my heart was broken to uncovery.. I did what i had to do.

2 years later..

 I sat down in the living room, with pop corn and soda. I couldn't beleve 2 years since I left him. My mind flipped out of questions about Eli. How was he? What was he doing? Does he still "love" me like he said at the airplane. I decided to clear up my mind and turend on the TV and I saw the place that was gonna be their concert. 3 hours before it was about to start. God I missed him so much. Then at the back I saw Kevin Soohyn and Hoon holding a poster of a picture of me and Eli and under the picture was written "Come back Sung Rin we can't recognize Eli after you left ;(." Could this be.? Was he been suffering? Was he hurt I guess, after I saw the poster. I took my jacket and my suitcase I decided I was going back. 

 Here I was on my way to the concert.. I went backstage the security didin't let me the I saw Kiseop. He told the security to let me in. He huged me when he saw my suitcase.

We we're near the dressing room Kiseop entered like nothing happened. My heart was going to explode. I knocked and then opened the door. When they saw me. Their reaction was like they won world war 3, but Eli wasn't there.. after a while he came and his eyes got widened when he saw me and when he saw my suitcas he came near me and kissed me pasionetly i kissed back I had missed these kisses so much. 

- And this is me and you're daddy's love story kids.. 

I said and looked at Eli we smiled to each other and then kissed. From Park Sung and Hyo Sung we herd an "Eww" and then loocked at them and laughed..

- Come on, let's put you to bed little ones.


- I don't remember saying "Comforth my heart with this last promise of yourse" 

- Oh.. don't you well you're getting old let's admit it..

- I'm getting what..?

- Old.. very very very old you're hair is eaven white.. 

 I joked.

- Oh yeah well can an old man kiss you that pasionet like at the end..

 He said kissing me. We herd another cute ''Eww.." Eli looked at Park Sung and Hyo Sung and said.

- Weren't you suposed to be in bed dreaming you're 27-th dream.?

 We all laughed and then Eli runned to them and got them to sleep. I went to our bedroom and was gonna do the same when..

- Oh no..!!

 I looked at Eli and saw him standing infront of me with only his boxsers on ily smiling.. xD

- Oh yes come here you old man.. 



Enddd Hope you liked it Coment what you think please this is my first fanfiction.. Thanks.. :))

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