

chapter seven ; he


The sun was shining brightly and the birds were chirping like today was the best day of their lives. It seemed like a special day since Kris had opened up his blinds instead of getting dressed in the dark. For some odd reason, Kris felt like he should prepare for something. Kris hadn’t contacted Amber ever since her last visit when he had all of his disorders kicking in. The memory is still vivid in his mind. Kris let out a deep sigh and finished rearranging himself.

“You’re now, Wu Yi Fan.” Kris took a deep breath as he stared at his new and improved self in the mirror. “Let’s face it. This change was soon to happen anyways.” Kris sighed and fixed his collar one last time before grabbing his backpack, keys, and phone.

By the time he was almost out the door, his mom stopped him for some questioning. Kris sighed since he was an inch closer to getting out of the house. He turned around at the sound of his mom’s voice as she walked out of the kitchen with a light blue coffee mug in her left hand.

“Is there something you need, Mother?” Kris asked in his most polite ‘Boy Next Door’ type of voice. He waited for his Mom to say something, but she just stood there and scanned Kris’ body like he had chicken pox all over himself.

“Mom, control yourself. Your son needs to get to school so he doesn’t get detention.” Kris snapped his fingers to get his Mom out of La La Land. She flinched and looked up to her son who looked fresh and ‘hip’ as the people say it these days… not.

“You can go now.” Mrs. Wu took a deep breath of satisfaction as Kris turned around to leave. She quickly pat his before he left, earning a grunt in response. She laughed at her son and watched him leave.

“MAKE ME PROUD, WU FAN!” Mrs. Wu shouted after her son who was embarrassingly heading to school in his black Corvette.

“Oh god. Why…?” Kris said to himself repeatedly after being in by his mom’s attempt to embarrass him early in the morning which, she had succeeded. He could imagine the huge smile on his Mom’s face. Especially when she hit his . Now, that was weird.

Kris pulled into the parking lot as he stepped out of the car. He was lying about being late since he had always got to school early, just to walk around, and enjoy the silence for a good half hour without anyone interrupting him.

He strolled around with his hands in his pockets along with his Louis Vuitton sunglasses. Kris stopped at the court and looked at it, letting out a deep breath. He slowly took off his sunglasses and looked off into the distance where he could see himself from long ago, play on the basketball team. A low chuckle escaped his lips as he saw a stray basketball by the benches. Kris looked around so nobody would see him as he sprinted towards the ball in a frenzy.


It’s been a while ever since Kris had held a ball. The feeling felt a bit foreign to him since it had been about more than a year when he had officially played. He sighed, remembering the reason he quit was because of his disorder.

“I wish I could play again.” Kris said to himself out loud.

The sun was fully set as Kris heard the revving of many engines that came from sports cars. Kris grimaced at the sound because of how they showed off their cars that probably weren’t as expensive as his. What a bunch of stupid jerks. Kris thought to himself while laughing. He shot the ball into the hoop as it made its way in. Swoosh. Kris smiled and shot a few more before the Kingka’s’ came to take over the court like they usually do.

The Kingka’s walked over and stared at Kris like he was a pig with nine eyes. Kris slowly rolled the ball over to one of the Kingka’s that was now the captain of the basketball team. The Kingka smirked and picked up the ball, bouncing it around on his fingers. Kris slightly bowed and was about to make his way off the court until the Kingka stopped him from doing so.

“Hey, Li Jiaheng.” He called out in a friendly manner.

Kris turned around at the sound of his real name. The name that his Father had given him at birth, the name he despised the most, the name that made him sound like a sissy, and the name that he had never used ever since his Father had left.

Kris turned around and stared at what used to be his friend back in the day.

“What do you want?” Kris harshly replied with a tint of annoyance in his eyes.

“I-I’ve always wanted to ask you this…” He hesitated and looked down at the basketball in his hands.

Kris waited patiently for him to speak since Kris had nothing better to do.

“Chanyeol, I don’t have all day.” Kris impatiently said even though he was alright with Chanyeol’s silences.

“Why’d you quit b-basketball?” Chanyeol asked, finally looking into the eyes of Kris’.

“I quit because I wanted to.” Kris lied. “I have to go. Goodbye.” Kris left without another word as he trudged back to the main school building where there were some students gathered around the office.

“Who’s that?”

“Isn’t that Kris Wu?”

“He actually looks hot and awesome now!”

Kris felt uncomfortable, hearing all the compliments again and this time it was from his fellow classmates who definitely couldn’t have enough of his new charms.

“He’s hot and smart now!”

The classroom door came in sight as he sprinted down the hallway that was slowly going to get crowded within minutes.





Riiiiiiiiing; the bell went off, signaling for everyone to gather their stuff and go to class.

Kris stood outside of the door and took deep breaths. Deep breaths were now something very common with Kris. He slid open the door as everyone’s attention turned to him. Everyone stared at him while he walked towards his desk that was in the far back where nobody would notice him taking naps. He took a seat with everyone’s eyes still on him. He let out an uncomfortable cough as he took out his stuff needed for class.

“Take a picture. It’ll last longer.” he said as a joke, but they instead had taken it seriously. He heard the camera shutters go off one at a time.

Kris could already imagine the headlines on today’s school newspaper. It was going to be about him and it wouldn’t even be big news yet he’d make the front cover.

Oh, was he right. By the time he got out of his 6th period, there were pictures of his new look. How could this make the front page? He asked himself while stealing quick glances at the newspapers students were holding. The one thing that surprised him the most was the address to his Aunt’s salon. It’s like he was being stalked and they knew that he was bound to do something interesting that one day.

Kris was frustrated as he messed up his hair that he didn’t fix in the morning. Kris took a seat down by Amber who was currently talking to Henry about something funny. He decided not to in and just wait until Amber had noticed him. That’s when he heard his name in their conversation. He managed to lean a bit closer without looking suspicious.

“His new look surprised me! How about you, Oppa?” Henry nodded in response to Amber’s question. He laughed a bit too because it was something people never thought would happen.

“The thing is, Henry… When he changed, he didn’t even send me a picture or notify me! I’m his best friend and I should have a right to know!”

A right to know… Why does that ring a bell?

The flashback of what his Mom had said that one afternoon about Amber being his friend and that he needed to tell her about his Cancer. He shook his head and leaned in his chair while looking straight forward.

Kris closed his eyes and felt air coming to his face. It wasn’t someone blowing air on him or anything, instead it was Amber’s hand. He opened his eyes and saw Amber staring down at him.

“What do you want?” Kris asked in a harsh tone.

“Are you okay?” Amber replied as she blinked.

Henry slowly came from behind her and peeked at what Amber and Kris were talking about. Talk about nosy. Kris gave Amber a look that he didn’t want to be bothered with right now. She didn’t understand as she continued to ask him questions.

“I’m not in the mood. Leave me alone.” he said harshly, breaking a little piece in Amber’s heart.

“You’ve changed.” he heard Amber whisper before she headed to her seat, but he stopped her from doing so by grabbing her wrist and turning her back around.

She seem surprised at Kris’ fast reflexes. Her eyes were wide open, staring straight down at Kris. Kris stood up from his chair, releasing Amber’s wrist, and towering over her with his hands in his pockets.

“Amber Liu, say that again.” Kris said, making sure that his face was invading her personal space.

The classroom was full of tension and pure silence as Amber looked at Kris. Her eyes were opened wide. The new side of Kris frightened her and sent chills down her spine. Even Henry couldn’t step in because of how scary Kris looked.

Amber blinked a few times, trying to control herself. Kris smirked weakly, turning around to sit back in his chair. He looked forward while the class was still as quiet as can be.

“I didn’t change. I’m the same old Wu Fan, Amber.” Kris slightly turned his head to look at Amber who was star struck.

The bell rung to signal that class had begun. Henry rushed to his seat as for the others, they slowly walked to their seats because of the shock and confusion Kris had caused. Amber was in front of her chair as she stared at it. The teacher was not inside the classroom yet, so she wouldn’t be able to count Amber as late.

Amber stared into space during the entire class period. She was focused on taking notes during this period, but instead her mind was occupied with thoughts about Kris. He had obviously changed according to his new violent and charismatic aura. Amber bit her bottom lip and glanced at Kris who was diligently taking down notes, looking up and down at what the teacher and he were writing.

The bell rung right after and Amber immediately ran out of the classroom before anyone else had. She didn’t even wait for Henry or Kris. She just wanted to get out of there. For some strange reason, she felt abnormal. Her body was doing stuff on its own as she touched her hand.  Amber felt as if someone was watching her; someone creepy and stranger-like.

Amber looked around to spot the creepy creature. She blinked a few times and next thing she knew was that she was being taken away from the school. She screamed at the lady who was holding her by the wrist.

“Let go of me now! I don’t even know you!” Amber shouted, managing to get out of the elders hold.

Amber sprinted towards the school and dashed through the crowd. She could see Kris at the end of the hallway and Henry talking to his posse. It was hard to pick. Who could she go to? The changing Kris or her boyfriend? It shouldn’t have been a hard decision, but Henry can’t fight for . Amber rethought the process and closed her eyes, running in a direction. She couldn’t run any further as she opened her eyes and looked up at Kris.

“What’s wrong? You look like you’ve seen a ghost…” Kris asked in a lazy tone yet you could sense worry in there.

“No talking. Follow me.” Amber grabbed his wrist and pulled him through the hallway full of people who were already packing up their backpacks. Amber slowly turned a corner and waited there, searching through the crowd.

Before they both knew it, ‘he’ had appeared before them.

No. Kris thought to himself, looking at the smiling man in front of him. The man looked well off of his own wealth and family. He looked happy and a bit creepy at the same time. A cold aura radiated off of the man. Kris couldn’t put his finger on it, but he had seen this man before somewhere.

“K-Kris.” he heard Amber nervously say.

He looked down for a split second to meet Amber’s desperate pair of eyes. She tightly clutched the ends of Kris’ jumper.

“Kris, I’m scared. He doesn’t look nice.” Amber whispered.

Kris didn’t know what to do. The hallways were now only filled with silence and the footsteps of the students who were heading towards the library, field, or home. Kris could feel a bond between the man and himself. It was strong, something he had never felt before with a man older than him. He looked a bit older than half of the teachers at the school also.

“Excuse me, but who are you?” Kris finally asked.

The man chuckled from hearing the question. Kris noted that this man’s voice was a bit deeper than his and he was probably middle aged. Kris also sniffed the air for a bit without anyone noticing and he smelled a familiar cologne.

Kris’ eyes widened.

“How are you doing, son?” The man who claimed to be Kris’ father had smiled and held out his hand for a friendly shake.

Kris didn’t want to give in as he stared at the hand before him.


This wasn’t how it was supposed to end.

I don’t want to meet you, nor did I ever want to see your face again.

I will not be a Li anymore. I am a Wu now.






I'm so sorry that I haven't been updating much lol. I've been stuck with my parents and a flirtacious boy who won't leave me alone. ; A ; 
I really wanted to put up this chapter because it's been done for about 2 days already and I never got the chance to format it and stuff. 
Also, I joined a Roleplay and I've been dedicated to that since I'm the graphic admin O u O 

Here's the link to the roleplay btw: Michigo Roleplay

Also, I know the chapter is a bit random. LOL, I knew that from the start since I'm always doing the most random things ever. 
Mianhae, it's a habit that can't be fixed. 



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Chapter 13: simple story but feel like awesome! i like!!!
Chapter 13: can you please make some sad stories about krisber? :')
Chapter 13: They re too sweeeeeeeeTtttttt.... Lov it!!! But this is the end??? Atleast kris is free of friend-zone hahahaha XD
Hi. C:
Chapter 11: A mother that gives advices to her kid to date.. NOW THAT'S THE DREAM!!! XDDD
Chapter 10: Omcheezus I get why you're angry at Kris but...asdfghjklunnf.
Hi, author-nim :)