Finding You In Common Places




Every ground we treaded on, together or apart, holds memories.


Every space that held our breaths, can write a story.


The common places in our lives make up a portal, to the extraordinary.


The Portfolio Of Loose Sheets



Our love story started over a few ruffled bills and sleepy smiles. I didn’t want to bring up love because love means falling, and I was always afraid of heights. But I learned that if you don’t overcome your fear, you lose out. I didn’t want to be that person, who returns life’s offerings.


Two rains later…


Pieces of you here and there - I pick them up, gather them together, and sit, staring into the suffocating silence in the portico. But that’s beyond the point. I’ll put the portfolio of these lose sheets away, where it can’t haunt me.






-100 words



A/N: Contest Entry for x → infinity: an infinite writing contest


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Chapter 4: I simply love this. The way the story works with the beginning and the ending being an afterwards to the middle is genius! Wonderful job!
chosaengie #2
Chapter 4: it's beautiful. the way you wrote the story, it's just amazing. one of the best i've ever read. thank you so much for this!
Ivettie25 #3
Chapter 4: Such a sad ending. But a really cute and sweet story. Thanks for an aswome story. Great work!!! >_<
Chapter 4: this is good, not everyone can be forever...because sometimes people change ;_;
i still sad that woogyu cant be together, though...
Chapter 4: Oh wow this is so awesome...sad that they couldn't stay together but they both found someone and are happy ^^ I really love this good job !!^^
Ivettie25 #6
Chapter 3: No they broke up. Tear. Really good. Sad but good. Thanks you so much and great work!!
Looking foward to your next update!! ♥_♥
straybangfinite877 #7
Chapter 2: Wow is all I can really say!!
Ivettie25 #8
Chapter 2: This is really beautiful. Full of poetic words make it so beautiful. Love it. ^_^