Are you okay?

Speaking Of The Angel

Sehun is in his way to his new house from school. Earphones on both ears. People were staring him in awe. Because who won't stop and take a glance at a gorgeous passer-by that you could rarely see in the neighborhood.


As of what people can see, Sehun looks like just an ordinary teenager. One of his high school's respected because of his flawless looks. A skilled dancer, and tops his class. Everyone admired him, everything about him.  But this isn't only what he possess. Sehun can hear, see and feel non-human beingsNon-humans, he labels it, because he doesn't know what to call them. They aren't ghosts, nor monsters. This beings got attached to him, as if they were like normal girls and boys who stalk him, and sometimes make fun of him. This started since childhood. And he doesn't tell this to anyone, only few trusted people do.


Sehun's alone in a street now, few more blocks and he's home. But, he doesn't feel alone.



" Sehunnie~ please talk to me already ", the floating woman behind him won't stop whining. This new stalker got interested to Sehun when he got in the train. Sehun didn't got shocked when she accidently caught a glimpse of the creepy woman and pretended like nothing happened.

But the woman didn't fall over Sehun's little act, and followed him.



" Heeeyy!!! Stop with the acting will you? I know you can see me.. " Still, Sehun doesn't pay attention. He could still hear the cries from her though he's playing music in it's maximum volume.

" Yoohoo~~ Sehunnie! I will give you anything you want. Just please talk?" How can this woman can't stop talking? Sehun thought. He's getting pissed already.



Soon, Sehun felt the being stopped. He was about to turn around to check if she was really stopping, unbelieved of what happened. But he didn't anyway, because the woman will finally win over her non-stop whining, so he continues walking.


You're hard, huh? ", and stop. He felt his body shiver from what he supposed to be dark auras behind him. But he still doesn't turn.

Sounds like I have to use physical ways ", Sehun's eyes widened at the eerie voice and the threat the woman said. He can't believe this woman is so attracted to him, to the point she uses physical ways.


Sehun turns finally, but it was a mistake.



The woman rushed in his direction. That was at an incredible speed but Sehun sees the face painted on her face. Her eyes on black widened, and a creepy smile like he saw on those horror movies. He stumbles backward, but the angry being pushed him resulting to be thrown hardly and he's back hits the wall. The latter slides onto it, she approaches again to attack on the boy sitting on the ground. Sehun put up onto his defense position, arms on his head as if it would protect him from a sure painful assault.





He feels nothing.



Hesitantly, Sehun lifts his head up. To take a small glance at the attacker. But the expected being is nowhere to be found. He finds her, still on his position. And then a large feather lands on his head.

He grabs it. And his brows furrowing at the discovered thing.


" Are you okay? "


A boy with a bright smile approaches Sehun, holding his backpack's straps. And wings behind his back.



Sehun stares.

The boy crouches down to get a better view of him. The latter blinks adorably.


Somehow, he remembers the first time an angel actually saved him. The female angel crouches down at the poor kid somewhere in the woods, in the middle of the night.

" Are you okay? ", the sweet voice calms little Sehun down.



The male angel offers his hand to Sehun, " You can stand up, you know ", and he reaches for it. The boy smiles, and Sehun smiles too, as if the smile is contagious.

" Are.. you okay? ", the boy asks the second time.

However, Sehun looks at him, smile never leaving.


" This kinda feels nostalgic"



Sehun realizes all these non-human beings are really distressing.


" Would you mind if I take you home?", the boy asks.





But angels are an exception.



" Let's go to a bubble tea shop first"

" Do you.. really don't mind? I mean, you just met a stranger and then you just offer him going to a shop with you like normal buddies "

" Unless you introduce yourself "

The sun is warm. And Sehun feels unnaturally comfortable.


" Oh.. my name's Luhan by the way "






4 subscribers.. 18 views..

i-is this for REAL??????????????????????????

LIKE SERIOUSLY? How could a crappy story draw this wonderful subbies in a day?

and.. sorry.. if I didn't met ur expectations for this story, i'm truly sorry. and also for the wrong grammars.. english isn't my first language anyway.

I was actually inspired by this fanart. i don't know hangul tho.





it's EXO's comeback..



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Chapter 1: yer funny author-nim hohohoho
Chapter 1: wah nice beginning.. interesting :D