

chapter five ; sick of henber


Kris POV

I watched them with disgust written all over my face. They were feeding each other French fries…again. C’mon! She has hands; two of them as a matter of fact. Ugh, why did I come to this table in the first place? I could have ate my lunch up on the rooftop with Luna or Krystal. They probably don’t want to see this either.

“Oppa, you have ketchup on the top of your lip.” Amber told him as she pointed at her lip to tell him where.

Henry raised his eyebrow and his bottom lip. Oh, I see. You evil conniving little hamster. I can totally see through your plan, bro.

Henry smiled and raised his eyebrows as if to say, “Did I get it off?” Amber giggled and grabbed the napkin to her right. She lightly dabbed the ketchup that was on his lip as it disappeared.

“All better.” Amber satisfyingly said.

Henry smiled back at her as I rolled my eyes for like the nth time already. The others must’ve noticed it since they were snickering in their seats. Krystal shot me a look as if to say, “We should get out of here.” I nodded my head and lightly tapped the others on the leg with my foot. They looked up to see me jerking my head towards the cafeterias exit. They got the message and nodded quickly with their hands on both sides of their trays. We each got up and got ready to go, trying to be unnoticed by the cheesy couple.

“Where are you guys going?” Amber asked, her attention diverted towards the remaining members that were standing up.


We all froze while turning slowly towards Amber, waiting for one of us to answer her. Each of the girls that were standing up had shot me glares as to say, “Tell her! We’re scared!” I rolled my eyes and turned to the sappy couple with a fake smile on my face.

“We’re just going up to the roof for some fresh air.” I tried lying. Come to think about it… my lying has been getting better. Maybe gaining a friend was a good idea.

Amber furrowed her eyebrows and stared at me with a weird look.

“Then we can all go right?” Amber suggested with a smile on her face.

This wasn’t how the plan was supposed to be. I sighed inwardly and looked at the other girls whose faces had deflated with disappointment. They looked like they immediately just gave up on life.

“U-Um, I-“

I didn’t know what to say. What the hell do I come up with? What? I didn’t say that I was a PRO at lying yet. I was almost there though… I think.

“We need to discuss something. It’s for that one cooking lesson! I need help and Victoria said she would help me.” I managed to come up with. It wasn’t the best, but I actually did need help with the lesson. I couldn’t bake a freaking cupcake without burning it for god’s sake.

Amber crossed her arms as if she didn’t believe me. How am I going to get myself out of this one now?! Girls, help me! Just don’t stand there! I saw Victoria slowly move around and she looked prepared to say something, but she closed again. YAH! DON’T CLOSE YOUR MOUTH. YOU’RE THE OLDEST! SAY SOMETHING! I was practically screaming in my head right at this moment. I don’t know how I looked so calm from the outside.

“So, you couldn’t ask me to help?” Amber said, sounding a little hurt.

Uh-oh. No, I just don’t want you and Henry to follow us up to the roof!

“I- uh, I prefer asking Victoria. Her Mom’s an awesome cook so I thought it would be nice to ask professionally. I need an A on this lesson.” I stuttered.

I bet she was totally finding me out now. I motioned with my hand for them to say something, but I did it slowly so it looked normal to Amber. The girls noticed my hand movement as they slowly reacted to it.

“A-Amber! We should go to the mall this afternoon and buy shoes! I really wanted to buy those high tops and I want your opinion on them!” Krystal said, coming to the rescue.

Amber totally forgot about the situation and nodded towards Krystal’s direction. “I’ll definitely come. I’m not busy anyways.” Amber smiled.

“Let’s go. We need some fresh air.” Sulli said, dragging me and Luna by the arm.

Amber and Henry watched as everyone left them at the table. They shook their heads in confusion.

“What’s wrong with them?” Henry asked in the midst of dipping his lone French Fries into the ketchup.

“I don’t know. I really wanted to go with them.” Amber pouted and turned towards Henry who was stuffing his face. She rolled her eyes and flicked his forehead. He rubbed the spot with a pout growing on his face.

“Aw, is little Henry going to cry?” Amber . He let out a chuckle and poked her side for payback.

“You she-devil.” Henry spat playfully.

“You evil Hamster.” Amber retorted.

They glared each other down for 5 seconds before bursting out into laughter. Henry wrapped his arm around Amber’s waist and pulled her closer towards him.

“Let’s finish this before we head back to class.” Henry whispered into her ear with a smirk growing upon his face.

He could see the tint of blush rushing up to her cheeks from his skin-ship and words. Amber breathed in and out as she grabbed more of her French Fries. It seemed like French Fries were their food so they continued eating them together while even feeding each other from time to time.

“OH MY GOD. I CAN’T BELIEVE WE MADE IT OUT.” Luna exclaimed with her hands flailing up in the air.

The rest came in with me being the last to enter the rooftop. Everybody seemed relieved to be out here in the sun and whatnot. I watched them set down their trays as I followed behind. We sat down on the floor and ate with joyous conversations going around us.

“So, how do you feel?” Krystal asked.

I continued eating because I didn’t know she directed the question towards me. She nudged me a few times as I looked up to meet her forceful looking gaze.

“What?” I confusedly asked since everybody’s attention was set on me.

“How do you feel about Henber?” Sulli answered for Krystal who was currently eating with a bored look on her face.

“Henber? You already made a pairing name for them?” I asked, surprised. “Dang, you guys sure do move fast.” I added in while shaking my head at the nonsense. I remember their question and stopped shaking my head. “I feel alright. I know what I should feel though since you guys seem serious about it.” I also added in to answer their question from before.

“C’mon, Kris! Enough with it already. We don’t like Henry at all. We always thought you were going to date Amber!” They all yelled in unison towards me who was dumbfounded for a split second.

My eyes widened at what they yelled out to me. It was clear to my ears, but it was never going to happen. Not in a million years.

“You know, I don’t have the brightest reputation here. I’m someone Amber would never be seen with.” I told them with a glum expression on my face.

They sympathetically looked at me. I could feel Victoria’s hand on my back, patting it to comfort me. I was a bit comforted, but it didn’t seem like it to them. By the time I knew it, they all had their hands on my back or shoulder. Even the youngest; Sulli did comfort me also.

“Thanks guys…but I don’t think that’s going to help.” I thanked them, but just washed their sympathy down the drain.

A few minutes after our ‘discussion’, we went back to class and I had that class with Henry and Amber. It was the last class for me because I had to attend something and supposedly Amber was coming with me too. The last class was Heath class and that meant there was going to be talking everywhere. It won’t help me think things over, but it will cloud my thoughts.


Maybe I should have gotten a partner after all. It wouldn’t be that bad to communicate with a fellow earthling like myself…well, not entirely like myself.

“Kris! Can you hear me? Earth to Kris~”

I sniffed the air and smelled something sweet. It was delightful. It almost smelled like Amber’s perfume. Wait… that is her perfume… Why is she so close to me? I turned my head towards where I smelled it and Amber was up in my face with her eyes widened.

“Wu Fan!” Amber whispered into my ears.

My eyes widened at the close contact so, I quickly backed away from her. I looked at her with a confused look as she smiled, knowing that I was now paying attention to whatever she was going to say.

“May I help you?” Kris asked as his eyebrow rose in response.

“I wanted help from you, but you were too busy in Lala Land.” Amber said with a happy smile planted upon her face.

Amber looked excited; too excited. I took a quick look at her to see if anything changed from last time I saw her. No, she still looks like the Llama I still adore. She didn’t cut her hair or anything… What did she change?

“Why are you so excited?” I asked out of curiosity. She smiled and immediately took my hands into hers with the biggest smile planted on her face. WHAT THE HECK IS GOING ON HERE?! Amber’s small hands wrapped around mine as she stared down at my hands.

“Y-Yah! What’s wrong? You seem different.” I said trying not to stutter, but failed horribly.

“Oppa, your hands are so soft and big!” she said while looking up at me. I waited for her to continue her madness. “They’d also fit Vic Unnie’s hands perfectly!”

Yep, I was expecting something a bit off.

I gave her the most judging looks I’ve ever gave her. She seemed surprised that I was able to make that kind of look. She trembled before me as I stared her down.

“Victoria said she wanted me to go over to her house for the prom.” Amber suddenly said.

“Prom? You’re seriously going to- Never mind. I won’t even ask.” I looked away from Amber as I set my eyes upon Henry and his partner. They seemed to be messing things up quite a bit. I heard a soft chuckle from behind me and I could tell it was Amber watching too.

Henry and his partner were currently stuck like glue. They had their hands pressed together and the glue had dried quickly when they did their split second high five. I watched them since for some reason, I was amazingly amused by the sight of a hamster and a dinosaur being glued together.

“Mister Kim, you’re wanted in the music room.” The teacher called out his partner’s last name.

He looked up and slowly nodded. Henry and his partner exchanged glances to each other as their adam apples bobbed up and down. Amber was dying in her seat as I turned to stare at her arms that were flailing in the air. I swiftly grabbed Amber’s wrists and set her arms down to her sides.

“Get to work, Liu.” I commanded fiercely.

To be honest, Amber looked a bit shock at what I had just done. I was never really the violent type unless it was a video game. What can I say? I look more like a fragile man who loves his Mommy so much.

“Yah, are you going to the Prom? I want to go with you! It’ll be the first prom you’ve ever gone to!” Amber shouted, making the other students turn their heads.

“Go back to what you were working on.” I ordered as they obeyed hesitantly. I took a quick glance at Amber. I imagined how she would look in a dress even though I’ve seen her in a dress for formal occasions many times.

“It’ll be awesome! We can hang out with Henry and the girls! It’ll be fun~ C’mon, Oppa!” Amber shook my arm repeatedly as I paid no attention to it.

A few minutes later, Amber was still shaking my arm. I rolled my eyes and stopped my pencil from writing any more information. Her eyes lit up from anticipation. Hah. You must think that I’ve agreed to going to the prom with you?

“Does this mean you’re going?” she asked excitedly. I gave her a look that look that said “What do you take me for, woman?” She seemed surprised at how well I could communicate with my eyes. It didn’t seem like something newly introduced to her since we always spoke with our eyes. Henry must be the memories of our friendship out of her. That foul fellow.

Without noticing, I was glaring straight at Amber while thinking of Henry ruining Amber and I’s friendship. Amber was backing away since she was scared of what I was going to say, but I hadn’t known that I was staring at her in the first place. I heard faint snapping and clapping noises right near my ear. That’s when I totally snapped out of it. I saw Amber with a worried expression on her face while a small uneasy smile appeared on her face.

“Are you okay, Kris?” Amber leaned in close to my face, invading my rights to personal space. I backed away like I didn’t want to be near her when in actuality, I wanted to be as close to her as possible. Geez, I sound like a lovesick teen. Wait, I am a lovesick teen.

Amber POV

My insides were aching to let out that irritated scream. Why didn’t Wu Fan want to go to the prom?! It’s a special day in a teen’s life! It’s where you get pampered and find the right person to be your date. How come Wu Fan knows nothing about it?! I took a good look at the human skyscraper in front of me and he looked admirable and he could get some girls if he took off the glasses and stopped showing that he was such a geek. Don’t get me wrong! He looks nice as a geek, but he’d look a bit nicer if he was to change his style. Now, I’m getting real irritated. I want to ask him again. Can’t I? Would I be a bit too pushy?

“Yah, you’re going whether you like it or not. I’m dragging you in by the ear if I have to.”

Kris’ expression turned into a very surprised one. His eyes widened to a size that I never knew it could go to. Wait, let me back track. DID I JUST THREATEN MY BEST GUY FRIEND? He must think I’m a psycho now! No, he probably already thought that as the first impression. Amber, why can’t you be normal for once? Something really nice is in your head and it comes out of your mouth like a tornado. Calm your farm and just ask nicely. GAD, AMBER LIU.

“I-I’m sorry. I meant that I would help you find a tuxedo so you can come with the girls and I.” I quickly said, ending it with a weird whale noise.

Oh god.

I could already see Kris puffing his cheeks up so he wouldn’t burst out laughing at my pregnant whale noise. I closed my eyes and waited for the laughter to flow out of his mouth, but instead came out something that was unexpected.

“That was too cute.”

Cute? He thought that sound was cute? CUTE!? I might just have to die now because I bet Henry would say that was the weirdest noise he’s ever heard in his lifetime. Why can’t you be honest, Kris? I sighed and opened my eyes to meet up with his bright ones. It didn’t look like he would go back to daydreaming anytime nor go back to his unfinished work.

“S-So, are you coming or not?” I nervously fidgeted with my fingers and bit my bottom lip. Why am I nervous, you say? Kris isn’t a social gathering type of person unless it benefits for him and his family. Let me sum it up for you. He’s a big party pooper.

“If you want me to go that bad then, I guess it wouldn’t hurt.” Kris nodded his head nonchalantly, but that nonchalant nod sent me to the roof. I jumped out of my seat and cheered silently so everyone around me wouldn’t be bothered. I got back in my seat a few moments later and stared at Kris with anticipation written all over my eyes.

He stared back at me as if I was a monster with eyes planted all over my body. Yah, stop staring. I’m a human being too, Kris. It seemed like Kris read my mind because he looked away towards his paper. He lifted it up and read it even though it looked like he wasn’t really focused on it. I took a good look at his face again and knew that I had to give him an extreme makeover like he was Anne Hathaway from ‘The Princess Diaries’.



AUTHOR'S NOTES; I'm really grateful for all the subscribers! I'm the kind of person that thinks on the negative side so I'm more like a pessimist haha. I may not seem like one, but I'm the ultimate one. I'm known as the 'Devil' and 'North Korean Spy' at school. I think I live up to my name in reality. :3 

I'm really sorry for not updating as usual. I've been venting out my anger half of the time and I'm a bit stressed. I can't really do much about it except punch a few walls lol. I've been talking to some of my subbies and it's kind of making me feel better, but my stress isn't going away. Whenever I try to get away from AFF... I always get criticized and stuff and it's making me a bit mad; not depressed at all though. I don't know what I'm doing when I'm done with everything AFF. 

Never mind that. Let's continue this further! :D 

Also, thank you for subscribing! I hope after this chapter, I'll gain at least a bit more subscribers. 
Haha, my KrisBer stories always gather subscribers in the 40 or 50's area and I'd like this fanfic to go into that direction. ^^

Please upvote, comment, and subscribe! 

I love you everybody~


-Kyde ♥

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Chapter 13: simple story but feel like awesome! i like!!!
Chapter 13: can you please make some sad stories about krisber? :')
Chapter 13: They re too sweeeeeeeeTtttttt.... Lov it!!! But this is the end??? Atleast kris is free of friend-zone hahahaha XD
Hi. C:
Chapter 11: A mother that gives advices to her kid to date.. NOW THAT'S THE DREAM!!! XDDD
Chapter 10: Omcheezus I get why you're angry at Kris but...asdfghjklunnf.
Hi, author-nim :)