O1. Cold as Ice.

Secret Love

New place.

New me, I guess.

I looked around, in case if I know anyone from my place. Pffft. No luck when the heads I saw were fresh, nowhere to be found in my memory box. I held the student form firmly on my hand as I waited for my turn to hand in to the management people. They seemed to be outta hands since there are many of us, the new students, the new intake. I popped the earphones into my ear and hummed to the song as it blast through my ear while I waited.

“Kim HyoJin”

The lady from Line 4 called out my name. I took out the earphones and marched my way to the counter. “The form please?” she commanded before I handed in to her. “Everything has been filled?” I nodded. “Okay. That’s great” she smiled to me and the hand was fumbling something inside the box, something that rattles. “Here is your set of keys to your dorm and the direction is written on the piece of paper inside the envelope” that was the last thing she said to me before I left the counter.

The envelope is heavy, God knows how many keys are there inside. I shook the brown coloured envelop as I walked towards the exit through the main door but stopped suddenly as I forgot to plug back my earphones inside my ears. I stood in the middle of the way, more like near the entrance.

As I was busy shuffling the songs inside my iPod, I did not realize the surroundings and there goes my senses down the drain.


I feel like as if I got hit by one massive boulder. A guy in blue colored shirt with black tie bent down, collecting his belongings on the floor and his reaction tells me that he wasn’t pleased with what just happened.

“S-sorry” I stammered as I apologized and helped him to gathered the scattered paperwork on the floor. I passed him a pile of paper that I managed to gather and he took it off my hands without saying anything, avoiding my gaze too. Once he managed to get everything back in his hands, he stood up and headed towards the counter which I left minutes ago, before I bumped into him.

“Cocky bastard” I muttered under my breath as I watched him walked away. I mean like, he could thank me for helping or he could have said “it’s okay”. Sheesh.

To be honest, I don’t know whose fault is it. I mean, he should be able to see me just now, I stood out quite clearly behind those glass doors and I could have stopped when I got out. Whatever it is, I don’t really care about it but what matters the most is that he’s rude.




After collecting my belongings near the guard house, I started to look at the direction to my hostel and it seems that the building isn’t that far from where I was standing. It took me five minutes of walking until I stopped right in front of the door to my hostel. Gold writing over a piece of metal was neatly stuck on the front door, 103.

I took out the bunch of keys from the envelope and began to look for the label “FRONT” before I managed to unlock the wooden door.

The interior of the room seemed good enough for me. I requested to live on my own, without any housemate. It’s much easier like that since I’m not very keen of keeping up with my social life. I may know a lot of people but I’m not really close to them, a simple ‘Hi’ would do when I accidentally ran into them on the street.

I began to unpack my things and put everything in place before heading back to the main hall for some briefing and actually, it’s when the orientation week starts.

Since I do not know anyone, I randomly sit on a sit somewhere near the back. The seat is comfortable as that I swear to God that I could fall asleep. Seemed that I was quite early, most of the seats are vacant. Again, I stuffed my ear with my nearly-battered earphones and put turned the volume to the maximum it could get.

Suddenly, I could feel someone tapped my shoulder. My head spun and found a girl, standing next to where I was seating. “Is this seat taken?” she asked and I shook my head as a reply to her question. Although the music is blasting through the earphones, I could still hear her. She smiled in response to my approval for taking the seat next to me. Then, we started to ignore each other’s presence.

Gradually, the hall is filled with people, starting from the front row. I look around the hall as I enjoyed the music, observing my batch mates.

My reaction turned sour as I hissed to the presence of that cocky guy. This time, he wasn’t alone, seemed like he got his pact with him. They were looking for seats that could fit them all without separating from one and another. The rest of them looked cheerful by their expression except for the guy, he wore the same cold expression as before.

“Pfft. Cocky bastard” I swore.

“Woah~ You okay?” the girl asked me as she snorted.

“Urgh. I’m okay, it’s just that I dislike that guy over there” I told her as I pointed to the guy.

“Lol~ What has he done to you? I mean no offense but we haven’t even been here for a day” she laughed. Her eyes dilated with joy indicating that she is amused or enjoyed with my company, I assumed.

“He’s just rude I guess. No manners I presume” I laughed too as I explained.

“Hahahaha~ I’m MinJi by the way~” she introduced herself.

So it’s my cue to tell her my name too.

“HyoJin. Kim HyoJin” I smiled.

Deep down, I prayed hard that the group won’t choose the vacant seats in front of us but my luck for today has decided to take a break. The group of boys took their seats and one of them shouted and beckoned the guy to sit on the same row as them. “Yah~! Jung DaeHyun! Over here!”

He suddenly noticed that I was seating behind his friends. Although he did not stop, he gave me that one cold stare. We exchanged looks, seems like we both got the wrong side of each other. I was hoping that he would refuse to sit in front of me but he ignored my existence and our gaze did not meet after the cold therapy.

Well, Jung DaeHyun, congratulation.

You made yourself on top of my list of the bunch of people that I detest.

Screw you, you cocky bastard.





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