Part 1/2



Part 1/2                                                   


Kyungsoo heard the soft knocks by door, briefly waking him up as he wasn’t really in a deep sleep. He let out a silent groan as the sun’s rays coming from the window blinded his sight slightly. He lazily rose from bed, being careful not to trip and knock over those tubes attached to him as he makes his way towards the window. He smiled in satisfaction as he finally closed the curtains and he heard knocks from the door again.

“Kyungsoo, it’s me. Are you okay in there? Open this door or I will definitely destroy this just to check up on you.” The voice from the other side the door echoed in Kyungsoo’s ears and it surprised him as that person is the least he’s expecting to visit him. Kyungsoo’s eyebrows furrowed, thinking that he might just be hearing things. But then, he heard the voice of the younger guy again, saying that he would definitely knock the door over now. He is being stupid as he can actually ask for the key of his room by the nurses’ station, Kyungsoo had thought. With a shake of his head, he opened the door.

“Kai, what are you doing here?” Kyungsoo asked in a flat tone as he stared at the guy in front of him. He was right. It really is Kim Jong In, called mostly by Kai, standing by the door and threatening to destroy this door awhile ago. It really is Kai, the guy he wasn’t expecting to pay him a visit.

“Well, I’m visiting you. Mind if I come in?” Kai asked with a smile and Kyungsoo just replied with a shrug as the idea of Kai visiting him is still taking a long process in his brain. He swiftly went back to his bed and sat as Kai had placed a basket of fruits by the bedside table and sat at the couch in front of Kyungsoo after.

“So, why did you visit me?” Kyungsoo asked and raised his eyebrows at Kai. He still couldn’t quite fathom why this guy would actually waste his time visiting him. He had never really liked Kai- he despises him. They go way, way back and Kyungsoo has been living those years hating him.

“Kyungsoo, it’s your birthday today. Have you forgotten? Why would I not visit you when it’s your birthday today?” Kai shook his head with a bit of a chuckle and began rummaging inside his backpack. He pulled out a present box and handed it over to Kyungsoo. “See? I brought you a present like I always do every year.” He grinned.

“Gee, thanks.” Kyungsoo sarcastically said and scoffed as he got the box from Kai’s arms. “What is it this time, Kai? Oh, is it something poisonous to finally kill me on my 21st birthday? Then, for once, you’ve done me a favor. I would be dying soon anyway so why not die now?”

“Please don’t say that.” Kai’s lips turned into a frown as he stares at Kyungsoo, his stare seems to be piercing way underneath Kyungsoo’s skull as he uncomfortably fidget under Kai’s gaze.

“What? Isn’t it true? You always give a present on my birthday but your gift is just utter bull every time. You always see me as your laughing stock. You always play with me as if I’m your toy. You always hurt me, Kai. And I hate you. Kim Jong In, I despise you.”

“Did I really make you… hate me that much?” Kai asked; eyes wide from shock. It was the first time Kyungsoo had told him those words. He didn’t know that what he did for the past ten years of their lives had affected Kyungsoo that much. He hasn’t thought that the things he did would bring Kyungsoo to hate him. Oh, the stupid guy he had been.

“Yes! Do you even know how I felt when I met you for the first time when you were 9 and I was 11?! You were this tanned kid pretending to be innocent as I first saw you by the porch of the house beside ours then the next moment I know, you placed a cockroach inside my shirt! Then, you- you gave me a ing dead rat on a box for my 12th birthday! And, ugh, if I would mention all the things you’ve done to me, I would probably loss my voice ‘cause you’re just one big bastard and-”

Kyungsoo had to shut up as he felt Kai’s warm lips against his. It feels as if all his sanity had been taken away as Kai nibbles on his lower lip. Kai had it and bit it and Kyungsoo just had to open his mouth to give him entrance. It was a mess as how their tongues battle for dominance and Kai had his hand against the back of Kyungsoo’s head, deepening the kiss as Kyungsoo let his hands roam on Kai’s abs. As Kai bit his tongue, Kyungsoo had definitely lost it.




Kyungsoo couldn’t quite bring himself not to look at the kid standing by the porch of the house beside theirs. He had seen him in the morning when the boy and his family stepped out of the truck with their things. He had seen how his hair was effortlessly beautiful and even the way his eyes look sleepy didn’t fail to strike Kyungsoo. He assumed that they already finished unpacking their things as the boy now takes a rest on their porch, looking up at the nearing sunset sky with a tinge of orange color.

He abruptly looked towards Kyungsoo, as if he sensed that someone was looking at him. Kyungsoo’s cheeks turned into a faint shade of pink as the boy caught him looking and he ran back inside their house, causing the boy to chuckle softly as he watched his retreating figure.

“Kyungsoo, please bring this at the Kim’s house. You know our newly moved neighbors? Tell them that we welcome them.” Kyungsoo’s mother told him with a smile as she handed him a freshly baked cake which Kyungsoo identified as a welcome present. He remembered the boy that caught him looking and had his second thoughts but soon agreed to bring it over. It would be a great chance to know him, Kyungsoo presumed.

“Uhm, my mom sends over her greetings.” Kyungsoo shyly told the boy whose still standing by the porch, handing the cake that his mother baked for the new neighbors. What if he doesn’t like me? What if he doesn’t want to friends? Or what if he thinks I’m ugly? Questions after questions were running in Kyungsoo’s brain as he looks at the younger boy.

“You look really nervous. Don’t worry; it’s a good thing you look cute.” The boy bluntly stated and laughed as he saw Kyungsoo blushed again, by his remark this time. He took the cake from Kyungsoo’s grasp and smiled warmly at him. “Thanks. I’m Kai.”

“I-I’m Kyungsoo.” Kyungsoo mumbled and he mentally slapped his face for stuttering like a girl confessing to her crush. Way to go for introducing yourself, he thought with a shake of his head.

“Oh, you’ve made friends already? That’s great.” A woman, probably in her mid-thirties suddenly walked to the porch and beamed at Kai before turning to look at Kyungsoo with a smile. “I’m Mrs. Kim, Kai’s mother. Please be free to call me auntie. What’s your name?”

“I’m Kyungsoo, Mrs. Kim- I mean auntie.” Kyungsoo told her with a smile. “Uhm, my mother sends her greetings over and she also baked that cake that Kai is holding.”

“That’s so sweet. Please tell her that I’m thankful and we invite your family over for dinner later.” Mrs. Kim kindly offered and Kyungsoo nodded as he said thanks. Mrs. Kim excused herself from them and went back to their house, leaving the two boys alone together once again.

“I guess I’ll see you over for dinner, Kyungsoo?” Kai grinned and Kyungsoo just nodded at him. Kyungsoo also excused himself and told him that he is now going back to their house. What was that? Kyungsoo asked himself as he placed a hand over his chest, only to find that the fast beating of his heart was gradually returning back to normal. He decided to turn his head to take one last peek at Kai and the boy waved at him, causing Kyungsoo to immediately retreat back his head and he felt his heartbeat racing again.

Kyungsoo couldn’t quite concentrate on his food as he was seating with Kai in front of him when their parents were having their own little talks. He was conscious of Kai’s presence in front of him, he admits but he doesn’t know why. He carefully took a bite off the food from his chopsticks and looked at Kai, only to find him looking at him as if he’s a display on a museum on Kyungsoo got conscious at this even more.

They soon finished their dinner and Kai and Kyungsoo volunteered to clean up the dishes while their parents where in the leaving room. Kyungsoo was carefully wiping the little crumbs from the table and he felt really uncomfortable as he was sure that there’s something crawling on his back inside his shirt. He removed his shirt and disgustedly looked at the cockroach, knowing that it crawled on his back awhile ago.

“I wonder if you’ll have abs when we’re older.” Kai commented and Kyungsoo realized that he was topless in front of Kai. He had brushed the insect off his shirt and it crawled over to Kyungsoo-doesn’t-know-where and he put his shirt back, feeling awkward under Kai’s penetrating gaze. “By the way, didn’t you even realize that I was the one who actually put the cockroach inside your shirt?” He laughed and the older boy glared at him.

This Kai is a jerk. Kyungsoo had thought.


It was Kyungsoo’s 13th birthday and he just got home from celebrating his birthday with some of his friends. His mother had insisted that they should at least have something for Kyungsoo’s birthday in their house and she invited the Kim’s over. Just great, Kyungsoo sarcastically says in his mind.

“Kyungsoo, I have a present for you.” Kai cheerfully said, holding up a small gift bag with a bright grin on his face. Kyungsoo looked at him suspiciously.

“Last year, you gave me a dead rat in a box. What is it this time?” Kyungsoo rolled his eyes and began opening the gift bag. He stared at Kai in disbelief, holding out one and running a hand through his hair. “Kai,” Kyungsoo sternly called out his name. “Why the hell did you give me a dozen condoms?”

“I’m welcoming you to your teenage years, of course! Welcome to your teen years, Kyungsoo!” Kai clapped his hands. “Teens these days, , you need to have that. My gift for you is for starters so it’s just a dozen. The convenience store is just a block away if you already managed to use all of it. You know, you need protection. As how the saying goes, prevention is better than cure! Would you want to get a girl pregnant at such an early age? No, you wouldn’t. So I, in all my kindness, very kindly give you a dozen condoms as a gift. Safe , alright? Well, it’s not unless you’re going to someone with the same s as you. Oh wait, you can still use that. lollipops wouldn’t be fun without flavor, right? I know that my gift is really useful. Enjoy!”

Kyungsoo just couldn’t quite find out what’s wrong with the brain of Kai.




Kyungsoo’s gaze lingers at Kai, panting as he gasps for breath and Kai did the same thing. He would lie if he’d say that the make out session with this guy wasn’t hot. He couldn’t understand why he didn’t push him away. Maybe it’s because Kai’s lips made him weak in the knees. Maybe it’s because a part of him wants this. Maybe it’s because of both. Whatever the reason is, Kyungsoo thinks that he’s on the verge of losing his sanity. He kissed Kai; he made out with the guy he hates the most.

“I’m going crazy.” Kyungsoo breathed put, running a hand through his hair and Kai just intently stare at him, hair dishevelled and topless already. It was quite a sight, Kyungsoo had to admit. They were no longer the young boys they knew from 10 years ago. Kai seemed to be working out with those abs and all, Kyungsoo didn’t fail to notice.

“Kyungsoo, I-” Kai couldn’t seem to find the right words. He knows that he isn’t the type to run out of something to say but something about the way Kyungsoo’s eyes were staring at him made him choke all the words he has to say. He has so much to tell Kyungsoo but he doesn’t know where to start or what to say. He has so much to say but he doesn’t know if Kyungsoo would even want to listen to him. He had heard straight from Kyungsoo’s very own mouth that he hates him but as to how Kyungsoo didn’t resist his kisses, he has to be believe that there’s hope somewhere within. There must be hope that Kyungsoo doesn’t actually hate him. There must be.




“Hey, Kyungsoo, it’s me!” Kai waved, making his way towards Kyungsoo and his friends’ table, making Kyungsoo groan in frustration. It was really a bummer that Kai had enrolled to the same high school he is in. Kyungsoo was very much glad when he made it out of middle school where Kai was also in his school. Basically, they also went to the same elementary. Now, he has to deal with him on school again.

“You’re dating a freshman?” Baekhyun, one of Kyungsoo’s friends, questioned him as he saw Kai making his way towards their table. “Hot.” Baekhyun whistled and Chanyeol agreed with a grin as he nodded and Kyungsoo gave them a cold glare. Hell no, why would he date him?

“Hi, I’m Kai.” Kai had introduced himself as he finally made his way towards their table before smoothly stealing a seat beside Kyungsoo. Kyungsoo signalled Kai not to bother him but he simply wouldn’t do so. Kyungsoo is pissed off.

“So, I assume that you are Kyungsoo’s guy?” Suho asked with a polite smile. Well, he had always been polite and that’s just something normal for him. He believes that he should be nice with Kai, thinking that he is his friend’s boyfriend.

“He’s not.” Kyungsoo spat out, giving the Suho the cold glare he had given Chanyeol and Baekhyun earlier. Suho just shrugged at him as if saying that he doesn’t know. “Now, Kai, would you kindly go away and piss off someone else?”

“Aww, Kyungsoo, you’re hurting my feelings.” Kai feigned hurt, holding his hand to his chest. Kyungsoo just rolled his eyes on him. The hell would he care about this guy? He’s just an annoying jerk of a neighbor to him so he decided not to bother replying. Kai gave him a sly smile and shook his head before walking away.

“Hey, isn’t he the one you’re always talking about? You’re neighbor who gets in your nerves or something?” Chanyeol asked once Kai was out of sight. Kyungsoo’s eyebrows were furrowed as he slowly chews his food in his mouth. “You look cute together, really.” He bluntly stated, making Kyungsoo crease his eyebrows even more. Is Chanyeol out of his mind? Kyungsoo had asked himself in disbelief. Chanyeol did not just say that.

“Oh, yes, he did say that.” Baekhyun smirked, crossing his arms as he looks at Kyungsoo. Kyungsoo’s eyes widened at the statement. How did Baekhyun read his mind just like that? It was creepy. “I didn’t read your mind. Your questions are just easy to figure out.” He says, shrugging as if it was nothing and Kyungsoo just decided to also shrug the thought of Baekhyun reading his mind.

“Well, seriously, I do not like that guy. He’s annoying. He’s a jerk. He pisses me off and you know what? When we first met, that bastard placed a cockroach inside my shirt and-” Kyungsoo kept on babbling and babbling, only to be stopped by Suho putting a spoon inside his mouth.

“We heard that many times already.” Suho rolled his eyes at Kyungsoo. “And we didn’t say that you like him. You’re being too defensive and all. Maybe you actually do.”

Kyungsoo looked at Suho in horror, as if he had said something really scary before removing the spoon Suho had placed on his mouth. “I do not like Kai and I will never do. I do not like that guy, damn it! Suho, you know what? I saw some sophomore students already and it must be their break time. Just go to your Chinese sophomore boyfriend. Stop bothering me and go to your Lay because unlike you guys, I’m straight. I know I am.”

Suho shrugged at him. “You’re still in your identity crisis, I see. Well, excuse me. I need to go to my Yixing.”


“Did you know? Kai is dating Sehun. I heard that they’re from the same class.” Baekhyun informed Kyungsoo as they’re eating on their usual table on the canteen. Kyungsoo tells himself that he couldn’t care less but why does it feels like he had been slapped hard in the face? He convinced himself to shrug the feeling off and made a face at Baekhyun. “What’s with the face? Are you jealous?”

“No.” Kyungsoo muttered under his breath, wrinkling his nose. “It’s just that he is finally dating someone. It’s a shame that it he didn’t get anyone on his freshman year and it’s just now that he managed to bag someone. There he goes, telling me that he is handsome and hot and all and it took him a year. And he tells me I’m gay. It turns out that he’s the one who isn’t straight.”

“Firstly, you’re the one who is in senior and is still single.” Baekhyun pointed out and Kyungsoo opened his mouth to protest but he cut him off. “Going to protest? C’mon, have a reality check. And why do you always have to deny that you aren’t straight? Seriously, Kyungsoo, I can tell you that you aren’t straight. At first, I was also denying that to myself but then, I met Chanyeol. He’s wonderful.” Baekhyun dreamily sighed and Kyungsoo faked gagging, making Baekhyun glare at him.

Kyungsoo didn’t know what to do as he saw Kai walking towards their table together with Sehun. He had held his breath, anticipating their arrival. Baekhyun looked at Kyungsoo worriedly while he did nothing but stare at the two, his heart beating fast as they come nearer their table.

“Oh, it’s my neighbor Kyungsoo.” Kai said, smirking at Kyungsoo and he doesn’t know why he feels nervous at Kai’s presence right now and it wasn’t helping that Sehun is with him. “I just want to inform you that Sehun and I are together now. Great news, isn’t it?

The next thing Kyungsoo saw was something he wished he didn’t. Kai and Sehun’s lips were locked; hands all over each other as their tongues where battling. And it unfolded right in front of Kyungsoo’s eyes. “I think I need to pee.” Kyungsoo had lamely excused himself. He assumed that Baekhyun would just walk out just like him because right now, he just need some time alone.

Kyungsoo had entered one of the stalls of the comfort room and he sat on the bowl, just spacing out, remembering and replaying the scene he had seen awhile ago.

That guy is just Kai. He says to himself. Kai is just that annoying neighbor. Kai is just one bastard jerk. Kai is just that kid who pulled his pants off during the general assembly on elementary. Kai is just that punk who sprayed ‘I love ’ on his locker in middle school .Kai is just the one who broke the glass of the window of an old man’s house and blamed it to him. Kai is just the one who insists that Kyungsoo isn’t straight and has the hots for him. Kai is just that who gave Kyungsoo ty gifts during his birthdays- a dead rat on 12, dozen condoms at 13, his tooth that fell off at 14, a French maid costume which he insisted that would look good to wear at 15, his boxer with his signature on it at 16, videos at 17, and a at 18 last January.

Yes, Kai is just that kind of guy. Kyungsoo tells himself but as the image of Kai and Sehun kissing each other and remembering that those two are already dating, he felt hot liquid suddenly streaming on his face and with quivering hands, he touched it. Kyungsoo was crying and he couldn’t believe that he was crying over Kai.

Sometimes, unexpected things just get slapped right upon your face without even seeing it coming. It’s just that ed up.

“I hate you, Kim Jong In.”




A/N: Part 1 of 2 is up! How was it? It's my first time writing a story. /Hides



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Carolyne1100 #1
Can you please continue? The history is so good, please finish it! =D